I went to a liquor store today and i bought two bottles of sparkling wine and one bottle of real champagne, and no! They weren't the big bottles, they were small bottles, only 20 cl each. I took 3 on purpose; one sweet, one half dry and one dry. That's because i want to taste all kinds of alcohol drinks, just to get some knowledge of which i like the best.
I've almost drunk one of the bottles =) I like all kinds of sweet things, like sweet smells and sweet drinks and cocktails. i think i might like sweet alcohol beverages as well!
I just saw a television commercial for Ring 2, it comes 24th of March to theatres here, i really wanna see it! I gotta ask my best friend Elina to go with me =)
For the last few days, i've been thinking about this man, Hideto Matsumoto, hide for short. He has made some awesome songs which are really unique and so energetic! Just like hide was himself. He was found dead on May 2nd 1998 from his apartment, with a towel around his neck, the other end tied to the bathroom doorknob. The police has said that it was a suicide, since there was no sign of struggle. At the night of his death he was partying with his friends and was very drunk when he got home. There are also rumors that he might have been practising for a suicide scene for his gig. But why drunk? It was so stupid to try something like that! Didn't he think that he might die?! It somehow makes me so angry...and sad. And if it really was a suicide, then i'm also kinda angry. How could he just leave his friends and fans like that? He just left! =( He had all kinds of plans for future and he was so happy and energetic, no reason for a suicide. I think.....it's even more sad if it was an accident, because it means that he didn't want to leave yet. If it was a suicide..i think i would be happier because it means that he wanted to leave, and he got what he wanted. Well i guess we'll never know. But i DO know that it is better to have lived one's life happily and die a bit younger, than to have lived a miserable life and die at older age. And he accomplished something in his life and possibly fulfilled some of his dreams already. =)
If you've read this far, you might be interested to see what he looked like:
(i wrote "hide" there myself ^^, his favorite color was pink)
Maybe just ONE more!
i love this pic of him, he's so...perky in this one! =D
It's so sad...when he died, some of his fans tried suicide and one girl succeeded, i know that hide had never wanted that, since he really loved his fans!
Well i've written quite long now and since i know there are no Frozen_Angel19 fans out there i might as well stop now and continue eating my chocolate and listening to some music =)
Later, if anyone's reading!
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