@LJS9502_basic said:
Most the info out there on Clinton is misdirection. Is she perfect? No. No one is. But as senator she worked with both parties to get things done. She compromises. Trump is not going to compromise with anyone. He is not going to be liked by the Dems and even some Reps won't help him. So 4 years of nothing accomplished and the little increments of improvement we've seen over the last 4 years are wasted. Trickle down economics don't work. Putting an anti Constitutional president in the White House, a sexual predator, racist bigot is going to do nothing for our world position.
He veers on dictatorship. Not democracy. Besides....when he opens his mouth he is an embarrassment to the US. Not just for his ideas but his education. Man is clueless. And if you don't think his policies will help himself then you're naive.
He's NOT what we need. And I hope Americans are smarter than he is and say no Trump ever.
Look, I'm not an American citizen, and I'm not even in Canada. Hell, I think both the modern left and right are two sides of the same post-Enlightenment coin (don't worry if you don't get the last reference). I'm saying this in an effort to tell you I have the least bias when it comes to this American election.
Let me make no bones about this: you've drunk the Democrat kool-aid like no tomorrow. The whole bottle. You've left no kool-aid for the next guy.
Clinton's humiliation a misdirection? (And yet the "grab her by the pussy" video from 11 years ago was not?)
Trump becoming a dictatorship?! (And yet the Obama's and Clinton's sharing the power between each other is not?)
Seriously, from an ethical standpoint this is the most tragic thing I'm witnessing today. After everything Hillary Clinton's been involved with -- from the active participation in silencing her husband's mistresses, to being the Secretary of State in the idiotic Obama Administration, and to this shambles of an election campaign, people *will still defend her*. It's absolutely, utterly, sensationally, ridiculous.
And yet, it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. In the year 2016, you can pretty much do and say whatever you want and the people will drink it up faithfully because rationality and critical thinking is thrown out the window. This is going to come in handy in the short-term for my future businesses.
I'm not actually going to argue because your bias has already been confirmed. There's no point. It's like trying to argue with a Trump supporter.
What I will say is that if Clinton is elected, it's easier for me professionally because the world's money will remain in the hands of the same guys as right now. You don't have to think about where to place your chips. You just have to plan when to take your investments and run when the time comes.
If Trump is elected, however, I'd just be glad Hillary wasn't elected. Sure, I'd be scratching my head as to wtf is going to happen with America and her allies (if at all, because nothing much would change in the long term), but I'd actually enjoy figuring out what to do simply because a witch isn't the POTUS.
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