@MAD_AI Granted, Philips screwdrivers are at abundance in my household so it would be relatively easy to take the PS4 apart if it uses Philips screws, so that I may stare at the chipboard(and not actually do anything with it since the OS would probably self-destruct)
@Snakepond1 Eh, I know(at least the names of) and have spoken with around 1000 people just in real life. 'Knowing' 2000 people wouldn't be too difficult.
Whether I consider any of them my friends and whether I could be bothered to manage them on an IRC friends list is another matter /:
The 'next-gen' consoles will be considered powerful for a year or two at the most. Then, just like the 360 and PS3, they will again be seen as low-end.
Technology advances very quickly. In fact, organic computers could be mainstream by 2015.(though the possibility isn't awfully high but it's still possible /:)
@The-Longshot @canuckbiker I wouldn't say it's the 'best site'.
I just come here for the videos since despise IGN's video player actually being decent now, their commentary is rarely exactly what I'd call anywhere near the 'best' /:
And they don't actually do videos like this anyway as far as I know.
Somebody who looks similar to the actual game character.
There's no competition here. You can't have an actor play a current game character unless he/she looks at least mostly similar to the character they're playing.
Garagorn888's comments