For those who know me and was reading my blogs way back in the days (Two years ago), then they will understand what I'm saying here. For the rest who don't even read my blogs, then your missing out.
After my bro's death two years ago, I left GS for awhile and played Brawl. After awhile, I wanted to come back but I had an idea, like mixing WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) and Brawl and making them into a storyline. It was pretty good and when I came back, a lot of my friends agreed and even liked the idea.
After a few months, I created this and it was great. I got
Brawl Under the Sun
Judgement Brawl
Brawlmania II
Time passed and I lost many a friend because of reasons not known to any of us and I stopped. Until now that is. If working on this is right, maybe there is a chance for a Brawlmania III and start a good story again.
Well, other then Final Fantasy people going crazy because today is the day, nothing else is new to me :lol:
Stay cool chicos 8)
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