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FullMetalWWant Blog

Day of Turkey + Black Friday

Hello chicos and I hope that everyone of you is having a nice and safe thanksgiving with your loved ones. Make sure you eat plenty because I know I will. Also we named our turkey PeeWee just so that he's apart of the family :lol:

Black Friday is the one day of the year where I can go to a store with a bag of popcorn and watch two women fighting over a pair of shoes. Try it sometime, it's really funny :lol:

Stay warm this holiday season peeps 8)


5 Years Ago, We Lost A Hero

Well, it's that time again. Almost time to honor a man who the wrestling world lost over 5 years ago. That man is the Late, Great Eddie Guerrero.

Around 2000, at least ten years ago, I became a WWE (Back then, it was WWF) fan. First match I ever saw was Triple H vs. Stone Cold. Then, I saw him. Eddie Guerrero, in his Latino Heat character, came out and thats how I became a fan of him. My dad remembers the Guerrero family down in Mexico when he was younger and said that the Guerrero family was great in the ring as well as out.

His wrestling work was amazing. The first time I ever saw Eddie hit the Frog Splash, it was great. He had a smile on his face because he loved to wrestle to a crowd. Eddie was a drug addict and was fired from WWE and it seems he hit rock bottom. However, Eddie defeated his inner demons to return to the ring a new Guerrero. He wrestled many matches and won many belts and then, he became the first Mexican to win the WWE Championship when he defeated then champion Brock Lensar in California in 2004 and had a great match with one Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania 20. When 2005 hit, he became a villian and betrayed his best friend Rey Mysterio because he couldn't defeat his best friend.

October 2005, a few weeks before his death, I saw him perform live right in my city. He looked so great and was amazing. I don't remember the match only by how Eddie was performing. He was still the bad guy. Me and my dad just loved his wrestling skills. After he finished, I had to at least touch his hand and I did, giving me that Eddie grin he does. I knew he loved what he did. He then celebrated his birthday when he lost to Batista at No Mercy. It was then that Eddie became a hero again. I remembered his very last match before his death, he cheated his way to win and he was back and better then ever. However, fate took its side.

A few weeks later, I heard the news that he was found dead in his hotel room. His past as a drug addict caught up to him and it took his life, just days before it was rumored and confirmed that he was going to win the World Heavyweight Championship and I was crushed. I felt my world go small. The wrestler I loved was gone from this business. I knew that the wrestling world would never be the same again after Eddie's death. A few days later, the WWE paided tribute to a fallen hero, with every superstar and diva crying over the death of one of wrestling beloved heroes. He can make you laugh, he can make you cry, love him and hate him, Eddie is up there amongst the legends of the business

So, every year in November, I dedicate the memory of the great Eddie Guerrero, who proved that anything can happen if you work hard at it. But this year, it will be 5 years since his death and I can tell that people still miss him after so long away from the ring. From his famous frog splash that made him a champion many times, to his mic work that always had us laughing, he was a true man of the ring.

Eddie, I know you can hear me from the heavens, you will always be my favorite wrestler of all time, not matter who comes and goes. Viva La Raza Eddie, you stole my heart when you left this world, I bet your having some great matches in the sky with my late brother and best friend. I miss you Eddie, you are a great wrestler that is greater then the many we know today, you had the passion to be in this business and had many demons to fight on your way to the top of the mountain. I love you like a real fan Eddie. You lied, cheat and stole my heart the very first time I saw you perform. May God Bless you as you perform with the many greats in the sky.

Very Soon Peeps

Hello chicos, short blog here.

Soon, we shall celebrate the life of Eddie Guerrero (my avi pivture) very soon and a big blog I am going to post very soon that explains a few things.

P.S.: Pizza hates wings :P


Now That Election Day is Done

We can all move on to our normal gaming lifes :P

Hello chicos, how are we on this fine night/day? Things are slow over here in the land of Metal as I really don't have much to say at this moment in time.

Just make sure to check out my Youtube channel right over here

THings are changing everyday as we head closer to that one important day. That's right, Happy Vegan Day :lol:

Stay warm this fall chicos 8)


Hello From SNAFU Con!!!!

Hello chicos, very early morning blog on my part because of SNAFU Con, my towns very first anime con that is bigger then big. Well, maybe not that huge yet but hey, one day it's going to be great :P

I'm in a hotel room with the rest of my buds and is resting nicely. I think right now, many the anime nerd is rushing downstairs to start the 48 hour ish event again. I was there until 5 in the morning playing the new Sonic 4 game, which, by the way, is a really nice game.

Well, off to the Rock Band competition!!!!



Preorders and Wrestling and Things, Oh My

Hello chicos, how are you today? Things are finally starting to get cold around these parts and it's time to bust out the egg nog and holiday shopping for the good game. But first, college :lol:

Now then, I mentioned before that I Pre Ordered Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 because this is the one time I said, wow, this game looks great to play. After this, I always check to see whenever wrestling will ever hit my town.

December 3rd baby 8)

WWE Raw is heading for my area and I'm going to get the ticket next week. I said ticket because not many of my friends like it :P

In other news, I have decided to stop being so nice to cookies. THose guys had it coming to them :lol:

That's all for this blog chicos.

Stay warm this fall chicos 8)


Dang THunder ._.

Hello chicos, it's still very early where I live because mother nature is being a b**** and decided we should have thunder so loud that it can rumble the house and woke me up at three in the morning.

Yeah, not a good Monday cause I'm hungry now :P

That is all because I want to sleep z_z

Chicos 8)



That's right ladies and chicos, I have decided to change my profile from Nexus to the man I really like in wrestling, Chris Jericho

THe theme is based on the Breaking the Code theme to Jericho before he left the business to support his band Fozzy (which is a good band).

Anyways, I hope to post more as the holidays arrive, maybe post my Halloween costume pictures and stuff :P

Stay warm this fall chicos 8) *It's still hot where I live, what's up with that???*


The Life of a Chocolate Cookie

Hello chicos, this has got to be the randomist blog I have ever posted right now. :lol:

I have preordered WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 because I believe this is going to be a very good game and that I am a wrestling fan

That is all for now, I am busy at this point in time :P

Stay warm this fall chicos 8)


Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Hello chicos, it's been a while since I posted a blog and I think you guys should hear from me.

Now, I watched Wall Street when I was in high school in my business class and I was really interested in the movie. Just days away from the release of Money Never Sleeps, I must say that I really want to see :)

In gaming news, well, I got none actually because like most of us, college/high school got us down with homework, but my pile of homework is attacking me like a pack of dogs :P

I can say that I might be getting a few games as soon as the pile is down since I want a few games but I will not say what games just yet, I will wait for that moment.

And yes, I will not leave GS since I need something to do once I finished my stuff :P

So stay warm this fall chicos 8)