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FredGoon Blog

Porta ops Plus Uk Realse Date

We knew MGS: Portable Ops+, the expansion to the finest MGS experience on PSP to date, was set for a spring 2008 release in Europe. Which is a fairly wide target, particularly when you consider that publishers don't tend to stick to the actual three-month period when giving out such general dates. But a conversation with one of our industry contacts - specifically, an individual involved with bringing the game to Europe - ended up with us learning of the intended scheduled release.
Portable Ops+, then, should be with us next March.

Well this is just great news, now i'll be defantly getting this for my Birthday

Where I Stand

Well I'm gonna bring you all up on the computer situation, well all my MGS Video clips, RAC Video clips, Buffy Video Clips and all the other video clips are gone. this means for about 3 months i wont be making any more video's, I'll only do special requests. I am finnaly full prepared to face anybody who has MGS: PO, my name is Hizang and be ready, i dont get put off by friends.

Seya real soon

Portable Ops Madness!

I have been playing Portable ops online hour after hour after hour and boy does my hand hurt! I have won qwuite alot of battles but lost quite alot to, I added to my characteer collection Gene, Ocelot, Sokolov, Rakiov, Cunningham and ursla. sadly all but codes which i nnever wanted to do, but online was much better with theese characters, escpecially Gene he rocks. I'm still gonna go and unlock Eva, Sigint, Paramedic and elisa then the fun can really beggin. I really like Team deathmatch, thats my favorite, i actully rushed through the entire main game today in like 2 hours only looking for a Monsin Naugent and A SDV,I have the Mosin, but am still searching for the SVD, give it a few more minites. I'm still searching for the perfect Team, i know i will have Null on my team but thats all i'm sure of soo far, well I hope you can come play with me, you must have the EU version or Portable Ops plus or sorry pal.

well seya!

I've had enough of computers

Ok yesterday my computer's internet packed up, so my parents decided to give the computer to me and they went and bought a whole new one, imagene that! Anyway I am now on the new computer which is actully very good, alot quicker, I can do much more things now which is good. Also thanks to that my PSP and Wii now go online! Yes i already bought the internet channel from the Wii shop channel for 500 points, pretty cheap and tommrow morning i will buy my first VC game, any recomendations (I only have 500 points) The wii internet is good from what i've seen but not sure if Runescape will work, the PSP internet is basicly terrible, Gamespot dosn't work, Runescape dosnt work youtube dosnt work, It can barely manage text and its really slow. But the PSP does have itsuses, I can now go online agaisnt other MGS: Portable ops players and yes I already have, its very fun but i only had time to play 2 games because i got the old computer and am reinstalling everything. (Hence the blog tittle) i didnt win but I will get better. Once I get everything back to normal i'll be less stressed but now I am, pretty stressed. Well now People can send me there wii code thingys and tommrow I'll go on the Wii and try it out proppaly and give you my Wii code :)


Western fan's have there own game

I am still stunnded by how good Red Dead Revolver has been in the past week, the game is very addictive and I cannot stop playing, once I start playing the only time i turned it off was because I had too, yes its that good. It is a great game but not finished yet, i will probbaly complete it next weekend, and if I do a review shall be forthcoming. If you enjoyed GUN or are a western fan you simply must get Red Dead Revolver!

PS-If you thought Revolver Ocelot could spin guns good wait untill you see the guys in this game!

Fox FTW!

If Snake is going to be joining the brawl, then it should be fine to have someone else from the Metal Gear world join as an Assist Trophy, right?

Frank Jaeger, the Gray Fox, appears!


Oh! Cool mono-eye!

He approaches stealthily with lithe jumps, coming right in then slicing repeatedly. Awww! It makes you want to use him as a playable character.


He slices over and over with his back-handed grip.

By the way, he reflects projectiles.




Gray Fox faces off with Snake.

Gray Fox, who engaged in a grand battle to the death with Metal Gear REX... To think that he would reappear on Wii, and alongside Mario and Sonic at that!

Red Dead Revoler and Mission Complete

Today I decided I havent bought a game in a good long while, so I went to GAME and started brousing, I didn't want a really involving game with lots of storyline and whatnot so I looked for simple games that are just fun. I ended up coming home with Red Dead Revolver a really fun western shooter, its like Gun but better in my opinion, I'll get back to you on what its like next weeknd, i havent played it much yet but it looks great so far. Anyway, it was incredably hard but my Ratchet and Clank Mision is over, I have fisnished the game 5 times, have all wepons normal and gold and have all skill points, that come packed extras such as the making of RAC1 and the funny epilogs "is Skidd hooked on Nano?" my prerson favopurite.

Seya real soon

Ratchet and Clank mission and new MGS Video

Well I now have a goal, to get 100% on the first Ratchet and Clank game, that means all gold bolts and all skill points, it is a big long mission but I hope to not give up :) I also created a new MGS Video all about death, its dedicated to Crazy_Gurl who has returned from a long absence, enjoy!


The Shoe that changed my afternoon

Well I had just finshed Lunhc and was hanging out of the feield with my friends when all of a sudden I look up and a shoe wacks into my face, I fell back onto the grass and was in seroius pain, my friends wanted to take me to Matron (School Nurse) but I don't like her so I said I'll be fine. I went and sat back down in my Form Room when my nose started bleeding, I went to the toilet to clean my nose but theblood was flowing rather quik so I grabbed my bag and headed to Matron. First of all she wasn't there so I had to wait outside for 10 minites before she arrived, blood had compltely covered the tissue and my hand I had and when she came she thought i'd cut myself. She then says "What are you doing here" I said sarcastcilly"Sightseing". That made her rather angry and she told me to sit down and handed me a tissue. (I sorta have a past with matron, I useally go there and we have sarcastic battles, its sorta fun but gets anyyoing because she usally wins.) Then she gives me a whole lecture on nosebleedss and how to stop them, I told her a shoe came out of the sky and hit my face but she didn't belive me and claimed was lying, but she still cleaned me up and off I went to my lesson. I was 15 minites late to my lesson and when I arrived at my classroom my class wasn't there, I panicked, I went to basilcy all the rooms in the school, toook me 15 minites to find the class, It has been an intresting day, now I always fear the shoe, I think I'm gonna go barefeet, bye!

Half term is over, with not much done.

This has been a half term where all i did was make 2 video's, write 2 reviews and tidyed up The Q Force, game wise i did complete Ratchet: Gladiator 2-3 times cannot rember (Which is now my favorite RAC game) and today i completed MGS3 again. (All my MGS3 data got coruptted so I had to start again :( ) Useally if you look back at prevoius blogs in other half terms and I useally buy a game or somthing, not much exiting happen this time. But now the Christmas is soon approaching I can hpe for alot more things. How was your half term?