[QUOTE="jackle2071"][QUOTE="SparkPlug69"][QUOTE="longhorn7"][QUOTE="Sonick54"][QUOTE="G-Legend"]Here come the trolls, 360 fanboys won't let us live this down..I'm really hating Capcom right now.-Zaku-You're blaming capcom for this? Blame sony and all they're BS lies, hype and 599$ price tag. haha and theres the first troll Sony fanboy smells bad. People need to be less greedy and be happy other people can enjoy great games. Why do people only want themselves to play games that are good? Selfish if you ask me. Share the wealth. This is a business decision and a very nice business move. Be smart. BTW Other systems can handle whatever PS3 can. its not a fact of being "creedy" its a fact of Microsoft being able throw money infin amounts of Money at what ever problems stands in there way. one of them being the Japenses market. i play games i own all 3 systems. but i never want to see just one rule them all. reguardless if its Sony, Microsoft or nintendo! it just really seems that M$ is out to completly destroy the what ever stands in there way. with Playstion dead there would be nothing stoping them from killing nintendo next. and reguardless about what they may say now about nintendo, they like profit more then friendship. do you really think bill gates invented windows? or even steve jobbs for that matter? Although I own a 360 (for exclusives), I don't really care for MS or it that much outside of that for the sole reason you mentioned: if there is a problem in their way, they throw money at it to get it their way. mmm captiolism... businesses run off money, not friends
GameArtGuy's forum posts
[QUOTE="G-Legend"]IF CAPCOM DOES THIS THEY'RE DEAD TO ME AND I WILL NOT PURCHASE ANOTHER CAPCOM GAME AGAIN YOU DON'T F8CK AROUND LIKE THAT SAY ONE THING TO ME AND THEN GO AND DO ANOTHER.Hman321yep i agree with you i still might play RE5 but we will see and capcom will lose allot of fans to... Not be a troll... but thats what sony does all the time.... Phil Harrison, a man i now have TONS of respect for, said to 1up "Well, its PR, what did you want me to say? we were in a lawsuit..." when asked about rumble.... PR is about lying, and keeping hype alive.... Phil Harrison, who has to take back his words A LOT at least admits that its BUSINESS
[QUOTE="GameArtGuy"][QUOTE="Gzus666"][QUOTE="Film-Guy"]THe idea of a myspace style thing is ok, achivements being shown and trophies, but I think the HOME idea is not very good. what is the point of having a virtual character and a fake computer apartment? This remind sme of people who pay REAL MONEY for islands in MMORPGS. HOME seems like a distrtaction, there is no gain in having a character to move, a simple chat room would be fine, we dont need characters. imagien having to make microtransactions to pay for stuff in your house? it doesnt make sense! why cant we just have an achievement list for every gamer online. HOME seems fancy, but I think its a bad idea.UntoldDreamsbut its free, and they can put advertisements around to keep their profits up, while providing great content. the virtual games look good, who doesnt like bowling, pool and those arcade games once and a while? while im not a big online socialite, a lot of people are, so im sure it will be a turn for the better for the PS3 It said you will be charged for extras from the playstation store... most likely you are going to pay for anything beyond having a character. Second life?
They also said they would embrace user created content.
Then again nothing is specified yet. I would presume that certain objects are free or come with games you purchase (It's not like it costs Sony anything to give away a virtual lamp or two).
*** Some idiot out there paid for Horse Armor, right?
Hey, i paid for horse armor! (and it was idiotic) What im worried about is the fact that Home may become almost tedious. If you wanna watch a movie, you have to move your character to the theatre and what not instead of clicking a button. SOE has the experience of creating a game, but honestly they dont have the experience of keeping one going. Thats what scares be about it.
[QUOTE="Film-Guy"]THe idea of a myspace style thing is ok, achivements being shown and trophies, but I think the HOME idea is not very good. what is the point of having a virtual character and a fake computer apartment? This remind sme of people who pay REAL MONEY for islands in MMORPGS. HOME seems like a distrtaction, there is no gain in having a character to move, a simple chat room would be fine, we dont need characters. imagien having to make microtransactions to pay for stuff in your house? it doesnt make sense! why cant we just have an achievement list for every gamer online. HOME seems fancy, but I think its a bad idea.Gzus666but its free, and they can put advertisements around to keep their profits up, while providing great content. the virtual games look good, who doesnt like bowling, pool and those arcade games once and a while? while im not a big online socialite, a lot of people are, so im sure it will be a turn for the better for the PS3 It said you will be charged for extras from the playstation store... most likely you are going to pay for anything beyond having a character. Second life?
Oops, i forgot to give my opinion.
I think its a great idea for sony, itll give PSN a new sense of community like what that other service on that other console has. Maybe itll be great, maybe itll be somewhat lacking... who knows
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