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#1 FrozenLiquid
Member since 2007 • 13555 Posts

@iandizion713 said:

@FrozenLiquid: Trump knows exactly how to approach women. He was a ladies man in her early days and hung out at night clubs 24/7 having sex with women. But thats not the point. Why do Trump supporter treat Hillary like shes guilty of 100+ crimes when shes guilty of NONE.

Perfect logic. I honestly don't know what to say.

I should become a Hillary supporter.

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#2 FrozenLiquid
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@AFBrat77 said:


Meh, you don't matter here you aren't American.

She hasn't been tried for anything, so you are blowing smoke.

Again, I'd like to see the Trump supporters answer my last post. Good luck!

I'd also like to see a Trump supporter answer your last post, for your sake. I didn't read your last post, and I'm not a Trump supporter.

I'm also less of a Hillary supporter, who is a truly despicable woman.

But hey, if she hasn't been incriminated for wrongdoing, OJ didn't kill his wife, and Michael Jackson only had two nose jobs in his entire life.

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#3 FrozenLiquid
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@iandizion713 said:

@FrozenLiquid: O, ok, so i guess im suppose to assume Trump is guilty of raping that 13 year old girl whos taking him to court. And even if hes found not guilty by the court, well, hes most likely still guilty.

I don't know, when I think 13 year old girl I think Polanski.

Trump is not the suave alpha male he thinks he is. He acts like those guys on the internet catcalling women but wouldn't know how to actually approach them.

There's a good anecdote from Lucy Lawless (Xena, anti-Trump supporter) who said Trump once called her when she was staying in his hotel, and tried to hit on her. She rebuffed him and he backed off immediately. He's a pussy.

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#4 FrozenLiquid
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@FrozenLiquid said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

Most the info out there on Clinton is misdirection. Is she perfect? No. No one is. But as senator she worked with both parties to get things done. She compromises. Trump is not going to compromise with anyone. He is not going to be liked by the Dems and even some Reps won't help him. So 4 years of nothing accomplished and the little increments of improvement we've seen over the last 4 years are wasted. Trickle down economics don't work. Putting an anti Constitutional president in the White House, a sexual predator, racist bigot is going to do nothing for our world position.

He veers on dictatorship. Not democracy. Besides....when he opens his mouth he is an embarrassment to the US. Not just for his ideas but his education. Man is clueless. And if you don't think his policies will help himself then you're naive.

He's NOT what we need. And I hope Americans are smarter than he is and say no Trump ever.

Look, I'm not an American citizen, and I'm not even in Canada. Hell, I think both the modern left and right are two sides of the same post-Enlightenment coin (don't worry if you don't get the last reference). I'm saying this in an effort to tell you I have the least bias when it comes to this American election.

Let me make no bones about this: you've drunk the Democrat kool-aid like no tomorrow. The whole bottle. You've left no kool-aid for the next guy.

Clinton's humiliation a misdirection? (And yet the "grab her by the pussy" video from 11 years ago was not?)

Trump becoming a dictatorship?! (And yet the Obama's and Clinton's sharing the power between each other is not?)

Seriously, from an ethical standpoint this is the most tragic thing I'm witnessing today. After everything Hillary Clinton's been involved with -- from the active participation in silencing her husband's mistresses, to being the Secretary of State in the idiotic Obama Administration, and to this shambles of an election campaign, people *will still defend her*. It's absolutely, utterly, sensationally, ridiculous.

And yet, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. In the year 2016, you can pretty much do and say whatever you want and the people will drink it up faithfully because rationality and critical thinking is thrown out the window. This is going to come in handy in the short-term for my future businesses.

I'm not actually going to argue because your bias has already been confirmed. There's no point. It's like trying to argue with a Trump supporter.

What I will say is that if Clinton is elected, it's easier for me professionally because the world's money will remain in the hands of the same guys as right now. You don't have to think about where to place your chips. You just have to plan when to take your investments and run when the time comes.

If Trump is elected, however, I'd just be glad Hillary wasn't elected. Sure, I'd be scratching my head as to wtf is going to happen with America and her allies (if at all, because nothing much would change in the long term), but I'd actually enjoy figuring out what to do simply because a witch isn't the POTUS.

Trumps plans will cost 4 million jobs. His tax breaks are for the wealthy and we've lived through that twice now. It hurts the middle class.

Researching candidates plans and studying what experts say about such plans is NOT drinking the kool aid. At this point in time the better candidate for the country is NOT Trump.

And your entire post is one big hypocrisy. You are a Trump supporter as your words make clear. It doesn't matter that you aren't American. Your bias is still there.

I'm a Trump supporter?

I'm a Roman Catholic patiently waiting for France to return to the ancien regime and become an absolute Catholic monarchy, and show the world how good Western civilisation used to be. Maybe -- and I pray faithfully -- that it will inspire the United States to also become a Catholic monarchy and forgo that stupid American progressivism that has stemmed from America's Puritanical roots.

Trust me when I say I'm no Trump supporter.

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#5 FrozenLiquid
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@iandizion713 said:

@FrozenLiquid: How is she a witch when shes done nothing wrong, stop drinking the kool-aid.

This one's for you:

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#6 FrozenLiquid
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@FrozenLiquid said:
@LJS9502_basic said:

You mean bend over for.........

What? I just think he takes a contrarian position to whatever Hilary wants. She's been with Obama in condemning Putin, so he's taking the opposite.

And that's the problem with Trump -- he's full of talk. He likes to frickin' talk. If he gets the presidency, who knows if he'll actually do anything he says.

He wants to become president for his own vainglory.

At any other point in history that would've been the telltale sign to vote for the other candidate because he's a clown. But we're dealing with Hillary Clinton here, who's a more heinous option.

It's honestly like a political comedy written by Armando Iannucci.

Most the info out there on Clinton is misdirection. Is she perfect? No. No one is. But as senator she worked with both parties to get things done. She compromises. Trump is not going to compromise with anyone. He is not going to be liked by the Dems and even some Reps won't help him. So 4 years of nothing accomplished and the little increments of improvement we've seen over the last 4 years are wasted. Trickle down economics don't work. Putting an anti Constitutional president in the White House, a sexual predator, racist bigot is going to do nothing for our world position.

He veers on dictatorship. Not democracy. Besides....when he opens his mouth he is an embarrassment to the US. Not just for his ideas but his education. Man is clueless. And if you don't think his policies will help himself then you're naive.

He's NOT what we need. And I hope Americans are smarter than he is and say no Trump ever.

Look, I'm not an American citizen, and I'm not even in Canada. Hell, I think both the modern left and right are two sides of the same post-Enlightenment coin (don't worry if you don't get the last reference). I'm saying this in an effort to tell you I have the least bias when it comes to this American election.

Let me make no bones about this: you've drunk the Democrat kool-aid like no tomorrow. The whole bottle. You've left no kool-aid for the next guy.

Clinton's humiliation a misdirection? (And yet the "grab her by the pussy" video from 11 years ago was not?)

Trump becoming a dictatorship?! (And yet the Obama's and Clinton's sharing the power between each other is not?)

Seriously, from an ethical standpoint this is the most tragic thing I'm witnessing today. After everything Hillary Clinton's been involved with -- from the active participation in silencing her husband's mistresses, to being the Secretary of State in the idiotic Obama Administration, and to this shambles of an election campaign, people *will still defend her*. It's absolutely, utterly, sensationally, ridiculous.

And yet, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. In the year 2016, you can pretty much do and say whatever you want and the people will drink it up faithfully because rationality and critical thinking is thrown out the window. This is going to come in handy in the short-term for my future businesses.

I'm not actually going to argue because your bias has already been confirmed. There's no point. It's like trying to argue with a Trump supporter.

What I will say is that if Clinton is elected, it's easier for me professionally because the world's money will remain in the hands of the same guys as right now. You don't have to think about where to place your chips. You just have to plan when to take your investments and run when the time comes.

If Trump is elected, however, I'd just be glad Hillary wasn't elected. Sure, I'd be scratching my head as to wtf is going to happen with America and her allies (if at all, because nothing much would change in the long term), but I'd actually enjoy figuring out what to do simply because a witch isn't the POTUS.

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#7 FrozenLiquid
Member since 2007 • 13555 Posts

The Witch.

Decent movie. A bit too straightforward.

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#8 FrozenLiquid
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@LJS9502_basic said:
@Icarian said:
@LJS9502_basic said:
@Icarian said:

@AFBrat77: Voting Trump would probably save this world. Clinton would mean war with Russia and probably World War 3. That's all I care about.

Trump? Have you listened to him? He says he loves war. His words tend to be violent. How you can compare him to a pacifist is beyond me. Then again I don't think his supporters are big on facts anyway.

Trump is willing to negotiate with Putin and doesn't want war with Russia. Clinton wants no-fly zone in Syria which would lead to war with Russia. Clinton has been clearly more aggressive warmonger from these two.

You mean bend over for.........

What? I just think he takes a contrarian position to whatever Hilary wants. She's been with Obama in condemning Putin, so he's taking the opposite.

And that's the problem with Trump -- he's full of talk. He likes to frickin' talk. If he gets the presidency, who knows if he'll actually do anything he says.

He wants to become president for his own vainglory.

At any other point in history that would've been the telltale sign to vote for the other candidate because he's a clown. But we're dealing with Hillary Clinton here, who's a more heinous option.

It's honestly like a political comedy written by Armando Iannucci.

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#9 FrozenLiquid
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@Aljosa23 said:
@Wickerman777 said:
@Aljosa23 said:
@Wickerman777 said:
@AFBrat77 said:

Pretty sad if Trump and Russia win this election.

Oh yeah, flippin' terrible if we renegotiate NAFTA, stop TPP, stop closing all our manufacturing plants and shipping those jobs overseas, stop trying to start a war with Russia, etc. What a horrible fate, lol.

hahahaha, none of that would happen if Trump wins the Presidency. But thanks for the laugh!

The only thing that would happen under a Clinton presidency is 350 million people watching her use the office to make herself a billionaire. It is truly a spectacle in the extreme to see people passionately defend the most corrupt person to ever seek the presidency in this nation's history.

*yawn* so boring. The "most corrupt person" yet she's never been convicted of anything nor has their been any evidence after so many investigations and Congressional hearings. lol what a joke.

Even black people realise that OJ did it, brah.

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#10 FrozenLiquid
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@uninspiredcup said:

Cage himself, for diplomatic purposes, seems to hide a veneer of "I am above this" which seems similar to the elite of the movie industry who see horror movies as below them, when i reality, monsters in almost every medium have have had some core human element that intrinsically appeal to people.

Something like Doom, manipulating hell for it's own needs and, hell in it's unrepentant fury, biting back - immediately Fukyushima Daichi and Chernobyl come to mind.

Doom is very much a moral lesson about abusing resources and the dangers of morally bankrupt bureaucracy, integrating biblical, legend and myth into a fun interactive manner readily comprehensible to a mass audience without infringing on the actual interactive part, it has a lot more to say than Heavy Rain, while saying less.

It appears Sniper was very much right in his appraisal, and seemed aware of this before everyone else.

No, the elite of the movie industry thinks what horror the audience wants is below them. It's just sad that when something like The Witch (above average regardless) is released, idiots on the IMDb threads say "Oh, that's supposed to be horror? It's not scary."

The masses treat the horror genre like a thrill ride.

Here's one that is a fantastic film set during the Iran-Iraq war.

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