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My First MGS video of 2008

Ok well I'm glad to say that bit by bit my MGs video collections are building up so i should beable to eventully do one a weekend, but as TUS isnt working anymore I have had to work harder with the lack of clips there are. This is a remake of my old MGS4 trailer that not alot of people liked, please post comments and enjoy.


Ok mabye I was a little exited.

Reading back at my last blog I didnt make that m uch sense on Oblivian lol, well now I'll be more calm :P. Oblivian is now officialy my favorite PS3 game and It might well could be my favorite game of all time, and ofcourse I have my reasons. Today i started a new game because yesterday was just a test of the customisations and so forth, so today i created a brand new character called Hizang and he is a Wood Elf I belive and can control animals and can cast a spell whitch allows me to control and animal for a short while, plus I'm very quick and nimble. My Birth sign is The Theif, that means I have an increase in Speed, Agilty and security (Better chance of picking locks). And lastly I had to choose my class, It was a tough choice betwen Agent, Marksmen or Assassain, in the end I went for Assasasin which means I have a increase in my bow attacks, blade attacks and can survive big jumps. (As you can see my character attributes are all quite the same) Then after the tutorial you are free to do whatever you like, this was quite daunting at first because as I exited the Sewers (Tutorial) I was bewildered by the spectactular scenary that surronded me, i really didnt know which way to go. It was a very diffrent experaince because apart from runescape (Which is nowhere near as big as Oblivians land) have I ever played a game where you don't have to do the main game at all. Sure in GTA games you dont have to, but parts of the areas you cant go to and there isn't that much to do. Well in oblivian as soon as your out of the sewers you can go to any part of the map and start do anything you want. For an hour I just walked around the sceneary basking in all its glory, I stumbled apon a cave and I was in that cave for about an hour killing goblins, collecting tresures and just having alot of fun. And that was already an hour gone, there are about 200 and forts to explore so if there 1 hour each trhats about 200 hours already. Then there the quests, I have done about 3-5, the shortest are about 30 minites and some of the longest I have done are about 3 hours. Heck some of them, I've been doing since i left the sewers. In total i think theres about 150 side quests so thats should keep me busy. I havent started the main game yet but people say that it will takle about 40 hours to do. Then theres the Guilds, thoose who play Runescape should know what a guild. Its a place that trains one skill, so far I'm apart of The Mage Guild and I have been sent a letter by the wanted Crminal The Grey Fox to join the theieves guild. each guild has about 30 hours in it doing all the quests and ods jobs that are in them. i'm not sure how many guilds there are but there should be alot. Then theres the arena that is alot of fun, you can place bets on the flighters or become a gladiator yourself. I'm a gladiator and I useally wear Light aromor, leather helmet and my wepon of choice is a iron bow and about 15 iron arrows. I have am undefeated so far and i'm at the rank of Warrier. Now theres one of theese in each city i think and so far I've put 3 hours into this one and i dont think I'm near finished yet. Another thing i love about this game is the relisam, you cannt carry EVERYTHING you find so you will occasionally have to drop certain items to move on, well the good thing is that the items you drop they NEVER dissapear, vanish or move, there going to be there for the frest of the game untill you feel like picking it up. this is a great idea because you could practically find an abonded cave and make it your little base of operations and stash all your money there. This game just has so much to offer, I reccomend this game to everybody who owns a PS3!

The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion

Well hiya people, well if you read my last blog you'll know I had £35.00 to spend, well I just spent £25.00 of it on a game. But then it's not JUST a game, it's not JUST a RPG, it's not JUST a PS3 game, It's The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion! This game is by far the best PS3 game I own and so far I would give it 10/10, If I had a choice whether to keep my 5 other PS3 games or just keep this, I think I'd chose this! The game is just soooo good I don't know where to begin, the Fantastic Graphics, Qwarktastic Music, the option of being able to do whatever you want it's just sooooo good. I played it for 2 hours and 34 minites, I spent about 20 minites customising my character Hizang and the tutorial took about half an hour and the next half an hour I spent in a underground base I stumbled apon, then after that I just went exploring. The game claims to have over 200 side quests and I actully belive them. So far I am searching for a wanted criminal called Grey Fox for a bounty reward, I am also doing a quest for a fisherman and he wants me to collect 12 scales of a spacific fish and the list is endless. Look to sum it all up if you could only own 1 PS3 game you should get this!

Exams = Money!

Hi, sorry for not being here for an entire week but I have been busy with school work and so forth, well anywho I got my final school report and it had all my moch results on it and my highest was a B for English. My Dad said that for every C that I got I would get £10.00, every B £20.00 and ever A £30.00. In total I got One B, 2 C's and a whole lot of D's so thats £30.00 for me to enjoy, but here is the problem. I have reccently gotten into Angel and I only have Season 1, I could get Season 2 and season 3 whitch is 44 40 minite episodes with a whole load of extras for £30.00 on Amazon. Or I could go and get a PS3 game tommrow such as Oblivian, Marvel ultimate Allience, Ninja Gadien Sigma, untold dark legends. Or i could go get a Wii game like Umbrella Chronicles, Endless ocean or Twlight Princess. I could save up for 2 weeks and get The Orange Box or Call of Duty 4. I could set aside a fund for MGS4 or Super Smash brothers or what the heck I could buy more monkeys! I just have alot of options to choose from, I think I'll either go for the MGS4 Fund, Angel or PS3 game tommrow, I'll let you in on what i choose later but for now you tell me what I should get.

Resistance Complete

Yes Today I completed Resistance: Fall of Man, it was an incredably good storymode that on paper may seem repedative but it never does get repedative. One of the best parts was when you had to destroy the main power corwe that is an adrelanine junkies dream lol, next playthroughj i wanna get all the skill points so on multiplayer mode I can have Clank from the Ratchet and Clank series and a backpack accsesorie. Now thats 4/5 PS3 games complete, Assassians creed is left and after that i will need to buy a new one, in the meatime i am also playing The Punisheer to get me in the mood for the DVD and I have started playing runescape again.

Well seya next Friday!

First video of 2008

Well yes finnaly after 2 months I have made another video, I said I was gonna start making them again ansd nobody belived me but here you go I hope you enjoy it. It's a union video for Glennwinton's union The mature gamers Union, it's a union all about.....Well i think i'll let the video explain what sort of games its about. I'm also heavy into Resistance: Fall of man campagin mode, I think i have 2 missions left then the credist will be rolling, i may do a review soon. I also purchused The Punisher DVD for £6.40 off of Amazon, i already have it on UMD but a UMD isn't the same as a regular DVD ya know? Well anyway enjoy the video!


My life will soon begin

Ok so its January, I have about 4-5 months left in school, then after that.........I don't know, I really always thought I was gonna go into 6th Form so while everybody else was planning to go to work collge going to opening days I was just sitting back quite cosy saying I'm going to 6th Form. Well only have I just been told that I need 5 C's or above to get into 6th Form, and you may not know but I am not the brightest letter in the alphabet. The grade's I useally get are D's and E's, heck in my ICT MOCH exam I got a U, the lowest possible mark. Now I'm worried because I have kinda left it to late to go to college now, there is about one more open evening left on the 6th of Febuary whitch is cutting it a little close. I think it's my only option, if I would have thought about it sooner I would have more choices but now theres only about 2 collges left, about 75% of people in my year have already sent off application letters to go to collges and I don't even know what courses I need to take! If i don't get into college I'll wind up as a bum laying in a gutter remembering the sweet smell of warm food. Another thing is that the collge's that are left are not in walking distance, i will either have to buy a new bike or take, PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION! I don't not like public transportation because if I go to colleg everyday and a bus ticket costs like £2.00 thats like £10.00 each week, and thats £40.00 a month and the grand total will be for a year £480.00! Now I may seem a bit snobbish but i dont have that kinda money to blow on buses. I am in deep water here and need some good advice on any of these things.

Anybody got any?

Job Promotion and Game update.

Well I think i may have got a promotion down at where I work, i now work 3:30-7:00 and I do it Wednesday AND Thursday, the only drawback to this promotion is that well i don't get paid. But when Marxch the 7th comes thenI will begin to get paid. They said it was because of my good work last year, in any case it willmean I will be on GS even less. In other news I co0mpleted Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction again and Metal Gear Soild: The Twin Snakes, both very good games and I would highly reccomend them both. I also started finnaly playing Resistance: Fall of Man the main game, and I must say it is actully really good, I did write a review but as i was just about done th plug came lose and my computer turned off :x So I will write yet another one next weekend. I also wwill be making a union video for Glennwintons mature gameing union, so i would love to know lots of Mature games if you please.

Seya reall soon!

At last a mobile phone.

Finnaly I my first proper Mobile phone, now you may laugh when i tell you how much it cost so brace yourself, £14.99 :P. Now I know what your thinking but this phone can easily pass for a phone that costs £50.00 so for that price it isn't bad, for all you people who are techinical or mobile freaks then you'll understand the name of it.It's a Virgin Mobile Sagem MY53, now i don't know too much about phones so if anybody knows alot about them tell me if there good or not. Well It has some pretty cool ringtones and stuff but I will soone get more, it has a built in camara and I think it can take videos i'm not sure. It has one game built on it, now it seems a random game, Lord of the Rings: TheReturn of the King(WTF?) lol I was hoping for somthing like Snake or tetris but It will do. I really wanna get Ratchet and Clank: Going Mobile and Ratchet and Clank: Clone Home, they seem pretty good. If anybody else knows any good mobile games let me know.


Could this have been a better school break?

Well this school break has been a gret one and do i have thingsto tell my friends, first of let me just tell you I completed Heavenly Sword! I enjoyed the experaince from beggining to end andI would recomend it to anybody that owns a PS3, its got rock hard gameplay, soild graphics, Qwarktastic Storyline and a great cast. This school breakI have also finished Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Desruction and Spiderman 3, I have been playing my PS3 alot though. I cannot wait to get back to school to tell all my friends about this, I wanna know what they got for Xmas too. I won't be online as much now that schoo, starting again, as you knowI only have 6 months untill i am old enough to leave school. I will be revising alot so I won't be on alot, but when i can I'l, make up for it :P

Well seya Real soon.