GameArtGuy's forum posts
Idk if the series previously had online or not, but its safe to say this one will for sure.
[QUOTE="Mark2099"]None of those (rumble is the closest) have anything to do with gameplay. I never use rumble in baseball anyway. I turn it off so I dont know if I'm pitching outside the zone. Live over PSN has nothing to do with this game, shouldnt be a consideration in ratings. You are the blind one if you think those are valid reasons. How does not being able to sense a pitch by rumble... not affect gameplay? If it makes it less fun, then yea, it affects gameplay.You guys are so blind.............there are 3 reasons.
1. The 360 has a greater installed base so therefore online will have a greater number of people to play with.
2. The 360 has rumble which makes for a simple yet effective experience.
3. Live is simply better built then PSN.
Basically, rumble and Live will make any cross platform game better on the 360. Its the sad truth.
It will probably use it in kind of the same way CrackDown uses it. Mainly for explosions, crashes, and of course random environmental interaction, but i believe CrackDown uses that last version of Havok before the latest was released to developers.Motorstorm uses the havok engine. It says so when the demo is loading up.
I would like to see hoe the devs use this awesome engine in GTA.
[QUOTE="GameArtGuy"][QUOTE="kenshinhimura16"]xboys think that paying for the internet service is a good thing. But reality is that 90% of us have lived with online PC games and the classic leaderboards for longer and without having to pay a cent except it was an MMORPGGzus666Matchmaking, friendslist,
[QUOTE="DannyGT"]I think we should never have to pay for PSN or Xbox live because we already pay for the game, pay for the console and pay the internet company. i think that paying even more than that is stupid, but thats just my opinion.MaximumDYup.. Why do we have to pay for something that's been free for all these years? Lets not fall into these greedy company plans. Next thing you'll know, we'll have to pay to even save a game. Don't be a fool. you just bought a 599 dollar console... Id expect some demos. 2 years of XBL is still only 100 dollars (its still 50 dollars a year on my bill... idk where people are getting 60) and there are currently 60 something demos on the marketplace within 1 year, thats worth paying for in my opinion. You are not paying for online play, you are paying for all the services wrapped into one such as online play, video marketplace, arcade, and more. Overall it is still cheaper than NetFlix+WoW+GameTap... which would give you less of an experience. ok, the PS3 hasnt been out that long, and they are concentrating on the Euro launch at the moment. Sony has nothing to do with the demos, unless the developers give them a demo, they have nothing to put in the store. Sony will never charge for the online, only developers will if they find the game warrants it. you people expect this to be magic right when it came out. XBL live sucked when it came out too, and ive heard that from every user of it. takes time to build your vision of something. The ps3 hasnt been out that long... thats no excuse not to give a service as good as the competitor who has had theirs up and running for more than 4 years though, is it? It it my job as a consumer to worry about Euro launch? No, its my job to play the console, and play it online with out hassle. If they are not going to offer the best of the best on their network, for free or pay... than they shouldnt say theirs is the best. Its not my job as a consumer to wait after 500 dollars either, or find loopholes just to make online less of a hassle. Sony has is all wrong for online, they dont give support to developers other than their own (bad), they dont provide hassle free matchmaking (bad) and they don't understand no matter how much they say their network is "up to par" it is not, and the reason is because its free (bad)
xboys think that paying for the internet service is a good thing. But reality is that 90% of us have lived with online PC games and the classic leaderboards for longer and without having to pay a cent except it was an MMORPGkenshinhimura16Matchmaking, friendslist,
[QUOTE="DannyGT"]I think we should never have to pay for PSN or Xbox live because we already pay for the game, pay for the console and pay the internet company. i think that paying even more than that is stupid, but thats just my opinion.MaximumDYup.. Why do we have to pay for something that's been free for all these years? Lets not fall into these greedy company plans. Next thing you'll know, we'll have to pay to even save a game. Don't be a fool. you just bought a 599 dollar console... Id expect some demos. 2 years of XBL is still only 100 dollars (its still 50 dollars a year on my bill... idk where people are getting 60) and there are currently 60 something demos on the marketplace within 1 year, thats worth paying for in my opinion. You are not paying for online play, you are paying for all the services wrapped into one such as online play, video marketplace, arcade, and more. Overall it is still cheaper than NetFlix+WoW+GameTap... which would give you less of an experience.
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