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I Won? I Didn't Even Know I Was Competing...

From My 360 voice Blog
Gamecamiller's Xbox - Jul 28 2008

"There are people out there who think video games are violent. But after Gamecamiller played yesterday with his gamerscore of 19,925 points, there wasn't any violence at all. A little drooling maybe but definitely no violence. That is an increase of 275 points over last time! He opened up DBZ: BURST LIMIT gaining an amazing 18 achievements, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith adding 5 achievements, Pinball FX, and did it while marvelling at the framerates and stellar particle effects.

Gamecamiller also wrapped up a gamerscore challenge today. Remember? In a hard fought battle of grit, determination, and blistered thumbs, Gamecamiller took first place! Well done! It was a pretty solid challenge with the 4 other people. Good times were had by all. I hope we do it again."


Side Note:

I love the accessability of tagging in the new site :p

Second Side Note:

I uploaded 3 vids. I'm gonna upload a few mroe later this week. uploading vids works for me again!


Ooh I likey this new look, Gamespot!

i can't wait to see the finished product. It's finally becoming more modern. Remember to give feedback! Also, remember it's a work in progress.

Also, DC vs. Mk is gonna have fatallities!


That's for that bad film, Catwoman!

Newest Additions Since Last Blog

Pinball FX, XBLA (got this really for my dad to play)

Drgaon Ball Z: Burst Limit, 360, Used, Awesome Shape, $40 (Comes with bonus DVD)

Guitar Hero Aerosmith, 36, About $47, used, Like new shape too


Back From Vacation with Video game Goodies

I'm back from my vacation! If you didn't see my reply to my last blog, I did get to see all the E3 action via g4tv at the hotel, and Via my pda. i did get to see the whole Microsoft Conference before I left, on Gamespot. I'll do a blog on my thoughts later this week.

My birthday is on the 23rd of the moth so i got some stuff from vacation and in prelude to my bday. :P I did come back with a boatload of Video game goodies for my collection (all new).

Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection (Metal gear Solid 1, 2, And 3) PSONE/PS2, $30
Persona 3: FES, PS2, $20

Hitman Trilogy, (Blood Money, Contracts, and Silent Assassin), PS2, $30
Crash Bandicoot Action Pack (Nitro Kart, Twinsanity, and Tag Team Racing) PS2, $20
Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy (3, Vice City, and San Andreas), PS2, $30

Atari Cla$$ics Evolved, PSP $20
Space invaders Extreme, PSP, $20
(OMG this game is beyond awesome, Taito And Square Enix have struck gold with this game)

Rainbow Islands Evolution, PSP, $15
Puzzle Quest, PSP, $15
Bubble Bobble Double Shot, NDS, $15

Nanostray 2, NDS, $20
Sly Cooper 3 (GH Version), PS2, $8
Lumines II, PSP,$15
Bleach The Blade of Fate, NDS, $10
Bionicle Heroes, NDS, $10
(got it with Bleach in a 2 pack special for $20)
Naruto Rise Of A Ninja, 360, $20 (been waiting for a good price on this game for a long time and for twenty bucks i was like "SOLD")

Those collector packs look pretty nice, and now I can finally say "yes I own those PS2 GTA games."

Vacation was awesome!

I also got Aeon Flux: The Complete Animated Collection for $8 and the Batman Gotham Knight 2 Disk Special Edition too.

Going To be Out Of Town... It's Vacation!

I'm heading out of town for a week. Going to Harrisburg PA. :) That means I'll be missing E3 this year.

Retro Revival Week was fun, but colliding with E3 the following week kinda quited it out at the end for some peeps. Still, this was the best RRW ever for me. Lots of good blogs from people this week (I replied to many) :P

Also, changed up the blog look a tad.

Glad to see video and images are back. I'll be uploading vids when I get back.

Also, is it just me or does it seem that no one is on gamespot on Sundays? Place was dead here today.

RRW Day 7: The Final Retro Day Blowout!

And a blowout it was!

Street Fighter III The 3rd Strike: Fight for The Future

The morning started off with Street Fighter III The 3rd Strike: Fight for The Futue. It's one of my favorite fighting games but also the hardest one for me. I played as Chun-Li, Ken and Ry, beating the game before taking a rest.

Did you know?

-"The Dreamcast received a stand-alone release of 3rd Strike. The Xbox and PlayStation 2 also received ports of 3rd Strike, as part of the Street Fighter Anniversary Collection (apart from PAL regions for the PS2). Street Fighter III: Third Strike was also released in a stand alone format within Japan. Also sold in Japan was a Limited Edition PS2 port which included a bonus DVD of "master" player bouts, a game guide, and a 500 piece jigsaw puzzle." -Wiki


Pinball Games: Black Hole, Aces high, Central Park, Big Shot

The Pinball Hall Of Fame game for the PS2 was an odd one to put in retro revival but I put it in because it's based on old Pinball tables from the 50's to the 90's, and playing games Like Aces high and Big shot don't get any more retro! :P

Black Hole

Black Hole is a 1981 pinball table that I've actually seen in person. Black Hole was the first machine to feature a lower playfield viewed through a window in the upper playfield. "It was touted as the highest-grossing pinball game of all time shortly after its release, partly due to (or despite) the fact that it was the first pinball game which cost 50 cents to play." (wiki) It's a pretty neat table just because of the original design of it. I played a few rounds of this.

Aces High

A 1957 table (told ya this is true retro goodness xD) is one of the harder tables due to the small flippers and fast action for it;'s time. The goal of the table is two fold. Earn points as usually, but earning replays as well. A skilled played on this table can earn tons of replays. Back when it was released, it got so bad, that some places had to ban replays. it's one of my favorite Pinball tables in the collection. as well. I played this for a solid hour.

Big Shot

This 1973 pinball machine. is also one of my fav machines due to the design. it's a simple table to understand, but hard to master. It's also very addicting due to the table's easy to read layout. You must light the targets by hitting the drop targets and getting the ball in the number 8 hole. It's addicting for me. Played this over and hour as well.

Central Park

This table is notable fort he Monkey that rings the bell on the backboard ever 100 points. It's got a wider drop zone area and small flippers as well. it's not easy to get points in this game at all. It takes practice...and luck. Played this a few rounds.


Now out of all the stuff I played this week i forgot about one system. The N64. For the rest of the day, My n64 got some much needed attention :P

WWF No Mercy

One of my all time fav wrestling games. I played three matches.

The Rock Vs. Chris Benoit

Getting back into the swing of things happened quickly. it was a TKO match (my fav match type), and I missed the People's Elbow But I came back and nailed him with the Rock Bottom. Benoit was out cold.

Stone Cold Vs. Edge

Double Stunner (two stunners in a row) for the V.

Tazz Vs. Eddie Guerrero

Hardcore match. Tazz is actually one of my fav characters in the game due to his list of moves. he can really put the beating on an opponent quickly. I Locked int eh tazzmisison early, putting damage to his neck. Later, he came off the ropes and I got Eddie in a tazplex. Went to the outside, got a steel chair, Smack. Eddie busted wide open, and out cold.

WCW vs. NWO World Tour (n64)
i had a few exhibitions before going into an ultimate task. WCW vs. NWO or rather....Ultimo dragon Vs. NWO!

Here's how it went down.

Ultimo Dragon vs. Buff Bagwell

A pretty standard match for me, He tried to come back a couple times but I pretty much ran over him. I did a moonsault on him from the top rope and then went for a Liger bomb. 1,2,3.

Victory by: Liger Bomb

Ultimo Dragon VS. Scott Norton

This was actually a toughy. Norton did a few power moves on me. I Won by htiting him with a corkscrew flip, but the match turned in my favor before that by hitting a liger bomb on Norton, on the outside.

Victory by: Corkscrew Flip

Ultimo Dragon Vs. Scott Hall
Scott Evaded me but he could never gain any momentum against me. i was starting to show signs of wear on my character, so i ended it quickly by hitting a running Liger bomb.

Victory By: Running Liger Bomb

Ultimo Dragon vs. Kevin Nash

Kevin can be plan nasty as an opponent just because he seems to get that edge in when needed. it was one of the longer matches out of the 5 and I almost blew it twice in the match. Almost got hit with his finisher. I went for a moonsault (with a semi twist) for the win.

Victory by Moonsault

Ultimo Dragon vs. Hollywood Hogan

The last match. And My character had a badly damaged neck. Against hogan of all sorts. I went for broke and pulled no punches the only way i was gonna win is by ending it the quickest i could. I went for ddts, Arm drags. piledrivers, quick moves, etc.. Doing everything to keep Hogan down, stopping his momentum and work on his neck. I went for the dragon sleeper and hogan tapped out. I had beaten the NWO with My fav wrestler, Ultimo Dragon. Sweet, Sweet victory.

Victory by Dragon Sleeper Submission

I found this and i gotta show this xD

Only man to ever have that many belts at the same time.


Blast Corps

Today was actually my first time playing this n64 game. I played about ten levels. i like it and will prolly continue with it.


Forsaken 64

This game always makes me dizzy when I play it. Anyone else get this way? I had to stop after one level.


Mario Golf (N64)
I played an 18 hole course for kicks. I prefer the GCN Mario Golf for some reason. it's hard for me to go back to this title now.


Dr. Mario 64

I capped off retro revival with this game. I played this for about 2 hours. Played some of story too. One of the best n64 puzzler games.

This was my most best retro revival ever! xD

Around 56 titles were played by me in the last 9 days... holy cow!

RRW Day 6: A Classic Discovered

I only played 3 games today (kinda passed out early :P)

Street Fighter

Played this via Capcom Cla$$ics Collection Remixed. this is the original real deal, fighter from 1987. It's a tough one too, since numerous improvements have been made since it's release. It's not easy to even pull off a fireball sometimes. In terms of what's improved since then, really this game is nothing, but a reminder of the early days.

Did you know?

- Ryu had red hair in this game.

- This was Capcom's first fighting game.

- You can only play as Ryu and Ken. Their special attacks, liek the Fireball and the Dragon Punch became trademarks fro them int he rest of the series.

Three Wonders: Chariot - Adventure through the Sky

This is one of the games in the there wonders arcade machine - a machine that had 3 fantastic games in it in1991. The graphics still look pretty darn amazing today. I knew nothing about this machine before today. I played this via Capcom Cla$$ics Collection remixed too. Picking Chariot, I thought I'd be in for a simple shooter. Man, I was wrong!It's freaking awesome. The upgrades, the tail powers, and the graphics looked great. I had loads of fun. I played it till I beat it.

Did you know?
Three Wonders contains 3 games :
1) Midnight Wanderers - Quest for the chariot
2) Chariot - Adventure through the sky
3) Don't Pull


Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (PSOne version)

I love this game. and I hate my copy. even though I paid like 50 cents for it and that's pretty lucky, my version has a habit of not playing. it'll not load sometimes. This time, to get it to play, i had to go into he ps2's settings and make it load fast instead of normal, and had to turn the background music off. Oh the trials to play a game. Anyway I played Crossover mode, and got pretty far before losing.

Did you know?

-"The Japanese version features an extra playable character (his character slot on the character select screen is replaced by the MSH vs. SF logo on all non-Japanese version), Norimaro, a silly otaku (Japanese geek specializing in anime and manga) who is a huge Chun-Li fanboy as evidence by his reaction in seeing her before the match begins. While his true intentions of entering the competition is unknown, we can assume that it was to take pictures of Chun-Li and the many superheroes. He is voiced by the comedian Kinashi Noritaro and created by Capcom as being a joke character like Dan (modeled after a Japanese comedian Noritaro Kinashi). He was originally going to appear in non-Japanese versions of the game, but due to cultural differences and a reference to stealing Chun-Li's panties in his ending, he was cut out. However, his programming still exists in the ROM and he even has English dialogs in the game. He even has an ending with pictures, but his ending dialogs was cut out."

-The US version has the "Recycle It, Don't Trash It!" screen.

Tomorrow is the last day of RRW!

RRW Day 5: A Classic Reborn + Long Awaited Game Pickups

I was gonna post this last night, but I had a severe headache and the power went out before I finished.

5 more games today added, taking care of a few ones on my wanted list for a long time now.

Nano Breaker, Ps2, Disk and Case only, good shape, $4.50 (I seriously goofed I thought It was complete, so i might just return this to the store)

Mega Man X7, PS2, Complete, pretty great condition, $4.50 (I've been trying to find a complete copy for the last 2 years. Waiting paid off)

Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution, PS2, Like new shape, Complete, $7

Metal Slug Anthology, PS2, Great shape as well, Complete, $17
( been looking for a cheap copy for a few months now)

Arcana Heart, Ps2, New (I've heard a lot of good stuff about this title.)

Just a note, I'll be on vacation for a week starting Monday.


Street Fighter Alpha 3

I continued to work on Karin, and I'm really getting back into the swing of things with her.

World Series Baseball '98

this was the first time hooking my Saturn to my HDTV and I was floored. The connection is a hundred times better then on the old TV. it looks so awesome now. even though this is an old title, I love the gameplay. One of my favorite baseball titles ever. i played a few home run derbies and played an exhibition game which I won 12 to 2. with this superb connection it makes me wanna play all my good Saturn games again xD

Did you Know?
-This is one of the highest praised baseball games ever made. It regularly reaches top ten lists for both Saturn and Baseball games.

After Burner

i haven't hooked up my master system in a long while so this was the first time since least year. After getting and playing Afterburner 2 for the Genesis, the SMS version of Afterburner just annoys me now. I notice all the faults of the game, since the sequel is so much better.

Fantasy Zone

A unique shooter for the Sega Master system that very few have played. it's one of the best games fort he master system. i own one of the rare Blue label cart versions of this game. It's colorful, fun, and at times harder then you might expect. I love the upgrading menu for it.

Did you know?
-This was based of the Arcade version of the game.
-It's also featured in the Sega Cla$$ics Collection, a rework of past Sega Arcade tittles. Though the collection got poor ratings, Fantasy Zone (revised version) is actually one of the best titles for it and the most praised in the collection.

Saturday Night Slam Masters

This is one of my Fav SNES games. i played a few matches before laying down because of a bad headache. boo @ headaches!

Did you know?
- There is a sequel to this game, but it's gameplay is different.

I'll post RRW day 6 later tonight.

RRW Day 4: Fighting, Shooting, ...Painting, and ...Rolling?

Street Fighter Alpha 3

Retro revival Week, Day 4 began with some Street fighter Alpha 3 action. I heavily favor Ryu with Chun-Li as my secondary in the game, but I'm learning to love Karin's move set also. I've begun world tour mode with Ryu again.

Did you know?

-There was a Role-Playing game (pen and paper) based on Street fighter II. It was released in 94. Who thought of that idea? xD


What a shooter. I repeat, WHAT A SHOOTER. Every time I play this game I can't help to realize that peeps had to lose a crudload of quarters in this game. It's freaking hard and insane at times, but something keeps asking you to "put one more quarter in" even though you've put in 20 already, to get a little further. Not to mention, this shooter has insane replayability. it just screams "just hand me your paycheck now, and let's get started."I'm playing this in Taito Legends 2, and it's truly one of the game highlights. it's worth buying Taito Legends 2 just for that game only. I dare not to count how many continues I've used...

I spent a few hours on this game today, and it was the highlight of my day. :D

Did you know?

- This games was the 6th and last game in the Darius series. Where's my new Darius game Taito?


Mario Paint

This game is one of those games I played today, that I feel somehow they need to make an updated version for the Wii. Even though it's from 92, this game is still full of surprises, with it's mini games, it's art program and it's built in music program, for $60, this was a steal back then.

Too bad I need work on my music skills in the game. xD I played this game for about an hour today.

Did you know?

-The Snes mouse worked with over 60 video game titles.


Kirby's Tilt 'N" Tumble

I've gotten better at the game (yay) but this is definitely one of the harder Kirby games. I found my old GBA (it's pink, it's was my sister's) so now I can play the game normally.I got through about 6 levels today.

Did you know?

This can work in any device that can play GBC games, but only the GBC, and original GBA versions will allow the user to play it the way it was intended. You'll have to go by other means to do all the movements in the GBA sp, and Gameboy player for example.

See you tomorrow!