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Retro Game Flea Market Shopping

I went to the flea market today (first in a long time). two of the collectable shops that used to sell games are gone now, but I did managed to find some games.

Basically, I was focused on three systems, The Nes, Snes, and Dreamcast. since I have my Twin Fx to play Nes and Snes games now, I figured it time to build up thsoe two parts of my collection.

The first area I came into I found two games:

Super WrestleMania, Snes, $4

Life Force, NES, $4

Super Wrestlemania is an okay game (it's rather hard to play those style of wrestling games today), and Life Force is a very cool designed Konami shoot em up game, that features great graphics and area design.

After searching aroudn a bit more I came acrossed a table that featured some nice games that looked to be in crisp excellent condition:

Sonic and Knuckles, Genesis, $4

Street fighter II, Snes, $4

Saturday Night Slam Masters, Snes, $4

Final Fight, Snes, $4

Now Saturday Night Slam Masters is an awesome wrestling game from Capcom, great graphics, stylized moves, and loads of fun (and polish). If you don't know, Slam Masters features Haggar who became more known for the Final Fight series.

I came acrossed a game area that was overfilled with much that you couldn't see what from what. But he did have two dreamcast games that were complete.

Chronicles of Pern: Dragon Riders, DC, $7

PenPen Triclelon, DC, $7

And At the end of my trip I went back to that guy that I bought SN Slam Masters from and bought:

RBI Baseball 2, Tengen Cart, NES, $4

Vortex, Snes, $4

Total Carnage, Snes, $4

Spawn The Video Game, Snes, $4

Ultraman, Snes, $4

So, now I got some nice games for the Twin Fx to enjoy. :p

I Win

My first gamerscore challenge ended with a cheap shot (as many of you know in my pervious blog from last week) but My second one I won, in complete domination too. I was in 1st place from the get go, and stayed in such till the end. Congrats to me, i win a 20 dollar gift card. :p

I finish Forza 2's career mode, and played through Lego Star Wars amoung some other title this week. I'm addicted to pac man Championship, and i bought quite a few games this week, also gaining an FC Twin Console to play my NES and Snes games on. you might have heard of them before, they've also been shown at CES and other electronic shows.

Since this is my day off between contests, I decided to spend my day watching the original Godzilla movie (ahh classic!), Played some pac man championship edition, organized some of my games and started Maken X. Maken X is pretty awesome and It hasn't dissapointed me at all yet.

Hope you are having a good weekend all. :)

Bargain Hunter Tip: Misslabels/Missprices = Great Deals

Next time you're shopping for video games, you might want to pay more attention to that price tag.

You'd be surprised to see how many games out there can be misspriced, or misslabeled, and in your favor.

The Call of Duty 2 game for the 360 I got yesterday was mispriced. itread $9.99 while the game was actually supposed to sell for $12.99. Plus, 1 point for the bargain hunter.

But today, the advice came into a more important role. At FYE, I came in looking for the last 2 games to complete my launch collection for the 360. Sadly the 4 Gamestop stores near me don't have Amped 3 or Tony Hawk's American Wasteland. Neither did this Fye Store (looks like my launch collection will be incomplete for now.) But they did have these two games; one that was misslabeled and another misspriced.

First up, Tomb Raider Anniversary for the Xbox 360. It's used, practically brand new condition, misslabled for...$19.99. Concidering this game runs for 40 bucks on average (some stores for 50 bucks), I had to get this game.

Next up is Oblivion for the 360, used, in excellent condition, misspriced for $22. It was supposed to sell for $30. :p

But, it gets even sweeter, with a buy 2 get one free sale (bought a Bret Hart Dvd collection set for $20) i got the Tomb Raider game for only $10. AND, Igot a a $5 off next purchase card, and a mail in rebate card. xD

So, there ya go, a game for cheaper then normal price, and a game that isaved 30 to 40 bucks off their new sale price.

So, next time you look at a used game store, flea market, or any store, pay more attention to the sticker price.... you could find a bargain that you weren't supposed to have! :p

So Close: 2 Games Away, and Forza 2

I got 4 out of 6 games on my Xbox 360 launch List Collection:

Tiger Woods 06, Xbox 360, $12

Call Of Duty 2, Xbox 360, $8

Need For Speed Most Wanted, Xbox 360, $17

Gun, Xbox 360, $12

All I need is Amped 3 and Tony Hawk's American Wasteland to complete it.

And I'm just a few races to the end of the career mode of Forza 2.

oh and I got the Sega Gt 2002/Jet Set Radio Future Combo Disk for the Xbox for...89¢

Forza 2 Challenge weekend!

I've set a big goal for me this weekend, and that's to get a lot of big achievements in Forza 2. I'm near the end of the career in Forza 2, and My goal is to complete it this weeknd, (or get it mostly done). This is weeks and weeks worth or work coming to fruition and I'm excited! After this (minus the car ownign goals, which I'm working on in conjunction with career mode), It'll be Arcade and Time Challenge achievements (prolly a next weekend goal).

Launch Game Collection progress, LiveEye News, and Other Stuff

This blog is going to be a bunch of bits and pieces of news, so get ready :p

I've gotten further in my Xbox 360 Launch Game Collection Goal: I picked up:



In case you are wondering these are all Xbox 360's "Launch" Games:

American Wasteland

Amped 3

Call of Duty 2





King Kong

Madden NFL 06



NFS Most Wanted


Perfect Dark Zero


Quake 4

Ridge Racer 6

Tiger Woods PGA TOUR06


So, I basically need:

American Wasteland

Amped 3

Call of Duty 2

Tiger Woods PGA TOUR06

NFS Most Wanted


To complete the launch Collection.


I've also gotten:

MLB 2k6 and Bomberman Act Zero for practically free (prolly the only way I'd accept them xD) and I picked up Pacman Championship Edition on XBLA.


I've also been in a gamerscore challenge in I would have won, but the contestant that beat me (I got second place), decided to play bioncle heroes and advatar the airbender in the last 30 minutes of the contest). Lame. Did I ever tell you people I hate gamerscore contests and why I hate them? Oh well, I prefer to play my games for fun. :P


Also, LiveEye will be closing down March 1st, due to costs, and other issues. So aroudn the end of this month, I'll be removing my LiveEye Banner.

Yay For Me/ Working On Launch Games Collection

I picked up today (nothing special):

NHL 2k6, XBox 360, $7.00

NBA Live 06, XBox 360, $7.00

NBA 2k6, XBox 360, $7.00

Phantasy Star Universe, XBox 360, $17.00

Forza 2 Xbox 360 faceplate, $7.00 too

I hope to complete my Xbox 360 launch games collection soon (hence the sports titles). I got 11/18 so far (and should be a rather inexpensive goal for me.) Finding a good copy of Amped 3 though might be a toughy.

And I have a 1600 points card in my possession because my sister didn't want it oO yay for me. xD

And congrats goes out to the Giants - the true measure of team is not always by stats and wins. Sometimes the true measure of a team is believeing in yourself, believeing why you are here, even when others think you've already lost. I'm sorry the Pats had to lose their chance at perfect season history, but I'm happy that we saw a different kind of history that some, prolly didn't expect to happen. Good game, good game.

And Now I'm A Retro Gamer Apparently

I finally got my retro gamer points badge in my 360voiceblog. I've been w orking my but off for it, New Rally X really helped me out, but I nailed some hard achievments in Gauntlet, Joust and Robotron to help me overcome it.

Next up is my rhythm badge, in which i'm so, so close to getting it. I finally got my sis to play Rock Band, so I can get some achievements in band world tour. I also, finally got Boom Boom Rocket, which is an awesome game.

I also started portal in the Orange Box, and that game cracks me up xD. Also Staretd Blue Dragon, whcih i really like so far. Nothing too amazing about it, but it's fun. I'm kinda bouncing around in games; and of course i'm still going through the never-ending-quest of Forza 2.

Note, it'll prolly be tommrorow when my 360voice sig will be updated with the new badge. xD

Oh Side Note, Elite Beat Agents For DS Is Awesome

Seriously, it is. I was wowed by the animation and the game really is an eye catching thrill and quite fun.

Get it, you'll enjoy the ride. ;)

Also, I finally got the rest of the 1 point, 2 point achievements in forza 2 so now my gamerscore is back to normal again. xD

My Electric Lightning PSP is also losing it's skin. For nearly 2 years it's been on, but finally after all it's use the plastic covering on the skin is peeeling off. For ten bucks that design sure did go a long way! :)

I'm a Social Gamer, Apparently

My blog now shows a social gamer badge. Woo!

Today work was hell. Just hell. So many things went wrong ...someone had to plan it this way. xD

Going back to work on my Forza 2 achievements, the sheer time to get achievments is the hard part.

Oh my LiveEYE, is finally updated correctly and shows all the games I've compeleted and the right stats.

I love this blog's new look. xD