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It arrived 4 days early!

yesterday morning I ordered off Amazon Heveanely Sword for £22.00, they said it was going to arrive at my house on Tuesday. I am not allowed to play any video games on school days so I would have to wait till Friday to play it, but as i looked through the post this morning I opended up a parcel and inside was Heveanly Sword! Heveanly Sword is a fantastic game and is one of my best PS3 games yet so far, you start the game off as what looks like to be the end of the game if that makes any sense. Your in this massive battlefield with thousands of enemys, and i am not exsagerarting when i say thousands, and when you start killing enemies you kill like 100 every 5 seconds. Then somthing happens to her, the Sword glows and she dies i guess, then before she dies she flash's back to the beggining of her adventure, this is when the game propally starts. The storyline is very good, the game follows the story of Nariko, the fierce red-haired warrior whose clan has long protected the Heavenly Sword, a god's blade of immense power that drains its wielder of their life force. A power hungry ruler known as King Bohan, seeks to obtain the sword to gain its devastating power. Yourclan base gets under attack and Nariko gets seperated by the rest of her clan, she soon mets up with her adopted sister kai, a cat like girl who uses her crossbow as a wepon. then the game finaly begins. Thevillians are to my suprise MGS style villians. Roach is mentallyill and incredably fat. He is very large in stature and his torso resembles a roach's thorax. Then theresWhiptail who wields a whip as her main weapon. She has a love of extreme body modification, as evidenced by her forked tongue, sharp teeth and gill-like cuts on her cheeks. She wears the corpse of an eel atop her head and down her back. She possesses the ability to delve into people's minds. Then theresFlying Fox whois a rather shifty and somewhat eccentric character, who is capable of appearing in a different spot in an instant. He does not seem to have any desire for dominance over the land; he is only in it for the money and the art of the kill. His back is covered with several metallic wings on both sides, and he possesses the ability to levitate. Lastly theres the main villian KingBohan whois a power crazed king, utterly obsessed with getting his hands on the Heavenly Sword. He leads his army in a search to obtain it, attacking Nariko's clan in the process. He believes himself to be a messiah, and believes that capturing the Heavenly Sword will symbolise his dominance over the land. He obeys and worships a raven which has a gold face plate covering its face. The voice acting is very well done and in the cast playing King Bohan is Andy Serkis who does the voice of Golem and played King Kong. The game itself is pretty much like god of war just with better eneimes,I will review this game whenI finish it, which could be later today since people say its really short.

Well seya real soon.

When can you and New Game

Well Christmas has been over for a long time now and I have played my PS3 non stop all the time, I haven't played The Wii, any PS2 or PS1 games or any N64 ganes or my PSP. I didn't want to because my parents might have got offended that i am not playing my PS3 because it cost alot of money, but when will it be time for me to play any other games on any other console without them getting offended?

Also today I used up the last of my money on a really nice game called Heavanly Sword fotr the PS3, now people may wonder why I choose that game because it has no online, can be finished in about 6-8 hours first time round and is basiclly a button masher? Well i chose it because I didn't want a game that has ok single player mode and anm ok multiplayer mode like Resistance fall of man, and I didnt want a game with Bad Single player mode but great multiplayer mode like Full 2 battleines auto. I wanted a game that put all of its effort into its single player game like Ratchet and Clank: Tools of destruction did. Also the game has amazing cinimatics and has often been called a summer blockbuster movie which is somthing that I always look for in a game, good storyline. Well I ordered it off Amazon and it won't be here to the 8th whitch is a Tuesday, so I probbaly won't get round to playing it till Friday :( but when i do i'll fill you in on how it went.

Seya Real Soon.

Spiderman 3 complete, or is it?

Yes today i finsihed off those last two missions and the fight with Venom was pretty easyI thought by when you have to deafet the Sandman as New Goblin that was pretty challenging. Yea so anyway the credits rolled on and after that it saidI unlocked Symobtie Spiderman (Black suit) so i decied to give it a go. As soon as I changed suitsI had 42 missions to complete! Yea now I get to play through all the missions again with Black Suited Spiderman, it's like its its own save file because when you wear the black suit all the things i've collected go back to 0 but when I go back to normal Spiderman all my stats are brought back. Pretty cool I'd say,I don't know why everybody kept bashing the game it's not that bad, trust me if you liked Spiderman 2 then theres no reason why you wouldn't like this. (Just don't get the Wii version :P)

Seya real soon!

PS3 and Union Update

Well firstly I'd like to talk about my PS3 games.

Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction-I've already completed it and i'm now on my second playthrough and loving every second of it. (My Review is Up)

Spiderman 3: Collectors Edition-well I've done 40/42 missions and am working on the last two missions, today i got so addicted into it i completed 18 missions in one playthrough! (Review is Up)

Resistance: Fall of Man-Well heres the thing, I haven't really played the single player campeign because i'm just so hooked on the online multiplayer. I've already played Raccoon Doodus and Kier but i'm still waiting for any other people to step forward so i can beat them.

Assasains Creed-I haven't played much of this sinceI got back from hoilday because of all the other games but I will be getting back to it shortly.

Well as you can see it's only been 8 days since I got the PS3 and I've already finsihsed 1 and I am almost about to finish the other one. Can anybody name me the names of really long PS3games that take ages to complete? And seconldy I would just like to tell you that I stepped down as leader from the Support centre because I got kinda stressed with all the pressure. Kinda silly :P but thats how I felt at the time. Also if you havent noticed I've done 2 reviews in the past 2 days, i hope to do reviews much more often now and there not gonna be quick ones either, there gonna be really really long ones that are unbiast (Yes even Simpsons Wrestling and Spiderman 3 lol)

Well seya real soon!

Year begins

Well this is the first blog of 2008, My new calander is up and late I'm going out for dinner. The main thing I wanna say is that I'm gonna start making vidoe's again, we fixed WMM so as we speak I am building up my MGS video libary. Well seya!

My 2007 Awards

2007 has been an intresting year and lot has happen, there has been ups and downs and highs and lows, time to remonise about the good and bad of 2007.

Consoles I aqquired (Chronological order)

  1. PSP
  2. Nintendo Wii
  3. PC
  4. PS3

Games I aqquired (Chronological order)

  1. Metal Gear Soild Digital Graphic Novel (PSP)In Progress
  2. Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories (PSP) In Progress
  3. Zelda II (GBA) Gave Away
  4. Wind Waker (GC) Completed
  5. Primal (PS2) Gave Away
  6. Mortal Kombat Showlin Monks (PS2) Gave Away
  7. Gun (PSP) Completed
  8. Wipeout Pure (PSP) In Progress
  9. Mind Quiz (PSP) In Progress
  10. Ape Acadamy 2 (PSP) Gave Away
  11. Metal Gear Ac!d 2 (PSP) In Progress
  12. The Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition (GC) Completed Ocarina of Time
  13. Twilight Princess (GC) Gave 1 out of the 6 away
  14. Sims 2 (PSP) Gave Away
  15. Starwars Battlefront 2 (PSP) Gave Away
  16. The Punisher (PS2) Completed
  17. Ratchet Gladiator (PS2) Completed
  18. Hitman Contracts (PS2) Gave Away
  19. True Crime Streets of LA (PS2) Gave Away
  20. Pirates(PSP) Gave Away
  21. Metal Gear Soild Portable Ops (PSP) Completed
  22. Ratchet and Clank Size Matters (PSP) Completed
  23. I-Ninja (PS2) In Progress
  24. Resident Evil (GC) In Progress
  25. Metroid Prime (GC) In Progress
  26. Wii Sports (Wii) Fitness leval 21
  27. Mortal Kombat Armmagedon (Wii) Completed
  28. Mario Advance (GBA) In Progress
  29. Daxter (PSP) In Progress
  30. Red Dead Revolver (PS2) In Progress
  31. Super Mario Bros (VC) In Progress
  32. Paper Mario (VC) In Progress
  33. Sonic Mega Collection Plus (PC) In Progress
  34. Assasains Creed (PS3) In Progress
  35. Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction (PS3)Completed
  36. Spiderman 3 Collectors edition (PS3) In Progress
  37. Resistance Fall of Man (PS3) In Progress

Old Games Completed

  1. CastleVanina (PS2)
  2. Ratchet and Clank 1 (PS2)
  3. Ratchet and Clank 2 (PS2)
  4. Ratchet and Clank 3 (PS2)
  5. Metal Gear Soild 1 (PS1)
  6. Metal Gear Soild The Twin Snakes (GC)
  7. Metal Gear Soild2 Sons of liberty (PS2)
  8. Metal Gear Soild Substance (PS2)
  9. Metal Gear Soild 3 Snake Eater (PS2)
  10. Metal Gear Soild Subsistance (PS2)
  11. Banjo Kazooie (N64)
  12. Banjo Tooie (N64)
  13. Super Mario Superstars (GBA)
  14. Grand Theft Auto Vice City (PS2)
  15. Resident Evil 4 (PS2)
  16. Time Splitters 3 (PS2)
  17. Spiderman 2 (PS2)
  18. Spiderman (PS2)

Extra Things

  1. Video's made-38
  2. Reviews Written-21
  3. Unions Created-The Q Force and Support Central
  4. Consoles lost- GC, PS1, Gb, GBC, GBA
  5. Got a Job
  6. Work Experaince
  7. Hoildays-New York, Las vagas, Florida, Center Parks
  8. New desk Bed Got Online.


Most Played game of the year

Metal Gear Soild Portable Ops-My time total for Portable Ops is 93 hours, 15 minites and 13 seconds!

Least Played game of the Year

Mario Kart Double Dash-I looked through my collection and this is the ONLY game I havent played all year.

Most used Console of the year

PSP-This year i havent played my PS2 much I've either been on my PC or on my PSP, but mostly PSP.

Least Used console

PS3-Well this is only because i only got it 6 days ago. But aftter this would probbaly be my N64.

Most Viewed Video

A True Hero- This is a video dedicated to Crzy_Gurl and its all about The Boss, it has ranked up 2,117 views, check it out.

Least Viewed video

The Q Force Union Video- This video is actully one of my best pieces of work but it is one of the more reccent vidoes and is tied to a union, its ranked up a total of 100 views, check it out.

Most Vistsited Union

The Metal Gear Soild United Union-This was my first ever union and I always vist it all the time.

Least Visisted Union

The Metal Gear Ac!d Union- I am sad to say this is my least visisted union, I only really go in there to talk about Portable Ops, but i hope next year I vist it more often.

Union of the year


  1. The Metal Gear Soild United
  2. The Q Force
  3. Support Central
  4. The Ninja Temple
  5. The Wii Owners Union

The Q Force- Throughout this year i have had the most fun in this wacky union, up untill reccently it used to be bursting with activity and always full of laughs, i hope next year it goes back to thoose good old times.

Video of The Year


  1. The Metal Gear Soild United Union Video
  2. The Q Force Union Video
  3. Cells of The Dead
  4. A True Hero
  5. Gravedigger

The Metal Gear Soild United Union Video-This video is the video of the year because it took me ages to complete and there just so much going on in it and it makes me a bit juiced everytime I watch it.

Console of The Year


  1. PS2
  2. PSP
  3. Wii
  4. PS3
  5. PC

PSP-The PSP was the console to play whenever i got bored, whether it was just for 5 minites or 2 hours i would always choose that. It introduced m,e to online gaming in Portable Ops and I could play it in my bed :P

Game of The Year


  1. Ratchet Gladiator (PS2)
  2. Metal Gear Soild Portable Ops (PSP)
  3. Runescape (WEB)
  4. Paper Mario (VC)
  5. The Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition (GC)

The Legend of Zelda Collectors Edition-This even suprised myself I mean why on earth did i choose this? well I may have ranked up 93 hours on Portable Ops and my favourite game is Ratchet Gladiator, but this game just has so much to offer. it has Ocariana of Time, Majora's mask, and Zelda I and Zelda II. I enjoyed Ocarina of Time so much I just couldnt put the game down and I enjoyed every second of it, it may not be my favorite game but it was the one I enjoyed the most in the year 2007.

Well I hope you have all enjoyed my own personal awards, It took me a very long time to do theese and I've been planning them for weeks, i've been replaying games, watching video's, locating recipts and all that so I better get more than one post :P

Well 2008 is going to be an interesting year but it's gonna be hard to top this year. Allthough MGS4, GTAIV, MGSDGN2, MGSPO+, Oblivion, SSBB and many more games are awaiting me to go play them.

Well seya next year!

First PS3 Completion

Well I just completed Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, I was overall impressed of this game and I think Its the longest one yet, however I still thought it could have been longer. But Iwas suprised to see the game ends on a cliffhanger, I do not want to spoil it for anybody but I'll say that it's the saddest endings yet. Anyway I hope you will read my year blog tommrow, seya!

Christmas Sales

Well today I went shopping in the most packed time of the year, after Christmas! Everywhere I turned I saw posters with 50% off, buy 1 get 1 free ect, I took full advantage of theese sale's and bought some bargins. Well I really wanted to buy GoCam! PSP and I looked in 5 shops but they didn't stock them. Instead I bought 2 PS3 games and 1 DVD, the games I got were Resistance; Fall of Man and Spiderman 3 collectors edition, the DVD I got was Angel season 1. Ok I'm off to go play em seya!

Missed Me?

Hello and I hope you all had a fantastic xmas because I sure did. Well as you all know I was on hoilday and I thought there was an internet cafe over there, thats why i didnt give my unions to anybody elswe to do meetings. When i got there what did i see, two computetwers one of whitch was broken and it was £1.00 for 20 minites. To make it even worse they were tottaly old, I didnt even get onto Gamespot because of the lag, so I'm sorry to sayI missed a Q Force Meeting, first time ever :( Anyway onto the gifts!

Well my main presant was ofcourse a PS3! The one I got is backwards compatible so it plays PS1 and PS2 games, the bad thing is the memory cards won't fit into the PS3 because the PS3 has internal memory cards. So If I ever wanna play a PS2 game or PS1I have to start the game again. Ok so the games, me and my sister in total got 3 games between us, one is mine one is hers and the other we share. Ok so my game is Assasains Creed and when i put it in i to tell you the truth hated it. the tutotrial was slow and long, but after that I loved it! The game is truelly magnificaint and the graphicsI was completely blown away from. The citys are huge and there is always somthing to do, if you want to get a good PS3 game get this. Ok now the game me and my sister share, its Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, and boy was the wait worth it. From the first leval you are thrown into immediate action as the city of Metropolis is under attack and you must fight your way through hundreds of enemys. The game seems to be easier than the other games whitch is a pity but it dosn't make it any less fun. Now I have played the game i can truelly say that gamespot should have given it an 9.0 or atleast an 8.5. My sisters game was Ratooiee or whatever.

Ok DVD's and CD's. Well I got Spiderman 3 whitch is a fantastic movie andI don't understand why nobody likes it. I also got the Simpsons movie whitch was as funny as I remember it, I also got Fantastic 4: rise of the Silver Surfer. It was the first time i saw it and it is a pretty good movie, very funny lol. Also got Only Fools and Horses season 2 and Simpsons series 10 i belive, both good. CD wiseI got Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Album and Radio SunnyDale (Yet another buffy Soundtrack :P)Pretty good music on there and some that would be perfect for some videosI have planned. (Yes, planned)I got a really nice T-Shirt too its dark green with lines through it, some call it a chav shirt but i really like it. Apart from that I got litle stuff like chocolates ect. I also got £40.00 in cash, £25.00 WHS Vouches and a £10.00 Waterstones voucher.

With all that money I hope to get GoCam! PSP whitch will allow me to do video blogs! Somthing i am really looking forward too, and I hope you like them. With thye money left I hope to get a PS3 game, the GoCam! will cost about £35.00 so i won't be able to afford a really expensive one, but thats ok i may have to settle for either Spiderman 3 or Marvel ultimate allience. Or I am thinking of putting a MGS4 fund aside because it is coming out next year, or mabey I'll get a Wii game who knows!

Wow long blog, I'm off to my unions, Merry Late Xmas!

Schools over, its Christmas time

Yes today I ended school for the holidays, very emotional but it had to be done. Lots of hugs and kisses ect but its finnaly over till next year. Now I would want to do this blog tommrow but i may not get on because of packing and stuff like that. I am gfoing on hoilday to centre parks as you all know and I am taking my PS2. I am taking Buffy the Vampire Season 7 and my favorite PS2 game Ratchet and Clank: Gladiator, an amon to my PS2. Now the other gameI am taking with me is........Spiderman one. I know your all gonna disagree and this may sem kinda nerdy but It was the first game played on my PS2 and I want it to be the last. Sorta a nice sendoff to my PS2. Now anyway about my unions, Centre parks may or may not have an internet cafe so i do not know if i'll get to do a xmas blog, but if i dont you'll know why. I will try and do my useall Q Force Meetings and try and get on but intenet cafes are expensive so i'll be quick. Also my family gets a new member as my aunty gave birth to a baby girl about 1 and a half hours ago,I think her name is Angel but I dont know. If i dont see you till after Christmas I wish you all a good time and I hope you get what you want.

Merry Christmas!