GameFreakJason's forum posts
Hey guys, I have a question on Guitar HEro. I apologize if this question has been asked before, but I couldnt find the answer to this anywhere else, so I REALLY need to ask you guys. Please respond ASAP because GH is selling like mad for Christmas, and I need to pick it up.
THe problem Im having is, "Guitar Hero 2 or 3?" ANd this is ONLY for the PS2! I'm leaning towards #2 because #3 doesnt seem to have much attention for it on the PS2 (the focus is on next gen anyway) so just wondering:
EDIT: What Im basically asking is if you guys have had any ISSUES with the games? (Specifically #3). I dont care about music or gameplay features, Im just worried about the actual guitars and gameplay issues
Im glad that there are people out there who take care of their PS2's. Many people (not everyone) who breaks there PS2's break it because of carelessness. I know some of my friends that do. I STILL have my fatty, (though its reaching its limit) and I have taken great care of it.
Many people buy the prize horse, shoot it, and then complain that it doesnt run properly. I hate that.
Glad to see some fatty's still alive out there.
A) Halo Fanboys who arent willing to let go of their "Beloved" Game
B) People who think Haze is just made by a bunch of nobodys
C) THey genuninly believe Haze will fail (despite never playing it)
You people need to understand something: Haze will NOT fail because it is being made by FREE RADICAL. Who are they? Some of you probably dont even know (And yet you still judge Haze as a fail). Free Radical is a small company that made PS2's popular FPS game: TimeSplitters. F.R's PS2 success was made by a team of EIGHTEEN PEOPLE. Timesplitters was recognized as one of PS2's best shooters.
Free Radical were also apart of the team that made GoldenEye and Perfect Dark on the N64- these games recieved the highest marks on review sites such as Gamespot- even more than Halo fanboy's precious game.
So yes, I Believe that HAze will succeed because of Free Radical. I also want to say that I love Halo, but I am not blind enough to know when a good FPS comes along. Some people need to understand that Halo isnt the gemstone to Fisrt Person Shooters. That title belongs to games like Doom and Perfect Dark, and most importantly Unreal Tournament.
So please, before some of you people dump all over Haze, know some information about the game besides "nectar" and "four player online". I hate it when people judge a game before they know how the game plays (Im talking about people who say in their gut that a game will fail. People who predict a game will fail is different because thats an opinion and not an arrogant claim)
Please keep an open mind about Haze and Free Radical. The company is sorely overlooked because of bigger names and hype on other games.
Thanks :)
Best FPS on PS2 for very cheap: TimeSplitters 2. Period.
RPG: Dark Cloud 2
Racing: Gran TUrismo/Burnout
MEtal Gear Solid
U may want to try Final Fantasy Series
God of War
Shadow of Colossus is supposedly very beautiful.
Buy a PS2, you won't regret it.
Best FPS on PS2 for very cheap: TimeSplitters 2. Period.
RPG: Dark Cloud 2
Racing: Gran TUrismo/Burnout
MEtal Gear Solid
U may want to try Final Fantasy Series
God of War
Shadow of Colossus is supposedly very beautiful.
Buy a PS2, you won't regret it.
My reccomendations arent consider new gaames, but I think you'd be foolish to ignore these games because they are "old":
TimeSPlitters Series (Specifically #2)
Any Smackdown vs Raw game (2006 is the best one)
Even if u dont like wrestling, Smackdown games are fun fun fun.
If you dont like my reccomendations, especially TimeSplitters because it is "old" then you can suck it my friend.
Sorry for sounding rude, but Im just putting emphasis on the fact that 2 player Co-Op games that are really good are GOING to be old.
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