Ideas are just the start... and a lot of that has already been done. Game Design is easy when you come up with an idea, but 90% of the time that idea falls outa your hands when you get to the point of making the game. Trust me.... i know :(Yep, and i'm only 14. Do i have a future in making good games or what?
GameArtGuy's forum posts
[QUOTE="teebeenz"]When you do that sorta thing all you do is take CPu time away from the game, and thats not such a good idea.Koinuboylol You're kidding right? last gen consoles could do it... im sure these ones can
I finally have the first screenshot of my dreambuildplay or whatever its called game.
Anyone else entering this contest? It seems to be a pretty cool chance to get your name out there and show what you can do.
My (and i mean my team of 2 people) are making you basic space side scroller shootem up. However its also a puzzeler. As you move up and down in the space, you pass "invisible" borders. Depending on which "row" you are in, that is where a translucent puzzle piece will slide over into place. Each of these puzzle pieces have a function such as Ammo, or Health. Get 4 in a box and you get that 'power up.'
Seems easy, but when you realize you have to focus on the enemies, your position, the puzzle release timer, your health and ammo, you quickly realize its a wee bit more difficult that you may think. Still fun none the less.
This shot is from Torque Game Builder... Not Torque X, so we have to get it all up and running again. This shot is also only the shooter portion stripped to its bones since we just started. This shot is ALSO all place holder at the moment. So yea
What are you working on?
*edit: i should learn to spell before i make a game... right?Â
[QUOTE="bdhoff"]What is it number 1 in?Dude543211being it's self! ...that's what mom's would say. lol. Oh no, not an "Everyones special" speach!!!! The ps3 isnt number one... and the media is "bashing" it because its always getting bad news... They arent making this stuff up, they are just reporting it... The ps3 is number 1 at being the one console that i keep really wanting, and then telling myself "maybe later"
[QUOTE="CSI24"]The only reason I can get out of it is that it has been out for a year and now the Xbox 360 has a new added on expansion packdubvisionsYou didn;t read my post. The "add-ons" weren't there for the 360 when they reviewed either. And if it's because of age, they should reduce all game scores over time then. The 360 version should have dropped too. Right? It still makes no sense. the ps3 version has no option for DLC either... so it wont get those add ons unless a major patch comes out. Also, the game is a year old and still looks identical to the year old version.
Great News. Maybe Capcom should reconsider the exclusive deal with Sony. :PThomas-Crownhe said 500k, not 5 million
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