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FullMetalWWant Blog

Got Pokemon Heartgold

So yeah, hello chicos, I finally did get the new Pokemon game and I'm about to play before I go to bed :P

Anyways, I will continue to update what me and my Pokemon are doing and have many a misadventure now that I have such a great and big game as it is. We'll see what happens :P Might have a review after a few hours of gameplay and stuff so it should be nice :)

Anyways, that's it for the moment, next blog will be an update on HG :D

Stay cool chicos 8)


Time to Rust in Peace

Hello everyone, another profile change was needed, this time to honor one of my favorite bands: Megadeth. It started with Peace Sells but thanks to Rock Band and their DLC, I downloaded the recent new album Rust in Peace and it got me hooked. Sure, it has some really tough songs but that's why no fail mode was invented for :P

So, next weekend is the big one for all the wrestling fans. Wrestlemania 26 is here at last. My picks in the next blog because I'm too tired and spent a good hour fixing my new profile and stuff :P

That's all till next time :lol:

Stay cool chicos 8)


Let There Be Rock and Games

Hello again everyone, as you can see, I did a change around my profile. It is as you know one of my favorite bands ever at the moment: AC/DC. These guys are really cool and their music literally rocks. My dream is to one day to see them perform live before someone retires in the band later in the years.

Why is this band in my blog? A nice word actually:

Rock Band 3

With this, maybe AC/DC will add another song on it, maybe something back in the Bon days of things.

Later chicos, time for college class

Stay cool 8)


A Brawlmania III???

For those who know me and was reading my blogs way back in the days (Two years ago), then they will understand what I'm saying here. For the rest who don't even read my blogs, then your missing out.

After my bro's death two years ago, I left GS for awhile and played Brawl. After awhile, I wanted to come back but I had an idea, like mixing WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) and Brawl and making them into a storyline. It was pretty good and when I came back, a lot of my friends agreed and even liked the idea.

After a few months, I created this and it was great. I got


Brawl Under the Sun

Judgement Brawl

Brawlmania II

Time passed and I lost many a friend because of reasons not known to any of us and I stopped. Until now that is. If working on this is right, maybe there is a chance for a Brawlmania III and start a good story again.

Well, other then Final Fantasy people going crazy because today is the day, nothing else is new to me :lol:

Stay cool chicos 8)


Up Another Level + March!!!

Hello my peeps, it is me again and this time, I'm a level 33 - a Goombella. Now, one of my friends said that it's a curse. I just think it's a blessing just to make it this far in under 3 years. Yay for following the rules :D

Anyways, some people have been asking me that if I should leave GS anytime soon. Sure, we are around the time that I lost my bro but that doesn't mean I'm not going away for months. I want to stay active and help the NAS as much as I can :)

Also, I have a lot of songs on Rock Band so it keeps me entertained when I'm not here :lol:

That's enough for now chicos 8)

Stay cool and Happy March :D


Super Mario Galaxy 2!!!!

Hello everyone that still reads mt blogs, I'm here to say how happy I am with the new, the great, the one and only Super Mario Galaxy 2. And near my birthday as well? Wow, I must be lucky.

To prove how lucky I am with SMG 2, it's being released near my birthday and after I finish class as well. Wow, I can't wait to get my hands on this years Game of the Year. Yeah, a bit early but hey, it looks good. Nintendo is going to have a very fun year :D

Bioshock 2 is fun :P

The purple sneakers are out to get you :)

That's all for now chicos :)

Stay warm this winter 8)


Whoa, Needs Some Cleaning

Wow, I need to dust this blog don't I?

Well, reasons I haven't been blogging is because of school and what's going on in the video game world. With my neverending goal to get the game in my hands, I've been away most often. Maybe by today, I shall get the game that everyone has been talking about so much.

Maybe by the next blog, I will post my words on how I feel about the game.

Anyways, I hope you guys in the East are doing okay due to mother nature being a b****. Make sure to keep warm and play video games to keep your mind away from the snow that wants to eat your flesh.

Well, that's all for now. Till the next one chicos :D

Stay cool or warm 8)


P.S: I sense another Friend List cleaning in the future

A Manga a Day Keeps People Away

Hello everyone, just here to give you guys the low down on what I've been doing.

I've been reading a lot of manga lately, mostly Gin-Tama and Sgt. Frog. What better way then to relax on a beanbag chair then to read two mangas that I think are really funny.

Hence why my name is Fullmetal cause everyone already knows what my favorite manga is.

Anyways, I'm counting the days until I can get my hands on Bioshock 2. It looks so good that I want to play it already. My 360 cries for the game as we speak.

Well, that's all for the moment peeps.

Stay cool 8)


Back in the USA + Other Stuff

Hello my peeps, I'm back at last from Cumana and it's very good to be back in my town :D

Anyways, let's start off that I've been playing my recent Christmas gift, GTA IV and I must say, the series never disappointed me before and this game is really fun. I never owned a copy before and now I got one :D

I also got Super Mario RPG and Earthworm Jim 2 on the VC so I'm just trying to play as much as I can :P

Other then that, I will end it here for now :)

Later peeps 8)


In Super Happy Fun Time News

Hola my peeps, hope everyone had a safe New Years and stuff, I know I missed alot since I'm not in the US. But I will return Sunday with full activity on Monday.

Until then, I have no idea :lol:

Anyways, here is a quote:

The fire of hate sent to me from hell burns brightly with a passion and a vengeance.

That was a quote of a fanfiction I was reading today and it was Mario telling Luigi how he felt when Bowser kidnapped Peach, Daisy, and Rosalina. Very funny stuff.

In wrestling news :o

Bret Hart is back and I think it was about dang time he returned after 12 years away. Take that TNA :lol:

I end this blog randomly :P

Later chicos 8)