I have been out of work ever since the arcade closed (fat kids too lazy to leave thier houses etc. seriously guys why don't you go to arcades do you really want to lose this important part of gaming culture forever?). No place will hire me its pretty rediculous. Turned in my 26th application last night WISH ME LUCK GUYS.
Hey man Half Life 2 was pretty rediculous. Near the middle of the game I had no idea what was happening. The solution when you get stuck is always "look around for wooden rails and climb on them".
I tend to avoid games where exploration and collecting are mandatory, but I love Silent Hill and Banjo Kazooie, odd.
And I like decorating the tree as a family and all that, but thats really a pagan tradition originally so I am still not doing anything Christian related.
I find it interesting how back in the day everybody was complaining about Nintendo's strict policies and quality control on their system. Now that they have done away with it people are complaining even more.
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