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I Just Had To Get These xD

picked up the Wii Component Cables - $35

Endless Ocean, Wii, Used, excellent shape, $25

Sega Superstars Tennis, Wii, New $20

Zack & Wiki: Quest for Barbaros' Treasure, Wii, New $20 (Awesome game, awesome price!)

Octomania, Wii, New $20

3 good wii games fro 20 bucks new? SOLD! I couldn't help msyelf. I highly recommend people to get Zack and wiki especially at 20 bucks at GS. Highly rated.

and Octomania is a good puzzler for the wii with wi fi multiplayer.

Wii Code?

Just giving a shout out, if peeps want to add me to their wii's friend's list. just drop me a pm. :P

Also if you want to add me to your ssbb, or mario kart wii friend's list. just do the same. :)


I bought the Usb to ethernet Adapter (lan adapter) for the Wii, today for ten bucks. and a Brain Age 2 Switch and Carry case with retractable Brain Age 2 Stylus pen for $5.

The Wii's Wi Fi Isn't that dependable, and I figured a straight ethernet soulution is the way to go. Dcing in Mario Kart Wii Isn't fun. My Router works with everything in the house great, wirelessly, but the Wii just llikes to be a pain sometimes.

New Games ;)

Today, I went to Gamestop and took advantage of their buy 2 get 1 free sale.

Metroid Prime 3, Wii, $36, Used but in practically like new shape

Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, Wii, $36, Used but in practically like new shape

No More Heroes Wii, $36, FREE but in practically like new shape

Legend Of Zelda Four Sword Adventure, $16, GCN, Wii, $36, Used but in practically like new shape also

Legend of Zelda, The Windwaker, GCN, $16, GCN, Wii, $36, Used but in practically like new shape too

Jade Cocoon 2, PS2, FREE, Great Shape (I've been trying to find this game for YEARS)

Me Happy :D That's quite a few games I can check off my game collection wanted list.

So I'm Finally Playing

...Brawl. i bought it like 3 weeks ago, but haven't gotten around to it. I'm playing Ghost Squad, and It's cool.

I'm still working on Hotel Dusk.

Sorry for the lack of blogs lately, I've hit a blogger's block. xX

Not So ill anymore

I'm much better, but still have a cold in me.

I beat all the Ace Attourney games while I was away, and have started work on Hotel Dusk. :)