GameArtGuy's forum posts
people are still buying cracdown for the beta.I bought crackdown for crackdownipath4lifeAnd it was more than worth it
I guess a little more in depth couldn't hurt on one of my game ideas/stories The current title it goes by between my programmer, artist, and me is "Fox Holes" It takes place during the next large scale war (NOT WW3). The story follows a soldier named Thomas Hasinski, a rookie at war, and barely old enough to shave. He goes by the nick name Brass because of his role as support gunner, and the amount of brass cartridges he drops in a fight.
The game is based off the idea that all soldiers have a certain "luck" that others do not, some would call it guardian angel while others call it chance. Never once in the game do you actually play as Thomas. Instead you play as his Guardian. You have abilities to affect him without actually controlling him. This is done by keeping his "moral" up and his belief in you up. How do you do this? Heres an example
During a battle a small group of civillians runs across the street Thomas is laying heavy gunfire down on for cover. Speed is cut in half, and you have litteraly seconds to think of what you can do. You will be greated with an 'interface' that will let you highlight objects in the surrounding world, and interact with them accordingly to the event. In this case, I would select Thomas' weapon (the m249). Because i choose the right object in the enviroment for the occasion, i can "jam" his gun and cause it to stop firing. Sounds easy enough, right? ... Not so much. What if there was a large group of enemies behind said civillians getting ready to launch and RPG at your position? Do you shoot through the crowd of innocent people and hope nothing happens? Do you shoot through the crowd and hope only a few are hit? Do you do nothing at all in which case the civiliians are hit with the RPG and ALL of them are killed.
Think of the game ICO, but replace the boy with a guardian angel, and the girl with a solder on the battlefield. The focus is to cause an emotional attachment to Thomas, and the surrounding troops. You will be the cause of his suffering, depression, and hatred.... or the cause of his happiness. Up to you. The name comes from the saying "There are no athiests in fox holes" (even though there is no religous biased or basing of the story)
Well, it would be (prepare for shameless plug) A 2d side scrolling game you would download from either the XBL arcade of the PSstore. The main character, Alien B.0.B is the last remaining "Little blue man" fighting the horde of "Little green men" who destroyed his home planet. B.0.B got into the last remaining blue ship (which happened to be 4 sizes too small for him) to fight back. All the little green men thought there was nothing to worry about anymore in the galaxy except for what to do with their new found territory, and STDs. They melted down all their military parts to help build new housing and such... they didnt know B.0.B was going to come back in full force... The game isnt just a side scrolling shoot though. In the background there is a puzzle game you must play to earn power ups and what not. The puzzle peices scroll right to left and depending on your ships position on screen, the puzzle peice will "drop" in that same "row". So you must watch the puzzle peices and the enemy ships in order to win.... its actually quite fun since you can play either part of the game and you still end up playing the other, so shooter and puzzle fans will have a good time. The other game ideas/stories I have aren't something I wanna share with people exactly since ive spent several months/year thinking and working them out.... One of them has you playing as the 'luck' of a soldier though :)
Ideas are just the start... and a lot of that has already been done. Game Design is easy when you come up with an idea, but 90% of the time that idea falls outa your hands when you get to the point of making the game. Trust me.... i know :( Cool idea! And yeah, I have experience with making Game Design Documents. Ideas are easy, but making a GDD isn't. I have a very long document started on my computer... but when i always get to this point where i think "would i play this" and then i just stop... which is why im now making 2d games and stories for other games.Yep, and i'm only 14. Do i have a future in making good games or what?
They have that... theres a way to set default controls for games from the dashboard. Its just.... hidden-ishI'd like generic controls between games...I don't like having to change to inverted aim in every FPS.
I'd love to see more video formats supported but I doubt it'll happen.
No idea when it'll be out but with scheduled downtime coming up it'll probably come around then.
Im from Illinois, so idk if this is 100% true. But i have a friend, who is well educated in the matter, who lives in Ontario who explained it to me like this.
In canada, there is a special tax taken out of all sales of blank media storage, which means for every 2 dollars "LargeCDComapny" makes on a stack of CDs, the music and or movie idustry giants are given .XX cents (of course, it wouldnt be in USD). The reason for that is in canada, if you buy somthing digitally, you own that peice of media and have the right to do whatever you want with it. We all know (we as in the ones below you fine canadians) that the video marketplace does not allow any sort of transfer of a video you download... which is illegal in canada since you bought the media. Thats where the problem lies, MS wants the media to be only accessable on the xbox360.
Im not sure if thats the truth behind it all for canadians, and most likely many other countries, but thats what ive been told, and it does make very good sense.
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