The price of (AAA) games have been going up for years now. Back then, you paid $60 once, and got a completed product. Now, it's $60 for the game, +$10-40 for bonus editions (including content cut from the base game), +$10-50 for DLC (more cut content), +$10-50 for the inevitable season pass (for those that like to pre-pay for DLC of unknown quality and/or quantity), and then, if that all wasn't enough, microtransactions (which have no justifiable place in a full retail game.)
To do all that, and then still ask for more is just plain ridiculous, and is the absolute peak of avarice.
EDIT: The absolute worst example of the above is easily EA's game The Sims 4. If you tally up the total cost of all of the game's DLC, it's over $600. Granted, it's all optional, but the fact that it exists seperate from the base game, and costs as much as it does is apalling.
Ridiculous. If anything, the prices on AAA games should go down with all of the extras they keep adding (DLC, microtransactions, etc.), as well as all the content they often take out to sell seperately. If the majority of their profits are made post-sale, then there's no justifiable reason to hike up the cost of entry.
As if the size of this thing weren't bad enough, you also have to buy all four color versions to get all of the games it offers, which means spending the equivalent of $180 on 16 games for that microscopic screen. I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or just feel sorry for those foolish enough to buy these.
As if calling their third console 'One' wasn't bad enough, Microsoft decides that they can go one better.
Did they not think this through at all? I can understand the Xbox Series part, as this will be the fourth in the Xbox product line, but the X at the end just baffles me. Xbox Series 4 would have made more sense, and could have been the standard from here on out, but that's never been their way, given their history. I mean, they went from Xbox, to Xbox 360, to Xbox One (good name for their third console 🙄), to Xbox Series X. Seems like they once again got the names mixed up. They used the good name during production, and switched to the placeholder upon the console's announcement. Anyway, rant over. Sorry about that.
Gearbox already "found a solution" to enable cutscene skipping, and it's already in the game. You can skip the opening cutscene and intro when starting a new playthrough on TVHM. All they have to do is enable it on all cutscenes, in all modes.
As for increasing bank storage, shouldn't that be as simple as changing the number in the code, increasing the bank storage value from 50 to whatever, or is there really more to it than that?
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