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Another Birthday Another Selection of Goodies

Yes, I am now as I am writing this 16 years old, nothing has changed since this time last year but hey, more goodies! Before I go nto what i gt this year lets see what i got last year.

My birthday was the 7th of March I coulndt go on GS due to my presents. For my birthday I got Buffy Seson 3 which I have been watching every moment i'm not at school, and I got 2 new books. The Demonata which are cool, and in money i got £50.00, with my £15.00 that makes around £70.00. Legend Of Zelda Twiglight Princess aint arrived yet but is due to soon. What should I spend my mula on?

Uhuh, my spelling hasn't changed but my desires have, sure Buffy Season 3 was good and I still watch it now, but I ended up with 6 copies of Amercian Twlighlight Princess's so that didn't work. And with that money I bought 4 PSP games, and I don't own any of them now because they got boring, or were better on other consoles. And thoose books, started to read the first one and got bored, nuff said. So that birthday was a bit of a let down but don't worry, this birthday more than makes up for it.

Ok so I'll start with the stuff which you all may not find intresting, I got Angel Season 3 and to my suprise Angel Season 4 too, that will keep my up all night! My sister got me a pencil case and some school stuff.....Moving on, I also got that Punisher T-Shirt and it is very very very good, but for some reason they bought the small size and it's kinda tight but ah well, I better not grow any more though. I also got an MP3 player which has 2GB on it whcih can hold 1000 songs, its much much MUCH better than my last one since that belive it or not had 127MB! Thats about 20 songs!!! Ok now on to the games, I got Marvel: Ultimate Allience, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and MotorStorm. I've played them all and my fav is Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, it's very addictive and the storyline is very good and so are the voice actors, pretty funny too. Marvel Ultimate allience is good aswell, It wasn't as exiting to play sibce I owned it on the PSP before, I didnt get very far though and I'm already past the bit wher i got stuck. (PS3 version is alot better than PSP version, much easier to understad what to do.) My Team consists of Spiderman, Wolverine, Elecktra and Iron Man. And MotorStorm, well I have't played it much but so far it's all good good, I useally don't like Racing games without wepons such as Mario Kart but this one is very fun.

Ok now here come's the money, £40.00 (80$) I got and I'll probbaly spend it on Lego Star Wars, don't know why I didn't get it, it was 1st on my list. I spent some of it already on the flOw Expansion pack (Yes a flOW yexpansion pack) and LocoRoco Cocoreccho, Kier reccomended it and I trust him. I havent played them yet I'll fill you in tommrow on how they went, but now some bad news.

My DS plans are ruined, my work say now there not going to pay me, they said I have to be fully Qualified to be payed, a new rule or somthing that just happend to come in 3 days before me birthday, what luck! So I won't be getting a DS anytime soon, ah well, theres alays Xmas.

Seya real soon!

Gary Gygax: 1938-2008

Before there were any role-playing video games, there were pen-and-paper role-playing games. This week brings the sad news that one of the founders of the most famous analog RPG has passed way. Gary Gygax, co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons, died on Tuesday at the age of 69. He had suffered from heart problems.

The news was first announced on the forums of Troll Lord Games, the publisher of Gygax's most recent works. It has since been directly confirmed by the company, which will post an announcement on its Web site later today.

Gygax was best known for helping create Dungeons & Dragons and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, and pioneered tabletop RPGs. The first D&D rulebooks were released in 1974 by TSR, Inc., and since then produced three full-fledged sequels, numerous revisions and updates, and dozens upon dozens of additional rulebooks, settings, and campaigns. While Gygax hadn't had much direct involvement with D&D for many years, he developed and contributed to many RPGs, such as Gary Gygax's Fantasy Worlds from Troll Lord Games.

If not for Gygax's contributions, video games would look much different than they do today. D&D's systems and mythos led directly to many marquee video game RPGs, including the Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights series from BioWare. Its influence can also be seen in many other modern fantasy RPGs, including The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and World of Warcraft. Another of TSR's pen-and-paper RPGs, Star Frontiers, was the precursor to many science fiction RPGs such as Mass Effect.

For its part, Dungeons & Dragons continues to develop, but it won't be the same without Gary. Gary was an insperational person who invented somthing that started out small but soon helped create many other things. Rest in Peace Gary

Gary Gygax: 1938-2008

My next console

Ok picture this, I'm sitting on train and will be on it for about 10 minites, I decided instead of sitting around doing noting I'll get out my PSP. I open my bag rumage around untill I find the PSP, as it is to big to fit in my pocket. I turn it on and then rumage through my bag for a quick game to play, I don't have alot of choices for quick play since the PSP dosn't have many 5 minite games, so in the end I go with Loco Roco. I insert the UMD and as I excpected the UMD is all scracted because UMD's are very easy to get damaged. If this was a normal disc I would wipe it clean with a cloth, but since for some unkown reason the UMD's are in a case which isgood from stopping them geting damaged but once it's been damaged it's very hard to clean the disc. I put back Loco Roco and take out GTA Vice City Stories instead, ok now thats more like it, I put in the disc and then I sit patentily through a long loading sequence, somthing the PSP has lot's of. Then I finnaly get onto the game, but I have arrived at my destination.

Ok so that may have been over exagerated abit because I really do like my PSP and I love those two games, it's just the PSp isn't suited for a quick 10 minites on a train due to it's size, game's and loading sequnces. Next year I am going to collge, it is too far to walk so I'm gonna be about 10 minites on a train, and I am the sorta person who gets bored quickly on a train or even waiting for the train. So I need a new console, now I think I know what It's going to be, yes a DS Lite.

Yes a DS Lite, I have been plondering lately whether I should get one, well I have now officially decided I am going to save up for one. Before I buy a console. I always say to myself that I won't buy it unless it has at least 5 games that intrest me, well I have found 20+ Game's that intrest me. This is just amazing because before I get a console I useally have to stretch to find 5, for my PS3 I made an exception because I got it solely for MGS4. With my PSP however I only got it because I thought playing a handheld with the same graphics as an early PS2 game would be cool. And it was, but now that I have a PS3 I don't really seem to want to play my PSP. So the DS will be my next console, here is a list of the 5 game's that i think will be my first buy's and hopefully the best buys.

1. The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass.

If I just ever get one DS game this has to be it, I have read countless reviews and watched lot's of video's and even had a quick play with it in the shop and it all seems like a good load of fun. It looks very impressive and has intuitive controls and just seems to me that this is the sorta game I'd like.

2. Mario Party: DS

Those who may not know I am one of the few people who can proudly say that I really enjoy the Mario Party series. I have been follwing the series since Mario party 4 and ahave got Mario Party 4,5,6,8 and will defantly be getting this. In this edition there are over 70 mini game's and alot of them have taken advatnge of the DS's capabilties, one minite you'll be blowing into the microphone and the next you'll be drawing a small picture with the stylus. I'll defantly be hooking up with this.

3. New Super Mario Brothers.

Now not to offend any of the newer Mario game's but my favorite Mario game's have alway's been his much older one's like Super Mario Brothers 3 and Super Mario World, those one's are just a blast to play and even though it's been ages since they were made there still alot of fun to play. New Super Mario Brother's has gone back to those roots adding in alot of Mario's newer move's like the stomp and wall jump, also a vast majority of levals to boot! This game just look like my type of game and I know I'll love it.

4. 42 All Time ****cs.

Now as I said before the DS is good for those waits on the train, this is one of those games. There's over 42 ****c game's to chose from and 39 of those game's have online I belive. I mean this has to be the best value for money DS game out there, I just know that I'll be playing this game on the way to collge. I would play Mario Party: DS on the train but me blowing into the DS may make a few people stare. I tried it out at a mate's house and I tried almost all of them, now before I played I thought this was the sorta game where you only like say 5 games in all the 42, well here theres about 36 decent games and the rest are good but not that good, a must buy for me.

5. Super Mario 64: DS

Now I really enjoyed the original game, and when i found out about that they were making a remake for the game I knew that when i ever got a DS I would always get this. The reason I didn't put it higher up my list is because I haven't actully had a hands on with this game, I have read reviews but nothing more. They say the game is a great remake except that the controls are a bit akward, now bad controls useally turn me off a game because if you cannot master the controls you'll never find the game fun, but people say that you can get used to it so I thought I'd give it a miss. But then when I found out there's a bunch of mini game's and exlusive characters that made me start looking to the game again. I will be purchusing this because I really want to see if the controls can be mastered and hopefully when I've mastered them enjoy the game to the full, I can't wait to play as Luigi! :P

I could go on and on becauseas I said I have found over 20+ games that I like, I also may buy Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, Theme Park, SimCity, MySims, any one of the vast majority of mind training games, Final Fantasy III, Tramu Center and many many more. Now I am not getting it for my birthday, I asked for it but they aid it was to expensive, so I will save up for it myself. At my job they will start paying me when I'm 16, I will be 16 next week so I'll begin to be payed. I hope to get around £25.00 ($50.00) a week since I work 7 hours and I reckon I'll get 3-5 pound an hour give or take. And along with that all my birthday money will also go towards the console, I would love to get game reccomendations from you DS players out there and hopefully you'll say whether the games I chose as my top 5 are good buys. Seya Soon!

PS: This is my first really long blog, I'd love feedback on whether you enoy me doing long blogs with picture's or should I stick to short and sweet blogs.

Resistance Maps and Multiplayer Reccomendations.

Well today I looked through my money box and found £6.00, so I went onto the PSN network and bought two items. I bought two Resistance: Fall of Man set's and each had two maps in them so thats four more maps. I played on some of the maps and I really like the snowy one, very good for a sniper battle, the others are ok but thats my favorite. Also reccently I have been getting a MMOG craving, I found a usefull site that lists all the FREE multiplayer online game, theres so many to chose from so if you could reccomend any please feel free.

YAAHOO!!! "Falls of Chair"

I am just speechless, I am actully writing this blog from my compueter in my room which is unbelieable. Well For about 2 months I have had an internetless compuet in my room, my dad couldn't get the internet, a repairman couldnt get it and neither could PC world. And then I try and fix it for myself and what happens, IT WORKS! I cannot even reemeber what I did, just plugged in a few wire's and whalaa! This means so many new things, I'll be on Gamespot alot more, I will be defantly purchusing a webcam now and just.....WHAHAHAHA!!!

"Jumps out of window"

14 Days Till My Birthday

Finnaly, after a whole year my birthday is near, (That Rymes :P) I don't really know what I'm getting apart from My nan is gonna get me an MP3 playe/I-Pod. My dad keeps hinting about Unreal Tornement 3, I think he has already bought it for me, alough i don't know why since i've shown no intrest at all in the game. If I do open that on my birthday, well who knows. Ok so this is the list i have made for my parents to help them buy gifts for me.

Angel Series 3

Angel Season 3 (New Edition)

Well I have reccently fin ished the second season and it ended in Urrrggg a Cliffhanger, so this is the present i want most and I hope I get it.

Daredevil (Soundtrack)


I really enjoyed the movie Daredevil and I really like some of the songs, and some of them are Evescnece, plus at £4.99 you can't go wrong.

The Punisher (Soundtrack)

The Punisher

I know what you may be thinking but I do actully like real music too, but this is a soundtrack i cannot miss, at £2.50 and songs like Eye's wired shut and broken I need to add this to my collection.

Lego Starwars: The Complete Saga

Lego Star Wars:  The Complete Saga (PS3)

I just really really really want this game, I don't care that gamespot gave it 7.5, i love Starwars and I played it at a freidns house i just absolutly must own this game. It has lots of humor and has over 30 hours of gameplay, somthing to keep me away from Oblivion :P

Marvel Ultimate Allience

Marvel Ultimate Alliance (PS3)

I used to own it on PSP but back then i wasn't much of a Marvel freak, and the PSP version wasn't eactly the best because it was hard to see what was going on and hand cramps major! This version looks the best graphics wise and there will defantly be no hand cramps here, a must for me since I'm a marvel freakazoide.

The Punisher T-Shirt

Skull Logo - T-Shirt Black (M)

I didn't even knew it exsisted untill reccently, but man i have just got to own this T-Shirt, my popularity would rasie straight away, plus how cool does it look eh?

Well I am so looking forward to my Birthday, seya next week!

Elder Council Union Video

It hasn't even been a week but I am not taking any chance, the banner is already up, tags and sigs are in the process are being made by some people in the union and I have just now uploaded a union video. The video may look like the original trailer but I added my own sections and belive me it was hard to get it in time with the music, hope you like it.


The Elder Council

My new union has been set up and it has started to get active. I started off with only 4 members but when i logged on today i had 24 messeges, all of them were people who had joined my union. My topics are all very intrestin g and already have i done my first meeting, i have a union video already underway and I hope when it's done they like it. I would really hope that anybody who likesd The Elder Scrolls Oblivion would join my union, every little helps.


I never will touch weatabix again and new union.

Well this morning i was horrified to see there were no beans left or bread, so I couldn't have my useally breckfast beans on toast. So I reached into the back of the cupboard and pulled out a box of weatabix, don't know how old it was but hey i was hungary. I ate it, got dressed and started walking towards school, however on the way I almost fainted and had to run home to avoid throwing up. So today I have just been lazyzing around in bed being bored, unlike most people i hate being ill, I'd much rather be at school. So now I'll never eat weatabix again. In other news my union has been set up and I hope this one prooves quite popular, I'd also like to thank Glennwinton for starting it up for me.


Half Term comes to a close

Yes Half term has finnaly come to a close, it has been a nice break from school and I enjoyed it immensly. I wrote alot of reviews and even made a video, I played lots of games some old some new and enjoyed them all. This will be one of the last half terms before I do my exams in May, theres the easter one then thats it, exams are on!So this was the last half term where i didn't have to revuise, just relax, next one will be far less time gaming and much more time revising. My union about Oblivion sadly has not yet been created, so if it gets created during the week I won't beable to see it since I don't come on weekdays, if it does i don't want anybody to do anything untill i arrive back. I got some time left to play some games, I think i'll spend my last hours of half term on Castlevania: Lament of innconce. i have been playing that game steadly througjout all of half term and i'm now on the last boss fight, it's really hard because you have to fight 2 boss fights in a row, Walter and Death, very hard. Then after I complete that I'll play flOw, a nice relaxing game to end the half term, I hope you all had a good half term too!
