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FullMetalWWant Blog

Addicted to Whose Line

That's right chicos, I am addicted to Whose Line Is It Anyways. It such a funny show and it's the reason why I'm on my laptop all the time and not turning on the tv. Where else are you going to get:

Impressions as well as asking questions

Props that might look weird

Funny scenes from a hat

Musical numbers that don't make since

Nowhere, that's what I tell you cause I'm Cilantro :P

Reason why I'm posting this is because of said addiction. I hope you guys have a good day and rest of the week and I will see you guys whenever I feel like talking :lol: 8)


My Thoughts About Japan

Well, I was going to talk about it sooner or later but aside from my leaving, Japan has been hit hard with many bad things. I for one can't speak much about what is going on but if anyone has any money, then go right ahead and donate your money. Japan is a very great place that I hope to go one of these years. My thoughts and prayers go to everyone in Japan, I hope that everything is going to get better for everyone.


Concerning My Leaving + Top Friends of All Time

Hello chicos, many of you (kinda) are still wondering about my lasy blog. Well, all I can say at this time is that I am still leaving no matter what happens. When will I leave? Maybe sometime eithin the next month or less is all I can say at this point, most likely I will have a bit of a farewell blog to start traveling up that road for awhile before ever coming back to Gamespot. Even before Aj's Gaming Month, I might leave.

Yes, many of you are sad.

Yes, many of you might lose a great friend.

No, I don't know where I left that dime still :P

But yes, I am leaving, as did with the rest of my friends before me. If anything, this is more of a who are the friends that stood out from the rest blog. What can I say about the following group of people, who have helped me in one way or another, who have took my hand when my bro died. This people are my friends and, some are no longer logging on here as they used to, they still have a place in my heart. So here are my friends, my best friends, my family.







Jeff_Hardy and his many changing names




Soaring Eagle




There are many of you that still comment and I thank you for your support but these guys stood out to me the most, thanks guys 8)


How To Become Leader in 1372 Easy Steps

Hello chicos, Metal here like always and as you guessed, I bought (and finished) Chris Jericho's latest book, Undisputed (How to Become World Champion in 1372 Easy Steps). A very good read for fans of Jericho, wrestling or just to see what he's like. It also got me thinking about alot of stuff.

I started here on Gamespot as a no name, not knowing what might happen to me or if I will make any friends while I posted here. If it wasn't for a friend of mine giving me an Officer job here, I think I would just be making random blogs. Then, with luck turns out, wrestling got me a great job over at the WOTU thanks to killer (Twice I mind you) It gave me a chance to talk with other fans. The NAS came around and I juggled between the two till my bros death.

Since then, here we are talking about this right, just a month before we celebrate Aj Gaming Month. Since then, I'm Officer of a nearly dead union and a Leader of a semi active union. With WOTU have some great Officers, I have come to realize one thing:

My time here is coming to an end. Maybe it's time to take that much needed break. I am no longer needed as the younger people take command of unions. I can only post and move on I suppose. But without that sense of passion I felt when I first signed up on Gamespot, I lost that passion. Like my bro said before, "Passion can come and go." And mine is close to being gone.

And this is all for a book I bought and read today, very good book. Chris Jericho is one of my favorites and this book helped me think about a few things. My time is short here and that means I will indeed retire soon from all unions, no longer the 6 Time Officer of the NAS, the 2 Time Officer of the WOTU. THese two unions helped me be me and now, this dog is ready to return to the house for a much needed rest

It won't happen now, maybe not even tomorrow, but I will say when it's time for me to leave.


Another Profile Change (Again)

Are your dreams broken chicos? Because I know mine are :lol:

Just to put it in the water, next month is Aj Gaming Month, where we celebrate the life of my late bro by playing video games all month long. Here's to that being a great month for all of us :)


Metal's Top Games Finale

Well chicos, this is it, after a few blogs now, I have picked my top 5 games that I love dearly and that I will always remember to be the best game of all time (In my standards). Let's finish this list with:

Number 5

The Sonic Genesis Series

Now this was the series to love that isn't Mario related. Sonic has come a long way since the old, glory days to the now, what the heck is wrong with Sega. From the days that the music was great and the levels were beautiful for that era of gaming, this was my favorite series growing up. Let's just hope that Sonic can reclaim that glory in the future eh?

Number 4

Earthworm Jim 2

Now this was my favorite game back in the old days, just the game itself, being about a worm, is something that no one was able to understand. The sequel to the first game, EWJ 2 expanded on the level ideas, made it more harder but at the same time, made it that much more fun. Everyone should pick up this game because it's that fun and funny to play.

Number 3

Fallout 3

Never has a game moved me as much as Fallout 3. A good story mixed in with a world that seems destroyed, this game just made me say wow the first time I ever played it. Even leveling up was a challenge in the game and you really have to think what you have to do. One wrong move and it could be your last in this game and I loved it ever since.

Number 2

Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

As I said last year if some of you remembered, I beat OoT for the very first time in my 19 years I have been on this Earth. This is the game of the year back then. This is the most challenging game I have ever played *cough* Water Temple *cough* The music is great and Link has proven to be a great hero in the game and it shows how much time it took me to beat it :lol:

Runners Up

Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Super Mario 64

Paper Mario: TTYD

Sonic 3D Blast

Duke Nukem 3D

Tetris DS

Super Mario Galaxy series

But now, ladies and gentlemen, after so long, my number one game of all time goes to:

Paper Mario

Ah, this was the game to play back then. It was released towards the end of the N64 era and yet, I still remember my younger days when I stayed up all day and night trying to beat this game. Never have I done it again because even I know that Paper Mario is the RPG that made the Paper Mario series shine. I even tried to collect everything I can before defeating Bowser at the end. Even with Paper Mario: TTYD and Super Paper Mario, here's the wish every fan is waiting for since the 3DS. The return of old school Paper Mario, back to the days of RPG turn based battles. Here's to you Paper Mario, you made a fan out of me.

There you guys go, this was fun to make and I might make the top 5 worst games in my opinion, here's a toast to you chicos, stay cool 8)


Metal's Top Video Games Part 3

Hello once again chicos, we are now down the list as we get closer to my top game of all time :D Enough of this, let's just get right into the list with:

Number 10

The Rock Band Series

To make this even more interesting, I started with Guitar Hero III (Bless their souls). After some time and some practice, I jumped the boat over to Rock Band and I was there ever since. Sure, having over 506 songs to play now is a bit much but with some great songs, anything can happen. The series is only going to get better and here's hoping we start seeing more bands that we know more. We can only pray :P

Number 9

Borderlands: GotY Edition

Yes, this is one of my top FPS and RPG like games I have so far. I even got the guide as well, just to make sure I didn't forget anything. A good storyline and over hundreds of weapons to find and use, this is a solid game for anyone that likes a good challenge. And zombies, gotta love the zombies :P

Number 8

Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga

God I love this game so much. I was really happy that I finally beat it over a year ago and I feel like that I have to play it over again. It has that good mix of an RPG game set into the Mario universe. What I like is the funny moments that no one can remember Luigi's name and just call him That Green Guy. Fun game, fun game :lol:

Number 7

The Bioshock Series

I often cite the Bioshock series as the series to get ideas from for my story writing. A deep story, interesting characters, upgradable weapons and and mess of other features make the series strong. And with the new Bioshock taking the skies in the future, only time will tell how great that game will be.

Number 6

Super Meat Boy

And this is why Diego is a good friend to me. He first introduced me to this twisted yet entertaining game awhile back and since then, I loved it. I even got a Youtube video up about my run on the game. This is a great game if you really want a challenge and everyone should download it. Now. Like as in right now.

And now, the next blog will be the finale of sorts 8)


Metal's Top Video Games Part 2

Hello chicos and welcome back to another blog, showcasing my top games that I've played over the many years I've been a gamer. From old school to the brand new, here is part 2 of my list.

Number 15

Red Dead Redemption

I'm a bit of a GTA fan myself but this game takes the cake. The setting takes place in the Old West and John Marston is a man with little words to say other then going around and being him. This is just something. I fell in love with the game since it was first released and I can say that I'm a huge fan of it. I even got the Undead Nightmare DLC when it was released. This is the top game I always played and it's a game no one should miss out on.

Number 14

Goemon's Great Adventure for the Nintendo 64

The sequel to Mystical Ninja I mentioned in the first part of the blog, it's more of a 2D - 3D element of the game. If you seen the videos, it's very different from Mystical Ninja but I still love the game. I'm still looking for the game till this day and I won't stop until I find it and play it again.

Number 13

Final Fantasy VII

This is my first FF game I have ever played when I was younger and I loved it. No wonder why so many fans loved the game. I bought the game at a flea market for only 15 bucks but I have since lost the game from unknown reasons even I don't remember. Now, thanks to my new PS3, I was able to reclaim my old game and hope to finish what I started many years ago.

Number 12

The Call of Duty Series

I can't lie, I have a love/hate relationship with the series as a whole. Here's a fun fact, I prefer the CoD games over Halo anyday. I just don't see future type FPS as fun as real time stuff. The series as a whole is something and the online is more interesting then anything else. But with that, I have many friends bugging me to play with them online. It's a love hate thing people.

Number 11

The God of War Series

Man, getting a PS2 means you have the chance to see GoW in action. I played the first one and I never played the second one (yes, I know, that is sad in my standards). However, with the GoW Collection for the PS3, I was able to finally play the game and beat it as well. Very interesting game we got there man. Now I set my sights on beating GoW III and finally saying goodbye to the series I grew up a bit on.

And that ends part 2 for now chicos 8)


Metal's Top Video Games Part 1

Hello chicos and chicas, Metal here and I think it's time. Everyone did it towards the end of last year and I was thinking for a long time but I decided to make a few blogs, each showing my favorite video games of all time, from 20 to 1. Let's get started shall we and take a trip with me down memory lane :D

Metal's Top Video Game

Number 20

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon for the Nintendo 64

Ah yes, what better way to start off a list then with a game I would always rent when Major Video was around (look that one up when you have a chance to see some real old school rental places).

Trying to catch on the 3D gaming at the time, Mystical Ninja did great in Japan, not so much in America but when I first played it, I was hooked forever. And I'm proud to say that I beat it all those years ago. It was recently that I bought my copy at a local store in my town and beat it again, just because it was a great game to play :)

Number 19

The Left 4 Dead series

Now, I am proud to say that killing zombies was never fun before this game appeared. Heck, I got my friends into the series because I kept saying that it was the perfect way to spend the weekend. Here's hoping that the series will continue down the road. I mention the series as a whole because I had both games at a time, also owning a copy for my laptop. THis is the game that everyone has to at least play down the road.

Number 18

The Sly Collection for the Playstation 3

I will admit, this is the series I loved when I had the PS2. Heck, I still own all three games right now, sitting in my gaming collection. I knew that if there was any game I needed to get when I first got my PS3, it was the Sly Collection, having all three games for a good price. I was very happy that now I have the collection to play this all over again.

Number 17

The Kingdom Hearts Series

Yes, Kingdom Hearts, what a series. I bought the game. I owned my first PS2 game and that was Kingdom Hearts. And yes, this was the full price, 50 dollar game, not the greatest hits game. I beat the game without a memory card, learned my lesson on that one :P

The series continues to grow and I have a feeling that my PS3 will be hungry when Kingdom Hearts III is released in the future. The only thing I can say that it's a good RPG when your not playing anything else that is fun.

Number 16

Super Mario World

The very first Mario game I have ever played when I was younger. This was the game I loved when I was growing up and I beat it before, I just don't remember it that well :lol: Still, this was the game to play back in the day and now, I can look back along with my late brother and see the game that made me into a Mario fan.

And that's the end of Part 1 chicos 8)


Ye Old Something Something

Hello there chicos, how is everyone? Me, I'm fine but the snow storm we are having over in these parts is quite fun really :P

School drags on and on and things are either good and exciting or boring. Either way, let's just get right into the good stuff.

As you may or may not know, I use my trusty old laptop to do all things internet related, like going on here or checking out some video games. But what makes things even fun is that my laptop is, as SAM used to say, a piece of poop. Regardless, my friends forced me into getting Left 4 Dead 2 on PC and even I'm amazed that it still has some life left in this hunk of junk :P

Gaming wise, Mortal Kombat is getting closer, as well as Forever. Man, I wish I had some extra money to get these games already, I'm sick and tired of waiting for them to release.

And yes, I too have been having problems with GS lately, yet I still post :P

March is fast coming and that means that my tribute to my late bro will happen sooner or later so be on the look out for that :D

Stay warm this winter/spring chicos (cause I know I have to :P ) 8)