Dude this has HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE. The vibration has knocked chipped little pieces of the PS2 COntroller. But its nothing major. The reason why your R2 button jammed was because the piece was stuck in the R2 button. Open up the controller (remove screws) and just shake the controller until all the pieces fall out (mine had three). THen you should be ok. Trust me, it has happened to me beofre and its just a minor problem. I would like it if you emailed me back to tell me how it turned out, but do exactly what I told you to do. And then, enjoy your Socom!
GameFreakJason's forum posts
Dude you dont know how loudly I LOL'D when I read the title. I didnt expect much from Digimon, and didnt even know they were still making games.
Season 1 owned though. The rest were pretty average, and then it got bad
You know, I always wanted a handheld, an upgrade from my Gameboy Colour. Of course, the PSP was the best thing out there in equivalence to the DS. But after testing it out for myself, the Slim, AND the orginal, I have to say that the PSP just isn't cutting it.
My main problems:
1) Design over Value
2) Biting off more than it can chew
3) One analog stick, no L2, L3, R2, R3
It makes me wonder if gamers are ready for 3D handhelds. The PSP NEEDS everything in #3. So heres my idea. Why not make the PSP look similar to the Playstation Controller? I mean, obviously Sony can work out the design of it, make it look shiny and cool and what not. But its gotten to the point that the design is the only thing calling people to the PSP. Games either have to simplify their games to fit with the PSP's lack of buttons, OR just make the game as complicated to use as possible. Heres an idea:
With this, PSP can have the L2 and R2, maybe even the R3 and L3. Now this is just a picture of a controller stuck on to the PSP. But if Sony can mend the two together, work out the "comfort" and "compact" issues, we can have a GOOD PSP.
Absolutely not. If you owned a PS3 and played online you too would appreciate the idea of FREE online play. I can hop onto a Resistance server right now worry free and find a match without lag. As it currently stands....Halo 3 is on the verge of coming out and my Gold Subscription just ran out....Having to chock up $110 just to play Halo 3 online makes me cringe.Uptown
I agree. See, of all the polls Ive ever made, this is the one that I cant seem to agree on. I like free online play. Sony does a good job of it, and it's a prety decent service. XBL is extremely good, but continuos pay is ridiculous. Then again, thats why XBL is so great right?
Well, Should it? I realize that, while Sony gives us free online gaming, it's nothing compared to Microsoft's X-Box Live. A simple question, with varied opinionated answers, let's hear what you GameSpotter's have to say.
Hmmmm, lets see
Blast Factor (PSN)
Calling All Cars! (PSN)
Eight Days
Echochrome (PSN)
Everyday Shooter (PSN)
Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy: Versus XIII
Formula One: Championship Edition
Ferrari Challenge
flOw (PSN)
Gran Turismo HD: Concept (PSN)
Gran Turismo 5: Prologue (PSN)
Grant Turismo 5
Genji: Days of the Blade
Gauntlet II (PSN)
Gripshift (PSN)
Go! Puzzle (PSN)
Go! Sudoku (PSN)
Go! Sports: Ski (PSN)
Heavenly Sword
Heavy Rain
Hot Shots Golf 5
High Stakes of the Vegas Strip: Poker Edition (PSN)
High Velocity Bowling (PSN)
Killzone 2
LittleBigPlanet (PSN and retail)
L.A. Noire
Lemmings 2 (PSN)
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Metal Gear: Online
Mortal Kombat II (PSN)
Ninja Gaiden: Sigma
Nucleus (PSN)
Playstation Home (PSN)
Piyotama (PSN)
PixelJunk Racers (PSN)
Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction
Resistance: Fall of Man
Ridge Racer 7
SOCOM: Confrontation (PSN and retail)
The Agency (MMO)
The Eye of Judgement
Tekken 6
Tekken 5: Dark Ressurection (PSN)
Unreal Torunament III (timed exclusive, also has mod-sharing)
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom
Virtua Fighter 5 (timed exclusive)
Wipeout HD (PSN)
Warhawk (PSN and retail)
WarDevil: Enigma
Thanks for Wiki'ing this. The PS3 has alot of great exclusives, but we need to pass a more bolder judgment AFTER these games have come out.
I love the PS3 hardware. Its reliable and stable and very advanced. But i rarely ever play it. Why? Because i also have a 360. As unreliable as that hardware is, as loud as it is, ( i have personally gone through 3 xbox360 systems in one year for various hardware failures ), i still play it 90 percent of the time more than my ps3 and Wii put together....because of the games and Live. I know this is the ps3 forum. We are all suppose to love ps3, right. if you own one you have to love it , right. Well, im sorry, Sony has been pissing me off with all these half baked games. i wait a year for the good stuff to come out, and what do we get...more half backed games like HS, Lair..and most likely Warhawk too. I WANT to love my ps3, i paid $600 for it to play the best, most advanced next gen games imaginable...i don't think i should have to wait 2-3 years to get that experience...if ever. I am not a happy ps3 owner, but i belong in this forum as much as anyone. If someone asks me to tempt them to buy a
PS3, I'm going to tell them what i think, not what you want me to say.
Leave this guy alone. He's aloud to have his own opinion. I think the PS3 is a great system as well, but I'm sorry, its losing this generations war so far. PS2 owned over Xbox and Gamecube. Hell, it even supposedly outsold X360 and PS3. Don't expect to defend the PS3 when you know their losing exclusives like crazy. It's business people, live with it. I think the PS3 has gotten off on the wrong foot, but it's not doomed. MEtal Gear alone can save this system. Not to mention Tekken 6, Uncharted, Warhawk, Ratchet and Clank, Gran Turismo, God of War III, Final Fantasy, Heavenly Sword, and a whole bunch of other games. Alot of you need to accept the fact that the X360 is winning. But I trust that the PS3 with its line of exclusives will keep it a close competitor to the X360.
well at first i was excited that rock band was announced for the ps2 because i have a ps2 and a wii.but then i read farther into the article and it said the ps2 will come without some of the features.do u think those feateres that they are taking out could be as drastic as taing out the drum or vocals or even bass guitar?
Your comparing PS2 to the Wii. It's expected that the Wii will outdo the PS2, its last generation.
I'm not worried, but I'm not expecting much from this game. Obviously, it's a play off of Guitar Hero. I'm all for the game succeeding but history tells me games that try to mimic other games won't do as good. Time will tell though.
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