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#1 FrozenLiquid
Member since 2007 • 13555 Posts

2007 is old?

I thought Halo 3 came out just a few years ago?!?!?!

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#2 FrozenLiquid
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I'd like to. Don't have a console yet though

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#3 FrozenLiquid
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@GarGx1 said:
@Wasdie said:
@MBirdy88 said:

Those Videos WASDIE has posted are impressive.... nice to see the Idris, Javelin and Bengal in their finished glory (well exterior anyway).

Star Marine looks passable finally, will need alot of tweaking gameplay wise as it resembles less CS/Arma more CoD at the moment (not a complaint.)

Nice nice. I'm still on edge about 3.0, not how long it takes, but the netcode. tbh, once I can see the "proof in the pudding" that the MMO aspect is possible and working, content pace is no longer an issue.

The netcode is partly what is taking 2.6 so long. They are moving all of the items in the game to a new way of tracking them in the back end and passing the data between the server and the clients. However they still can't fully use their new systems so they are jury rigging it to work with the old ones so they can at least get some things done while the final server side stuff is complete.

The complete clusterf*ck of a job done by Illfonic with the FPS/Star Marine has been a large part of the delay as well. They pretty much had to restart from scratch.

I guess when they had no idea of how much funding they'd get and not having enough staff at the time, out sourcing to Illfonic probably seemed like a good idea, if only they'd kept a tighter grip on them instead of letting them run with it until it became apparent that virtually everything they done was completely incompatible with the rest of the system C.I.G. themselves were working on.

The Squadron 42 delay is suspected to be down to an major A.I. issue, mainly the way it deals with the localised physics grids and the transitions between them. Although I suspect that the planet tech has something do with it as well. It's come along much later in development than all the other features and I'll guarantee that Chris wants it in Squadron 42. It was always going to be coming in but much later on and likely long after SQ42 had shipped. I blame Foundry 42 - Frankfurt for being programming geniuses and getting the tech together so quickly, pretty much on the side of everything else they are working on. The Bast*rds that they are :p

That wasn't Illfonic's issue. That was a management issue. Illfonic was doing a made-to-order from yesteryear and the goalposts changed with CIG's executive team in subsequent years. Roberts pretty much said this himself.

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#4 FrozenLiquid
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I don't support him per se, but I'm glad Hillary didn't get into power. She's a witch. Shit, if you believe the WikiLeaks emails in a certain light, she might even be an actual witch.

Trump has got a hell of a lot to prove over the next four years. But I'm guessing he won't ban Muslims, he won't build a wall, he won't do any of the grand things he said he would do, despite the Republicans owning the House and Senate.

I'm grabbing my popcorn and watching how he "makes deals" in politics though lol

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#5 FrozenLiquid
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@killered3 said:


Did you ever think of looking up racist Trump supporters? White supremacists and neo nazis are the ones I mean. Like I said, you're not even trying, you just want to say that every Trump supporter is nonviolent but you're forgetting all of the racist bigots he's attracted.

White supremacists and neo nazis can be trump supporters, but not all trump supporters are white supremacists and neo nazis. This is why I didn't search them, because whether Hillary or Trump or Jill Stein got into power, they'd still be neo nazis.

I cannot stress this enough, though I knew it would fall on deaf ears. Searching on youtube "Trump Supporters Attack Black people" should show me Trump Supporters attacking black people. I hope you'd agree with me on that one.

Instead, it's showing me tons and tons of videos of the opposite: Hillary voters -- apparently the peaceful, tolerant group filled with loving minorities and gaypeople -- going on a fucking rampage, even against their own blood.

I'm not painting Trump supporters as nonviolent, not at all. What I am doing is shining the light at the intolerant left. They were so fucking smug pre-election, having a holier than though attitude towards their apparently racist and whiny opposition, now look at what's happened.

If you know your history though, the left are always violent, and try to justify it in a holier than though attitude. It's how the French Revolution turned violent, it's how Lenin and Trotsky got into power, it's how Mao justified the violence in China. Even Hitler and Mussolini took that leaf out of socialists when they built their own empires.

I also have pity on brainwashed minorities on the left, who believe the crap ideology. Unfortunately for them, they're the ones who don't like their guns. They shouldn't be pissing off white America.

P.S I'm not white.

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#6 FrozenLiquid
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@toast_burner said:
@ronvalencia said:
@toast_burner said:

No Mexicans aren't a race, neither are Muslims, so what? My point was to give an example for race, nationality, religion and gender because bigotry is all the same no matter what. How you failed to understand that I do not know.

Why don't you answer my question. How does making blacks sit at the back of buses help anyone?

Mexicans are not limited to a single race. Are you supporting borderless nations?

Muslims are not limited to a single race. You think the "old world" issues disappeared with the arrival of left wing/progressive/political correctness ideologies?

Women are not limited to a single race, but there's segregation in sports.

It's not consistent on the part of left wing/progressives/political correct camp to support LGBT while against Trump's anti-Islam viewpoints.

Did you even read what I wrote?

Racism is bad.

Sexism is bad.

Homophobia is bad.

Religious discrimination is bad.

Nationalism is bad.

No race, nationality, sexuality, religion and sex are not the same thing, but the hatred towards people because of their differences in those catergories is. It's bigotry.

How is it inconsistent to support LGBT rights and religious freedom at the same time? Sure a lot of religious people hate gays, but you shouldn't restrict a persons rights simply because they disagree with you/hate you. People deserve the right to follow whatever religion they want just like how people deserve to be allowed to marry people of whatever sex they want. That's not being inconsistent, it's quite the opposite.

It's unworkable, however, and is based on emotionalism rather than rationalism.

For example, anyone who is Roman Catholic is to make the moral effort to stand against abortion, contraception, pre-marital sex and co-habitation, sodomy, beastiality, pedophilia etc. No, it's not just "you have a right to believe that privately if you want" like secularists say, you have to actively participate in standing against it. This is one of the reasons why the Catholic Church cried foul over Obamacare, which tried to coerce its institutions to offer contraceptives to its patients.

It's similar with Islam, which is even more adamant on enforcing its rule of law over all else than Catholicism. If a heathen's law is in direct conflict with Allah's law, that's justification to inflict violence against them.

How and why secularists and liberals began to believe religious freedom and a secular morale code (based on cultural marxism) are compatible is beyond me.

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#7 FrozenLiquid
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@killered3 said:


You're obviously not even trying. There's civil unrest on both ends. People making the election a bigger deal than it really is. Luckily we're mostly getting graffiti from white supremacists and a few marchings but I really don't like that the most effected areas are in schools. Someone needs to educate these kids and teach them some manners.

I tried.

Really hard.

I wanted direct video evidence that white supremacists were causing chaos and this was the end of the peaceful, tolerant Unted States of America.

So I googled "Trump Voters Attack", because I want to know if the people that voted Donald Trump into power are the ones that are causing the violence.

Unfortunately, there's very little direct video evidence of Trump supporters causing chaos. Oh yes, there's lots of Twitter anecdotes, photos of dorm segregation, crying, moaning, and weeping on something that allegedly happened off camera... but there's no direct video evidence. I think the closest I've got is a school cafeteria chanting "build a wall" or something.

The reason why I am very skeptical of photos and anecdotes which don't show it immediately happening, is because the left have a storied history in underhanded tactics. For all I know, Hillary supporters tagged swastikas on buildings and sprayed death threats on their own group in an effort to make the Trump supporters look bad. Considering the WikiLeaks exposure of DNC tactics, I'm not tin-foil hat crazy.

I personally don't hope to see direct video evidence of middle class white America attacking minorities/Hillary supporters. Because that would mean all gloves are off, and the country is heading into a civil war.

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#8 FrozenLiquid
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@killered3 said:


There's hypocrisy on both sides. Democrats are obviously furious about the loss and resorted to violent protests. But we also have hate crimes spreading across the country from deplorables who seem to think that Trump signifies a white takeover of America. White supremacists are taking this election WAAAAY too far and it won't be long before that gets out of control too.

Yup, Trumpland is looking pretty fucked up right about now. The most important thing we need now is to find a way to calm everyone the **** down. Let the racist, white supremacists know that this is still just another Republican presidency and nothing more. And even though the Democrats loss the election, there's always another try. Whether it's a shit storm or not, it'll come and pass. As Obama said, "We are not Republicans first. We're not Democrats first. We are Americans. We are patriots." This is EVERYONE'S country. You don't get to leave just because things get a little rough. You stand by her, dust yourself off and remember there will always be another tomorrow. United we stand.

I Youtube'd "Trump Voters Attack..." because I want to see all these white people hate crimes. These are the results:

Loading Video...

It's like Youtube is playing a trick on me. I should be seeing white people attacking all the minorities. It's the other way around. You can do it too with your own Youtube

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#9 FrozenLiquid
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@drunk_pi said:

For someone who just talked about unity, you're not showing it. Granted, there is hypocrisy on both sides but there's a difference: You supported a shutdown of all Muslim immigration to the U.S. You have shown to shut out media outlets who were critical of you during your campaign. You supported the good ol' days where protesters were carried out in a stretcher. Not to mention that you've aligned yourself with some of the most questionable people whose records scream anti-civil rights. You quack like an Authoritarian and you are an Authoritarian.

Sorry you're offended Herr Fuhrer Trump. Grow a thicker skin.

He's read the Koran then? I thought he didn't read :\

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#10  Edited By FrozenLiquid
Member since 2007 • 13555 Posts

Jeez, for all this talk about Trump wanting to start World War 3, it's the anti-Trumpers who keep harping on about Putin being the evil guy behind it all?


WikiLeaks has repeatedly denied that Russia had a hand to play in the American election. It's a false bogeyman created by the Democrats to keep Hillary's ship afloat. The saboteurs were people on the inside i.e American citizens who knew all about Crooked Hillary.

If I may indulge in a bit of a conspiracy then: it's no coincidence the head of the FBI decided to re-open Hillary's email case days before the election. Yes it was completely underhanded, but even James Comey was sick of Hillary's treachery.