GameFreakJason's forum posts
Man, I didn't know you could have 3 games n there at once. MGS4 for me, even though I have been kinda playin warhawk lately.SamuRai_JeDi
Lol--actually a disc changer would be pretty cool. Lazy people would rejoice everywhere
I was just wondering if the 40 GB PS3 will start releasing consoles with DualShock 3?
I just bought a PS3 with SIXAXIS and I am a bit worried about the controller. Will future 40GB Ps3's come with DS3?
Also, how many games do you think the 40GB PS3 will hold on average?
I've also heard that the 40GB will be dropped by Sony, so should that be an indicator that the 40GB Wont come with rumble?
Thanks a lot in advance and pleas help me as best as you can, I would greatly appreciate it.
Earlier multiplatform games apparantly performed just a little bit better on the 360 because developers had trouble getting used to the PS3 format
I'm thinking of getting a ps3 too, but it will be a while longer before their exclusives grow (so far, they have a decent lineup)
I'm super shocked, did anyone think, that it would get a 10/10 especially with GTA only having like a 2 month difference??
I guess PS3 Fanboys cant call Gamespot bias anymore.
I will be honest, I was anticipating Haze a lot. There were MANY times however, that I thought the game just looked mediocre. Now, I put this aside because I trusted Free how about you guys, what do you think of the company now?
PErosonally, I still think that they are great. Haze may just have been too big for them-- I guess they arent ready for the big leagues, (timesplitters always felt like a sleeper hit to me).
With that said, though Haze seems to be dead in the anticipation zone, I am still hyped for TimeSplitters 4!! The problem is, many PS3 Fanboys (You know who you are) won't be touting it as much as Haze simply because TS is a multiplatform game.
I hope that TS4 gives jutice back to Free Radical, but they bet big, and they took a huge hit to their reputation. Free Radical always seems like a laid back company that delivers clever humor and fun...Haze seems too serious for their own selves-- just look at the lighthearted commentary from your troops in the game.
IGN gave the game a 4.5/10-- some are calling IGN bias...but I think it's finally time for many of us to accept that the game simply didnt live up to the Gaming Media's expectations.
I would also like to make another point; ever since Halo became the killer app, people have always been trying to find their FPS fix over on, games like Resistance seem to be harboring the closest to Halo, however, do you think that PS3 fans are just too hardheaded to believe that Halo is a pretty damn good game? I think that 1st party devlopers should focus around other genres such as the much beloved Stealth Action of MGS or the Adventure Action games of God of War. The FPS genre clearly isnt doing it for the PS3, either the companies try too hard, or not hard enough.
I really dont understand the Haze hate. It's gotten a 9/10 and a 34/40 from gaming sites already (though, we are all pretty much waiting for Gamespot and IGN to rate them). I honestly think that people went superhard on Haze, it's getting so much hate and I really dont know why. Now the Haze demo, though I've addmittingly haven't played it, shouldn't convince you of the final product. I still have trust in Free Radical, but we'll have to see in just two days. Also, if anything, the only thing I am worried about is THREE modes for competitive multiplayer- Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Assault!! Where's Capture the Bag (As Timesplitters would have put it)? There were so many fun modes on TimeSplitters that would have went decent with Haze, but it seems that Haze is just too "Serious" for games like Theif or Flame Tag...
Time will tell
Then get guitar hero. there's no sense in paying $270 JUST to play the guitar.
Just because Rock Band is the "thing" and even though it's "newer" "fresher" and/or "cooloer looking" than guitar Hero doesnt mean that you should get it. (If you're thinking under this mindset).
Going to play guitar? Guitar Hero
Want to play with drums/mic/guitar? Get Rock Band
Then again, you could be filthy rich and not give a damn about wasting money like that, but I think that the majority of people would agree with me (?)
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