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Go with the flOw

Well you may have already guessed but today I bought flOw of the PSN network. Well I had an extra £5.00 and i didn't really have anything else in mind, so I decided to get a game of the PSN network. There was quite a good selection, I narrowed it down to 3. Calling all Cars, the style of graphics apealed to me and I heard that it had really good multiplayer content. Then there was Super Rub A Dub, I looked at Gamespot's review and they gave it a really low score, but all of the user reviews were pretty high, plus it just looked so cute. Then lastly there was flOw, flOw really intrigued me because it got one of the highest score for a PSN game and what they prasied it for was intresting. The fact that it was controlled completely with the SIXAXIS controls sounded cool and the fact that practically every review prasied it for being a relaxing game was also great since I don't really have any relaxing games. So in th end I decided, to go with the flOw.


After I downloaded it I went straight in, literally, as soon as you start flOw it comes up with a couple of lines on how to control it and thats it, your in. In flOw you play a an aqautic worm like organism and eat other organisms to evole your organism, it sounds all complex but it really isn't. You start on the top and when you eat all of the organisms in the area you can eat a red organism to advance downwards and that contuines untill you get to the bottom where you creature has fully eveolved. Once that happens you begin to control a diffrent organism that looks like a jelly, and then the same thing happens again untill you get to the bottom and then you control a diffrent organism and that repeats untill all the organisms are complete. Gamespot say that that will take a couple of hours but I only got to the beggining of the 4th organism and I had done 2 hours. (Then my sis came and kicked me off!) There is no saving, don't know why there just isn't so I have to start again from the beggining later but i don't really care, I'd love to start again anyway. The controls are done completly with the SIXAXIS, now at first this was a little hard to control and I had to keep both hands firmly on the controller and I kept going in the wrong direction, but after 10 minites of practise I was holding the controller in one hand sitting back cosyly in my chair (Somthing I rarely get to do in a game) Now the best part about flOw is the mixture of graphics and music, they work so well toegther. The reason why the graphics are so good is because nothings there, its hard to explain but when you play it you'll understand. The music is, well there isn't really any music. Whenever you switch directions swiftly there is the noise of you know water, and whenever you eat somthing a noise eminates from it, its useally a ding or a dong or even somtimes a "aaaahhhh" All of this toegther makes a very very relaxing game, i will put my review up tommrow, belive me you must get this game. Its only £3.49! Its a good bargin, belive me, just go with the flOw.


I'm starting up another union......again!

yep I'm starting up another union, I'm goping to try and this one last about a year and to stay active, the topic you ask, The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. If you'd like to be an officer at the union please post here, there are no requirements to become an officer expect you must own any of othe Oblivion games, if you dont but would still like to join you may be a recruit.

New Union and Oblivion Update

Well my buddy Kier has decided to make a union all about horror games, in about a day or two it will be up and i highly reccomend you go join because its sure to be a laugh. It will take place in the old Q Force union witch is now offically over, I had it for a long time but now its gone. In Oblivion related news I became grand champion of the arena, I defeated The Gray Prince and now I am the best gladiator around, i even have my own personal fan who folows me everywhere. He dosn't really help me, he runs away from enemies and cannot swim and has the most uglyest hairdue I have ever seen! But he has a torch and lights it up when it gets dark and he can cause a distraction for the enemies if i need to flee the scene. With my money I fully furnished my shack and now I cannot furnish it anymore, it isn't the most luxyorous place of residence ever but it does nicely. Right now I am just about to start the brotherhood quests, I cannot wait to do them because each one is uquie and very fun. (The inccent I killed was The Grey Prince because before I killedhim i did his quests and he found out his horrible past and let me kill him.) Thats all the Oblivion news for now, seya!

Heres a picture of my fan, told you the hairdue was bad.

It Arrived early!

This morning I was playing Castlevania: Lament of Innocence, I managed to obtain the Fire Whip which I never unlocked before and it makes some of the enemies alot easier. When my mom came up with the most in depth guide book ever to grace my bedroom, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion official game guide! I cannot express how helpfull this guide is, it has in total 432 colour pages, detailed maps for every part of the world, including citys, dungens, forts, caves, camps ect. Walkthroughs for evey quest including the main quest, faction quests, miscellaneous quests and freeform quests. Detailed beastary to help me get up to scratch with the creatures of Oblivion, sections on varoius gameplay systems including stealth, combat, magic, alchemy and much much more. The guide is just so dang handy, it had a step by step guide on how to create the perfect character so I deleted by cursed old file that was completly ruined by my current situation and started fresh. My new character is pretty much the same as last time, infact the only diffrence is the hair style. He is called Hizang, a Wood Elf, Birth sign is The Thief and my Class is Assassain. I took my time in the dungen this time and managed to find much more hidden tresures with the guide inlcluding over 20 gold coins, with the help of the guide I understood how usefull Alchemy could be and now I love aAlchemy and made it one of my major skills. With Alchemy I can create posions that, I already knew, but what i didnt know was that I can also create varoius poisons! And to make it better I sprinkle some of the poison on my arrows and walah, a poison arrow. When I left the sewers I was yet again amased by the graphics of Oblivion, even though it had been only 2 days since I last played it I couldn't help but stare at the sun beeming down onto the water reflecting off into my eyes. Actully it was the first time I'd been out in the sun for about 2 weeks since I was a vampire so I was extra pleased. After admiring the scenary I went stumbled apon a ruin full of bandits, skelotons rats and to my shock a Necromancer. I was actylly pretty worried because I never came across one before and I heard they were pretty touch, but I was quick witted and before he had a chance to grab his cutlass I grabbed it and striked him down. I took his robes because they look so dang cool, then I left the ruin and headed to Imperal City. (Keep in mind i had been in those ruins for just over an hour) When I got to the city I headed straight to "Divine Elegence" Imperal Citys local clothing shop. I spotted a nice Green shirt and jacket and how much was it, 12 coins! This was a total rip off, i would price it at about 8 coins but 12 coins, what do they think I am a millionare! But I gave in because It was just a dashing suit, besides all I had otherwise was some Assassain robes, green robes, Necromancer robe and the trampy clothes I got since i started the game. The robes are really good but I felt out of place walking in a city wearing robes, and I felt much more like i belonged in that city wearing the suit. Anyway then It was about 8 oclock at night and all the shops were closing, I headed to "The Merchants Inn" and rented a room for the night, it was quite expensive (20 coins) but when i got to the room it was quite spaceoius and I had a completementary meal, thats as far as I got. Tommrow I plan to buy a house, it is 2000 coins and a pretty bad house but it's a good starting point, I'll save up by either going hunting or joining the arena. Well I hope my blogs about Oblivion have inspired you to buy it, because if I was reading it i wouldn't want to miss out, seya later!

Addiction Update and New Video

I haven't played Oblivion for a whole day, and man what a challenge! It's been so hard not to play Oblivion but I am coping. To take my mind of things I have been playing some old games again to build up my PS2 data on the PS3, I started playing Castlevania and The Punisher. Both really good games that are underated, also I created a brand new video that isn't a MGS one or a remake. Tell me what you think of my first ever Resident Evil video, the one I made is based around Ada. Please post comments and enjoy


I'm gonna take an Oblivion Break

Well I think it's time i force myself to stop playing Oblivion, because in the end it's a waste of time. You see when the guidebook arrives wihc should be next Tuesday If I'm lucky i am going to create a new character, because I made some mistakes with this one. One of the biggest mistakes is on one of the Brotherhood missions I didnt collect the bonus and only reccently did I find out that the bonus reward was a Shadowbow which can only be obtained through that quest. Another bad thing is I chose Alchemy as one of my major skills, Alchemey involes making potions and it sounded fun but its to boring for me, kinda pointless anyway since I never use potions and I'm ok. Also I am a Vampire, sure now I've adjusted and life is ok but It would be better if I never became a vampire in the first place, because I found out even with the guide it is still hard to find a cure. The only sad thing is i've spent 24 hours on this character and to just delete it seems a waste, but I'll feel better once i've created another account. the guide itself has a step by step guide on how to create the perfect character so thats why I'm gona follow that. Besides, it will give me a chance to spend time with my dusty PS3 games that havent been played for weeks and catch up with some of my PS2 games. I hope you read my review of Oblivian, it took me ages and is really really long. Seya!

God of War and Oblivian Update

Well today was a good day, I had some money so I could just manage to buy the Oblivian game guide, but I needed some extra money just to cover the post and packaging. I went through my games collection and I picked and five things to give to Chips so I could get money, I gave back Wipeout Pure (PSP) Gun Showdown (PSP) Mind Quiz (PSP) Midway Arcade Classics (PSP) and The Punisher (UMD). The only game I miss from that is Gun Showdown, however I will buy it again just on a PS2. With all those games I managed to get £21.00 store credit and I already had £14.00, so in total I had £35.00 ($70.00). With that money I was able to order the Oblivian guide book off Amazon and i managed to get God of War. God of War is a good game, but i don't see why soooo many people are giving it 10/10, I'd give it around 8/10. However it is a really good game that fits nicely into my PS2 collection, anyway onto my Oblivian life. Well I went to the Arcaine university to try and get myself back into the Mages guild after being suspended from it, to get back in I must collect these plant things that are hidden all over the land. (This is why i really need the guide) Aside from that I have been adapting to my Vamparic lifestyle and getting used to it, I am not really that bothred about finding the cure now, being a vampire is my curse and my blessing. The bad things about being a vampire is that the longer I go without drinking the more damage sunlight gives and fire, and my facial features become more grusome so people won't talk to me. But the good things about being a Vampire is that the longer i go without feeding the stronger I become, my stregth, speed and agilty increase with each passing day. I have the ablility to see perfectly in the dark and i can detect life forms through walls and buildings. (That helped me alot in one of the caves.) Most importantly it's just the fact that i'm a creature of the night, i get this good feeling now whenever I play because I'm a vampuire lol. Now the main news, reccently i have been woeking very hard with The Dark Brotherhood, (Assassains) I have done countless tasks for them and becomeing quite fond of them. Well now this guy who works outside the Brotherhood is telling me that there is a person inside the Brotherhood who is a spy for another orginasation. He ordered me to go and murder everybody inside the Brotherhood to "Purifye" them all, I guess I will do it but I will take no pleasure from the deaths of my friends.

Seya Real Soon!

Collge Open evening and Half Term.

Hiya everybody, I would first of like to tell you about Wednesday Night at Steveange collge open evening. Well first of it was kinda daunting, I walked in and all around me where people walking around quickly and the area was soooo big, I almost fell over backwards :P. I went over to the desk and this guy gave me a leaflet and leaded me towards the Child Development area, when i went in i got given loads of leaflets about courses and lesson's and so forth, it is all rather confusing. Then I went over to the English department, well actully it took me about 30 minites to find the English department because i got lost :lol. Ya see I'm quite shy and I got asked by the collge staff lots of times are you all right and i respond yea I'm fine instead of saying no i'm lost. It's the way I am lol, then i got given a load of English letters but i don't think its for me, I love writing storys but this collge only does Shakesphere whitch I ditest! Then I got lost again then found my way to the math department, well actully I stumbled into a classroom on Buissness Stuides, that was very embarassing! When i got to maths i found out they only do A lvl's and I am predicted a E in Maths so not for me thanks. Then I just waited for my mom to come pick me up and headed home. The courses I am going to do is a course on Child Development on Foundation leval to start off with, then build my way up into higher. I also want to do a Diploma in childcare which i will enter at middle leval and then go into higher. Then i will mabey do Health and Social care, I did think about doing a hairdressing course but I think I'll give it a miss due to my clumsyness :P. Well enough about collge, now I'm off school for a whole week because its half term "Dances". I'm gonna play Oblivian till my hands bleed and hopefully get near completeing Assassains Creed and a few more PS2 games, I also have some money to spend and i think I'll buy the Oblivian Guidebook. I need it to cure my Vampire problem, as each day passes i become more like a creature of the night and i must find a solution quickly or otherwise I'll be on a stake!

Well Seya real soon!

Will the DS be the answer?

Well my Birthday is March the 7th, my parents said I can either get 4 PS3 games, a Ipod, lots of other games or a DS Lite and one game for my birthday, I might actully choose the DS Lite. I never really thought about getting one up untill reccently, but now I really really want one. My sister has one and the games are really good, its just her's is sracthed, big and clunky and she's lost the stylis. The PSP actully is not really that good, there isn't enough good exlusive games for it for me to enjoy it, the DS has loads i wanna get such as. Phatom hourglass, Mario Kart, New Superr Mario brother, Super mario 64 DS, Starfox command, Metroid Prime hunters and Tingles freshly picked rosie ruppe land just to name a few. But the one i want most is mario and Luigi: Partners in time whitch is the sequal to Mario and Luigi: Superstar saga. In other news I'm going to a college open evening this wednesday so wish me luck!

My Oblivian life is spiraling down the drain

As the tittle suggests my Oblivian life is doing badly at the moement, but before i talk about the bad lets talk about how it started this weekend. Well I was doing great actully i joined the Dark Brotherhood and became a skilled Assassian and am happy working there, I did a couple more quests and one of them was where I had to go inside a painting an rescue a guy who got stuck in one, that was one of the best. I became Grand Champion at the Arena and beat The Grey Prince, and now i am quite famous in inperial city, but this is whats happend recently. I was kicked from the brotherhood twice because of stealing and to get back in you must fight these creatures that can only be damaged by this dagger the brotherhood gave me. In the process of fighting trhe second one I had really low health and I was stuck in a corner, well then this lady who i know who sells me potions at the mages guilde comes up behind him and casts a holding spell of some kind. This gives me a chance to run away, when i got far enough away and i was healed I got a messge saying the Sith was dead, I headed back and found the body of the sith. But I also found the body of the lady and a tramp, I felt really bad because she died saving my life and she was always nice to me. I decided to take some of her stuff and dump it at her desk in the mages guilde, I regret it now. When I went back to the mages guilde the mages found me in possesion of her stuff and not knowing of her death they suspended me from that mage Guild. My Favorite guilde in aswell since they practised the art of alterlisation one of my favorite skills, and to top it off it was the only place I could call home since I havent enough money to afford a house. So after this I felt really glum and decided to get some rest, so I went to the arena and won a battle agaisnt two trolls. After that I went to Lokirs house which was abanded and went to sleep in his bed. When I awoke i found out that during the night, I had become a vampire! I had mixed emotions about this, first of all i was quite happy, my stregth and speed had increased and I could see better in the dark. However as soon as it became daytime I saw the disadvantages my health drop's at a quick rate when i'm in direct sunlight and that is kinda bad since alot of the game is open grass fields. Another bad thing is that all the citisens feared me, some even ran away from me. I started to search for a cure but to to that i must find 5 great soul gems or somthing and I have no idea where any of those are. Well nextweekdn I'll fill you in on how I get on and see if i can recover from all these problems.