I used to work at an arcade until it closed down (greatest job of all time ever).
I've kinda been looking for employment ever since... Aside from losing my source of income, it felt like I was losing a part of myself. I had been coming there since I was in FIRST grade, I met my friends there, I regularly met with my friends there all those years later.
Arcades are fading out, and I really want to do something to stop it, but its looking bleak.
All of the PS1 classics, the Ridge Racers, Resident Evils, Silent Hill of course, Final Fantasy games, all that. Maybe even put up the old Gran Turismo games so people can see how far the series has progressed.
I mean I own them already of course, thats how I know they are good.
Dead Space and Silent Hill Homecoming are both very fun games. Its just that Dead Space didn't have an established series so it was surprising to see it do so well, while Silent Hill Homecoming HAD an established series that was nearly perfect and it ended up doing nearly everything wrong.
Dead Space and Silent Hill Homecoming are both very fun games. Its just that Dead Space didn't have an established series so it was surprising to see it do so well, while Silent Hill Homecoming HAD an established series that was nearly perfect and it ended up doing nearly everything wrong.
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