Fredrick2003x's forum posts
I think I spend too much time in general on pointless entertainment. Books, Movies, mindless internet wandering, and of course, my favorite, video games.
I think I really should re-examine my life.
I recently receieved a Playstation 3, and it didn't do much for awhile. I decided I would try out Uncharted, mainly so I could have A game.
Anyway, it tries to download the update to the game, but it always gets stuck and the updates never finish. Sometimes it gets stuck at 8%, sometimes at 23%, and sometimes REALLY CLOSE TO THE END at 98%, but it never finishes. I have even left it alone for hours to see if it would finish, but it didn't. The update is apparently 13MB.
I can download demos and games from the Playstation store absolutely fine, I tried out the demos for Haze, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Siren: Blood Curse. I even bought some Rally Racing game for PS1 (which was a horrible game by the way).
If anyone has any ideas what I could do to solve this problem I would really appreacite it. I looked around on the internet a bit myself, but nothing exactly like this seemed to come up. I figure the answer is probobly painfully obvious I am just ovelooking it.
Thanks for your time.
Personally I thought Killzone was pretty average...
I seem to be in the minority though. Its ok, it happens to me alot.
Getting banned from Xbox Live once is bad enough, but tw... come on man...
Also, am I the only person that loves how Microsoft at least attempts to police its service?
Yeah I really liked it, some impressive graphics in that game too, I really liked watching the summons.
Battle music never gets tiring (which is rare in RPGs for me), in fact I have it on my MP3 player.
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