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Joanna, My Perfect Dark Isn't So Perfect... But I Have a Plan!

And it's not your fault darling, it's the guy who did the packaging for my game!

Perfect Dark Zero is a game I got in December 06, with my Xbox 360. I got the collector's edition in fact. Today, I opened it (! yes i know, long wait) and got an interesting surpise.

The manual. Is. In. FRENCH?!

Ack, someone put in the wrong manual!

But the story doesn't end in tears Joanna! As luck would have it I had a backup plan...that I didn't even know I had.

Readers, do you remember me pruchasing the Collector's Edition in early 06 from a flea market that was fully in tact minus the actualy game disk, for around a buck or so? Well if you don't, no matter, let me get you up to speed my friends...I did. :p And it has the english manual.

So Joanna, We have avoided another crisis.

I'm Voting For Brock

Wait, he look's different... i just can't put my finger on it...And i didn't know his last name was Obama...


Silly Brock, you've gotten an haircut haven't you?

My 360 Needs An Hard Drive update

The Time I nearing. My 360 is around 2 gigs left in memory. I'm at the point I can only download one demo then delete it to get another one. Yeah, i am going to have to upgrade the drive for my 360.

And I'm a bit urked. the only Option right now is the 120 gig drive, which provides a lot of space but at a steep cost. $180 bucks isn't easy to drop on a drive. New 360s now have the 60 gig drive. A drive i would go for instead of the 120 gig - but alas no choice. And i'm not losing stuff i've gained - some of the stuff I can't get anymore if they are deleted (free vids, and other extra stuff) because they are no longer on the marketplace. Besides, if i've saved it i'm keeping it :P

At least with the 120 gig drive I can be a big packrat :P

I Couldn't Help Myself, Had To Get These

Stopping by the game store near me, I stumbled opon an In-store sale. 50 percent off certain used titles.

The Darkness (X360), Was Listed for $17.99, I got it for $7 after discounts, Used, Complete, Awesome Condition, R0

The Club (X360), Was listed for $30, I got it for $12 after discounts, Used, Complete, Awesome Condition, R0

This game I got for achievments purposes (madden 07 and itself):

NCAA Football 07 (X360), $4.50, Used, Complete, Good Condition, R0

And i finally got this game:

Gears of War (X360), New 2 Disk Version (recently released), New, $40, R0

New version includes:

Gears of War Content

  • Gamer Picture Pack
  • Emergence Day Gamer Picture
  • Emergence Day Theme
  • Emergence Day Message from Cliffy B
  • Gears of War Map Pack 1 Trailer
  • Gears of War - Multiplayer Map Pack 1
  • 'Hidden Fronts' Multiplayer Map Pack 2
Gears of War 2 Content
  • Gamer Picture Pack
  • Teeth Theme
  • Teaser Trailer
  • Trailer
  • Assault Game Play Trailer
So, if I'm right, there are three versions, original (wich later editions includes awards coverart) colelctor's edition, and now the new two disk version.

400th Blog Post

Well this post mark's my 400th blog post here in my blog. Here's to many more. Thanks to all who take to time to read and respond to my blogs. :)

A Few New Xbox 360 Collection Additions

I stopped by Gamestop to pick up check out some games. I picked up:

Burnout Paradise (X360), $24, Used, Awesome shape, R0

Xbox Live Arcade Compilation Disc (there's no spot on this on Gamespot (since this is a known item I guess they don't want to add it, so I guess I'll have to add all 5 games individually to my collection?) It includes Pac-Man Championship Edition, Uno, and Boom Boom Rocket (which I already own) Feeding Frenzy and Luxor 2 (which I do not own), Xbox 360, $10 used, great shape. (not in digital rarity guide)

Madden NFL 07 (X360): Hall Of Fame Edition, $5, decent shape Includes cardboard cover), R1

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition (X360) Collector's Edition, $16, Like new shape! :O, R0

That last one is gonna be a favortie of mine for sure. :D


Oh and here's the ending of Sonic CD, for kicks.


Hey, I Got A New Look Too

I took about 30 Minutes yesterday and gave the blog as new look. and new Banner, It turned out pretty neat, and I think it goes well with the new Gamespot look. ;)


Now time for some updates on my 360 life. :)

Gamecamiller's Xbox - Aug 4 2008

Gamecamiller likes to game, I like to game, this is a match made in heaven! It takes a gamer score like 20,690 to be as cool as him. That is a profit of 185 points over last time! He opened up Guitar Hero III, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith adding 5 achievements, Worms gaining 1 achievement, Call of Duty 2 picking up 1 achievement, Pinball FX winning 1 achievement, and oh... man was it ever sweet!

Gamecamiller also wrapped up a gamerscore challenge today. Remember? It wasn't even a challenge really. It was more like a declaration of experience and skill as Gamecamiller won it all! The competition was fierce, but we had a great time. Plus, our gamerscore went through the roof! Awesome!


Gamecamiller's Weekly Recap - Aug 4 2008

Ok, here it is... your weekly recap of gaming: 6 days of gaming made me pretty happy for some reason. A big holler to Gamecamiller for honoring me with what little time I know is available. The gamerscore increase was just insane. I didn't think it would be possible to get 765 points in such a short span of time but we did. Who knew 38 achievements could be worth that much? Ok I knew that...

If I had a DOLLAR for every new game I played during the week, I would have 2 bucks! w00t! I can now add Call of Duty 2, and Full Auto to my collection... unless they were rentals or demos or betas. I couldn't tell. Also, according to the records, Gamecamiller must have been craving some racing because Full Auto was the weekly favorite. He played it on 4 of the days.

And that's all I got. I'm not a writer... just an Xbox.


Know Your Limits Corey

This weekend has been quite enjoyable, and it's been filled with music games. Guitar Hero Aerosmith, Guitar Hero 3, and Rock Band.

I figured I'd go back and try to get some achievements, I tried Drumming on Medium and going through career, but I'm no drummer. I have issues on easy difficulty. It's time to give that up. xD And I even tried singing for the first time's weird some songs like Paranoid 100 percent, and other songs, it wouldn't let me hit a note on easy. I guess I'm no singer. So no points in that till i find a friend who's willing to play co-op.

Face it Corey, you are what you are, a guitar player. A bassist even.

I managed to get one of my long time wanted achievements yesterday with a friend from my site, 1k notes hit in co op. I should go back and get more achievements, but the work required to get the points seems a silly.

Luckily, In GH Aerosmith, Activision listened. No stupid achievements! No playing the game with a standard controller! Hopefully, they keep that trend in Guitar Hero 4.

So, I'm gonna grab my guitar and jam. I'm a Guitarist. Back In The Saddle.

Over 20 k Now

Well for the longest time I was stuck at 18825 gamerpoints, becuase I took a 129 day break from my 360 console, (got wrapped up with the WII, Then PS2, then Retro games, then ps2 again.)

But now, I'm officially over 20 k. Only took me a few days. :P