I have been looking forward to this day since I knew i was gonna get a PS3, this is gonna be the best Xmas ever because I'm getting a PS3 which i will be so gratefull for. Last year i got a PSP which is great and everything but comon its no PS3! The game that I am getting with it is Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction whitch I have been looking forward to since its relese. Shame that it has no online multiplayer but I stilll want to get it. I do'nt know what else I will get but my parents say not much cos the PS3 costed alot, also during the summer hoilday they bought us a Wii so I really xcan't complain about this year lol. With my Xmas money I am gonna buy a PS3 game, but the question is what one. I either wil buy Oblivian, Spiderman 3, Marvel Ultimate Allienec, Resistance fall of man, Mass Effect or The Simpsons game. Or I will pre-order MGS4.
In school you can tell its the end of the year, all we are doing is watching video's, doing crossowords and stuff like that, It gets pretty boring after a while lol. Also I think that even thoughI havent said I was gay at school i think everybody knows it now, mostly because I'm always fixng up my hairdue in lessons and also apprently I'm effeminate witchI dont really think i am but I guess I sorta am.
The biggest news is that this friday i am going on hoilday to Centre Parks and I will be gone for a week and come back I think New Years Eve, i am sad not to be on GS for Xmas but i hope theres an internet cafe there so I can quickly do a blog post.
Well I hope you all have a good xmas and i'll do one more blog before I go, but before I leave this one I need to ask for advice. When I got ot Centre parks I am alowd to bring my PS2 and I'm alowed to bring 1 DVD and 2 games or the other way around, I'm brining Buffy season 7 yea and Ratchet and Clank: Gladiator but then i need advice. This is going to be the last time i play it on my PS2 so I want it to be one of my best PS2 games, Its either gonna be MGS2S,MGS3S or Spiderman 1 (My first PS2 game) I want your advice so please tell me what ones outta thoose three should I bring.
Seya later!
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