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FullMetalWWant Blog

Rest in Peace Guitar Hero

*Trumpet plays in the background*

Chicos and chicas, I am Fullmetalwwant and today is a very sad day in the lives of many gamers who has been in the center of impact of games that involve that plastic guitar. I am speaking about Guitar Hero, a once powerful series, has closed it's doors for good, ending the many great years and not so great years it had.

Guitar Hero is really the reason why I got interested in the Rock band series as a whole. I remember when Rock Band was coming out and I got excited for something like this, then it exploded on me getting AC/DC, Rock Band 2, Green Day and then Rock Band 3, plus having over 500 songs on my hard drive is a pretty big number.

And then, I look at Guitar Hero, the last game I played was Metallica and I'm saddened by the recent news that Guitar Hero, the series that helped me play a plastic guitar, is gone and bit the dust.

So here's to you Guitar Hero, you join my great bro in the sky as he yells at the screen because one of the buttons is broken, you have given me many great bands and I will miss you.

Rest in Peace Guitar Hero :cry:


I Have Lived To Blog

Good morning chicos, a very tired Metal here, I didn't have enough sleep so might as well blog before heading out for class today.

That new PSP looks interesting enough to wonder what else is in store later this year when it comes to E3.

I saw the Royal Rumble last night, making it the first PPV I saw recently since Wrestlemania 25 and that's a long time ago, very good night, congrats to Del Rio for winning.

Ever wonder why I hate this month? I give you a hint: It involves hearts.

Stay warm this end of winter then chicos? 8)


End of Break + 3DS

Well, it's almost time for me to head back to school and once again study to make sure I will do a good job. Until then, I shall blog away.

The 3DS is getting a lot of news but now that I'm thinking about it, I will wait until maybe around my birthday to get this 3DS, I want to wait to see if anything appears.

I will be pre ordering the new Mortal Kombat game because I am a fan of the series :D

Diego has been releasing good podcasts lately so I suggest you go to him for more on this stuff :lol:

Stay warm this winterish chicos 8)


Who Watches The Profile Change?

Well, the new year means a new profile change. I recently got my hands on a nice blue ray movie called Watchmen and I love this movie even when a lot of my friends don't like it. I can watch this over and over again and I decided, why not, change my profile :P

Other then putting down the Christmas lights, nothing else is new and I hope that I get just a few more games before school begins again in the next few weeks :P

Stay warm this winter chicos 8)


P.S. - Remember, FMWWant is my PSN ID (Sorry to keep mentioning this but I need peeps :P )

Countdown to 2011 New Year Something

Well chicos, it's that time of the year again. Whatever we did this past year was something. We are all looking towards the new year already, which is just a few hours away anyways. To all my friends that I've known all this years that U was on Gamestop, I hope that you old school guys are still around and hope everything is well.

To all the new guys I met this year, thanks for sticking around the fun train and things are just warming up eh? :P

Remember, FMWWant is my PSN ID, add me if you want to really talk to me outside of Gamespot :P

Have a Happy New Year everyone and see you guys in 2011 8)


PS3 and You + Games!!!!

Hello chicos, I hope everyone had a good Christmas, I know I did. Now we are looking towards the New Year very soon so let's just get right down to the point of things.

The PS3 is indeed a powerful system and I really like it. Remember, you can add me anytime you guys feel you need an extra friend, just add my PSN ID: FMWWant :)

So, in terms of games since the 25th, I had none. By today, I have 7.

I downloaded Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko (Let's see if anyone remembers this game :P ) and I also downloaded Final Fantasy VII (No kidding you, this is my favorite Final Fantasy.)

Actual disc PS3 games include the God of War Collection with the red controller. FOr those of you that don't know what it is, it's God of War I and II in one disc and I forgot how great the first game was. I never played the second one, which scares most people :lol:

I decided to buy The Sly COllection because, let's face it, I am a Sly Cooper fan all the way and having the first three games in my PS2 collection, might as well have them on the PS3

Remember, FMWWant is my PSN ID and the peeps that told me their ID's are already added :)

Stay warm this holiday season peeps 8)


Merry Christmas - PS3

I hope that everyone has a great Merry Christmas today as now I am the proud owner of a Playstation 3, which means that I now own every single current system, the Wii and 360 I have and now a PS3 I have a chance to play now :D

You may add me as you wish, FMWWANT my PSN ID

Stay warm this Christmas chicos 8)


The End is Pie

Good morning chicos, its still late here as I get a few things done as Finals are coming to a close at last. I won't say what my grades are but it's just a mess of papers, pencils and used tissue paper to write down a few things here and there. Other then that, things are as smooth as butter in my part.

It's getting cold around here as it started raining today but I wanted snow to happen.

Pie sounds good right now :P

I also want some eggnog but it's late :P

The end :P

Stay warm this holiday season chicos 8)



The Dark Side of Gaming

And the rumors are going crazy chicos. I said this in the last blog that I might be getting a Playstation 3, completing my collection of systems. I can only say that I might get it for Christmas and we'll see what happens in the next week or two.

Make sure you check out my newest review of Fallout New Vegas. Was it a bad game because of the bugs? Or did I invest the right amount of caps?

I did get Super Meat Boy, thanks to Diego and I might write a review later to see how much I really liked it :D THanks again Diego.

Stay warm this Holiday Season chicos 8)


Tis The Black Friday to be Jolly

Happy holidays peeps, hope you had a nice Turkey Day and survived Black Friday as we look forward towards one of my most favorite times of the year: Christmas :D

This is the following of the items I got on Black Friday:

Skull Candy Headphones (Blue)

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

Bioshock 2

Street Fighter IV

And I got Fallout New Vegas :D Very fun to play and it does have its moments but I love it.

What does Metal want for Christmas? Sources say that he might get a Playstation 3. But we have no idea until a few things happen.

Stsy warm this holiday season chicos 8)