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FullMetalWWant Blog

Microsoft Stole the Show?

Happy E3 chicos 8)

Like last year, I will give you guys my view on the conferences, as well as games that looked nice. Let's start with what happened today, shall we?

After a minor problem starting up, Microsoft kicked off with a few new games, the Kinect and the brand new 360 slim that will be in stores later this week. It was okay but I wish there was more games and more shocking stuff (Like Rock Band 3).

But, they are off to a start as Nintendo and Sony will get the spotlight tomorrow. But what about EA and Ubisoft? Only time will tell as I watch that.


Almost Here

Well chicos, E3 begins tomorrow and I'm getting ready for it as I type. I'm waking up early to catch what Microsoft has up it's selves this year, then going to catch the live Gamespot show to watch some cool demos.

Man, the World CUp is getting really good this year, with teams winning or having a draw, this is going to be a very long month for the World Cup :P

As always, I will post my thoughts on all three systems about what games they are going to be released tomorrow and so on like I did last year, but with more words.

See you at E3 chicos 8)


Viva Mexico - Today

Yes indeed chicos, today is the start of the best game in the world!!!

Super Bowl?

No you fool :P

World Series?

Not even November :lol:

NBA Finals?

What are you talking about?

No, today, South Africa hosts the 2010 World Cup today and they will face my team, heck, mya family's team, Mexico :D Let's hope for some great games all this month :)

Anyways, I have Modern Warfare 2 so yeah, I like it very much. I stink at it but I like it very much :lol:

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Star Count: 119. I just need one more and I'm good for more :P

That is all chicos :)

I would say stay cool this summer, but it's cold today :lol:

Stay warm then :lol:

FMW 8)

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Done (Kinda)

Hello chicos, it's been a very busy few days for me. I just beat Super Mario Galaxy 2 and I must say, it's a great game. I have collected 72 stars till I got to the end. Then I remembered that there's 240 stars so now I will go back to everything I skipped. Get ready for a very long trip for that :P

Red Dead Redemption is doing good on multiplayer, I just wish I had friends so that I can make a posse and stuff like that, I'm very good at the game matches :D

Other then some random stuff, that's all for now :)

Keep cool this summer chicos 8)


Now I Have Super Mario Galaxy 2

Yes chicos, you did read it right, I finally have Super Mario Galaxy 2 in my hands and I'm about to start playing it at last and join in on the star collecting :D

I've been waiting for this day since I can remember remembering :P

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Star Count: 45


Edit: Yup, I got that much in just a short amount of time

I'm Once Again Popular :D

Hello chicos, time for some up to date stuff :P

Anyways, as some might know, I am a writer over at, where I wrote a word story on the first Super Mario Galaxy story. I decided that I wanted to continue it by changing the story into Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 and it's very popular right now and I feel proud :D

So, if you want to read and enjoy some good writing, then just look for that same title, Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 and look for the same name as my GS name and there you go :)

Well, that's all for now, unless I keep forgetting something but I'm fine with it :lol:

Stay cool this summer peeps 8)

That Time of Year Again

Well chicos, E3 is close and the World Cup 2010 is closer. But what I love the most: AJ Gaming Month :D

To celebrate my late bro's love for video games, I play the best games all of June and post them here as well, I just don't know what to post :P I already beat Red Dead Redemption as it is and I am still waiting for Green Day Rock Band to be released so it's all about waiting it out :P

As for the World Cup: Mexico 8)

As always, I will post my thoughts about E3 when it starts.

On a side note, Aj spent a lot of moeny on those chicken nuggets on that last blog. He was happy but still :P

Start cool this summer chicos 8)


Another Round of Fun Facts :D

Hello chicos, since the lasy blog drew some comments, I think another round of fun facts about me should happen :P

1. I want Mexico to be a very great team heading into the World CUp 2010 in South Africa. I also like U.S.A., Spain and any other team that can win :P

2. I have 45 issues of Gameinformer :P

3. Mario is my favorite hero, next to Kirby

4. Me and my late bro once decided to have a challenge on who can eat the most chicken nuggets from McDonalds. I ate a good 35. My brother ate 67. Now you know why this fool likes to eat a lot :lol:

5. I have many gaming posters on my walls because I collect them and make my room more interesting then the dust sitting on my book :P

6. Sgt. Frog, Hellsing, Fullmetal Alchemist and One Piece are my favorite animes. Dragonball Z is just too great to list

7. Big Mac with a side order of large fries and a large Dr. Pepper is my favorite fast food that I order most often. My dad can eat 2 Big Macs. My brother says needs chicken :lol:

8. My dad, no kidding, made me a Pokeball :P

9. My bed is a full size but I'm too big for it :o

10. AFK means away from keyboard, not a f***ing key :lol: :lol:

11. My most played video game would be Rock Band 2

12. My wallet has a chain from it because it's afraid of the light :lol:

13. My favorite movie is The Blues Brothers, then The Dark Knight.

14. I watched The Dark Knight 11 times in the movies. I have yet to meet that movie that epic that I would sit again :P

15. I spend more time on Gamespot then I do on Facebook, Myspace and Twitter combine with doughnuts :P

16: French Toast still sucks :lol: :P

Maybe there might be more facts chicos 8)

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Star Count: Still a dusty 0 :P

Later chicos 8)


Fun Facts with FullMetalWWant

Hello chicos, this is a random blog that I will detail about the few fun facts about me :D

1. Paper Mario for the Nintendo 64 is the only game that I ever beat in one sitting when I was younger. Means that aisde from eating and bathroom breaks, I sat down and stayed there until I beat Paper Mario

2. I've been a wrestling fan for almost 9 years, my favorite wrestler is the late great Eddie Guerrero

3. My first system that I owned was a Nintendo 64, my late bro's was a NES. Lucky for him :P

4. My favorite games? That's too many to list, a few would be Super Mario Galaxy, Paper mario, Rock Band 2 and others that I like.

5. I do eat fast food, regardless of what it does to me. I excerise anyways :P McD is my favorite then others.

6. I will be here at GS for three years this August :)

7. I've been Officer for a total of 7 times in my past three years, 5 in the NAS, twice during the WOTU.

8. I have many best friends here on GS that at least comment :P

9. Regardless of what others are doing, I will never leave GS because when I get bored, I go here :P

10. French toast sucks :P

11. I want Super Mario Galaxy 2 and Green Day Rock Band at the moment, they look cool 8)

12. I currently use a Wii and a 360, as my PS2 died on me recently and my 64 is collecting dust.

13. I'm running out of facts :P

14. I'm the rare breed of mexican, for I eat a lot and I'm really tall :P

That's all for now, also, I will post my SMG 2 star count even if I don't have it yet :P

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Star Count: 0

Later chicos 8)


The Summer Games + E3

Well chicos, it's almost that time again where the biggest thing to happen since canned chips: E3

Like I did for the past years, I will once again update my comments on each showing at E3, as well as games I love and such and such.

For example, let's here some songs for Rock Band 3 :D I don't care, just as long as we get details on songs and stuff. I'm still getting the game no matter what but with rumor of a new insterment, things are going to get interesting. Let's also hope for exporting everything to the new game, I bet they are working on that :D

Yes, I really want Super Mario Galaxy 2 but right now, Green Day Rock Band is on top of my list just because I can put all those songs on Rock Band 2. Epic win in my taste 8)

Gotta go, I think I'm bleeding again :P

Next blog will be a rare rant from me :o

Later chicos and stay cool this summer 8)