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FullMetalWWant Blog

South America is Hot

Hello everyone, now you know where I am at the minute, I'm in Cumana. And now you guys know where I am since I haven't been on as much.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas, all my gifts are at home thanks to my dad. I got:

My own copy pf Grand Theift Auto IV

Eminem's Relapse: Refill

And many iTunes gift cards from my loving girlfriend and best friends.

Well, thats all for now, I'm heading for the beach right now

Stay hot or cold this winter and have a Happy New Year 8)

Later chicos


And The Awards Are......

Hello everyone, it has been a while since my last blog so let's cut the chat and start this up again.

I saw the VGAs and I must say, I was amazed at some of the new games that are going to be released in the future. Makes me wonder what 2010 is going to be like for games eh?

Anyways, I'm proud for The Beatles: Rock Band for getting a award, this should be a sign of things to come.

Well, I really don't have much to say this time around, makes you wonder what I will think of next.

Till then, stay warm this winter chicos 8)


Snow Day :D

Well, Santa was watching over our town and well, we got snow: A lot of snow. There was so muc snow that all high schools are closed. But I'm a college student. They closed my college as well so for the first time in maybe years, school is closed due to snow :D

In other news, did you guys watch my latest video about me and my friends? No? For shame. Here you go:

But in sad news, my dear friend Azure was recently banned from Gamespot. It's a sad day indeed. I miss Azure already, being there for me. Whereever you are Azure, I miss you dearly.

Now then, I shall start video games for the whole snow day. :D

Stay warm indoors chicos 8)


Randomness between Friends

Well, some things that happen over night can really be interesting. I decided to record a video of me and my friends doing random things (like always in our lives).

It's all the random but with more random :lol:

Anyways, I'm going to start playing Galaxy again because I want to fill the void since I saw Bioshock 2 video. I have to wait two months before I can go back into the city of Rapture. So, I will play Galaxy so that I can have some fun again.

Is it snowing where it is with all of you? Maybe I might see some snow snow, I just like clouds :lol:

That's it chicos :D

Stay cool this winter 8)


I Saw New Moon + Other News

Well, I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later but I saw New Moon with my girl and my best friend. They both enjoyed it very much, as for me.......I'm scarred for life ._. Whatever happened to real vampires with no emotion? Edward can't do nothing but talk about his feelings. I don't care if fangirls are going to kill me, I just don't see it.

Anyways, DJ Hero is a very fun game and all my friends really like it. I've been playing Assassin's Creed II alot because I rented it and it is better then the first one. I also reached 10000 GP on Xbox. Even if it doesn't say on my profile because I haven't been online much anyways.

Well, that's all for now, I will write more later when I get bored :P

Later chicos 8)


DJ Hero Means Sickness

It happened before Black Friday but I got sick with a minor cold and not the other cold people are getting at the moment.

Anyways, I did get DJ Hero and it's a fun game to play and makes me become DJ Metal :lol:

Well, that's all for now, I got things to make with Gimp to post here maybe.

Later chicos 8)


Mario: The Next Profile Theme

Well, I've decided to change my profile to my all time favorite video game character: Mario :D

You see, all the images you see is made by me using Gimp. I haven't used it in a long time because for about a month, I had to get my laptop fixed. But after I got it back, I got things back and I'm back as a semi horrible image creator. I love my work so :P

Anyways, I've wanted a Mario theme profile for awhile now so expect to see just Mario for a bit until I decide to get better at Gimp.

Well, that's all for now. Oh, you guys should go visit a union called the Nintendo All Stars for all your Nintendo needs, news, games, previews and all sorts of good stuff. I was a former 4 time Officer and I know that it's a great union to be in.

Join the union and have a Happy Thanksgiving/Turkey/Eat Until Your Pants Explode Day!!! :D

Later chicos 8)


Wow, Another New Game

Well, after much begging, I now owm both New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Left 4 Dead 2 and I must say, I'm enjoying these games very much. Can't get any better then this.

So, another review will be up in the morning so until then, sleep :lol:

Chicos 8)


A Brand New Wii Game

Peeps, you know me already. I love Mario and he's my video game hero for life. Now, I took a chance and I got a game that I think everyone should get:

New Super Mario Bros. Wii

I really like this game a bunch and I will get a review up soon so read it ;lol:

Anyways, I hope I get Left 4 Dead 2 soon as well :)

Later chicos 8)


The One Named Eddie Guerrero

Today is a day to remember a man who is well known in the wrestling world. Eddie Guerrero, the man who did the unthinkable and won the WWE Championship back in 2004, died November 13, 2005. He is to this day my favorite wrestler in the business today because he proved that anything is possible.

I remember when my dad watched Guerrero fight back in the days of Eddie's father wrestling. My dad loves Eddie. Heck, my whole family remembers Eddie and really loves him. If he was here right now, he would be a multi time WWE Champion and a World Heavyweight Champion.

I still have the ticket when I saw him in action a few weeks before his death. I will forever remember him.

So, for this blog, no matter if you have no clue who he is or you love him, we must remember that Eddie was a great champion and will forever go down in wrestling history as one of the best wrestlers today.

Rest in Peace Eddie

You are still loved and missed