They're not trying to trick anyone. It's your choice whether or not you want to upgrade for the game or not.
They need to sell a product thus they need a selling point which nothing else can provide. It's called marketing.
The idea that you're being 'tricked' is comparable to a child saying that having to eat salad to be allowed to have chocolate is 'cruel'.(and whining about it)
@Dealwithme14 @Cloud_imperium This isn't a game. The article quite clearly states that they're bringing CryENGINE to Linux. It's a game ENGINE which I'm pretty certain Crytek have all of the rights to.
EA only have a contract for Crysis, which this article is not about.
This is more than ditching Windows. This is going to bring much easier multi-platform development. OpenGL's scaling capabilities are awesome and it's not exclusive to Windows. That means that games can be developed for Linux, Windows, OSX and mobile platforms simultaneously.(Not that I support the latter :/)
No, they hate Windows in general. The only reason Windows has ever had an advantage is because Microsoft used a LOT of false advertising, misinforming developers in that OpenGL can't do this, DirectX can do that, etc.
@bunchanumbers @lazycomplife @grove12345 ... No, they're just putting 480p cameras in their phones... oh, but HD makes it so much easier for you to be watched, right? o.O
You mean before it would have been obvious that the NSA were just sending soldiers to silence them, not because they happened to be responsible for a terrorism act or something stupid like that. (AKA. It would be quite stupid to fight the government alone. They would have had whoever tried to petition MURDERED or worse)
1. They're still making current-gen games. The Wii U is, considering it's technical specs, current-gen. (though some believe the tablet makes it next-gen in terms of experience but that's irrelevant here :/)
2. The Wii U's not selling that badly. It does actually have quite a large user base. Certainly a large enough user base for Bethesda to consider porting their games to a console which has basically the same architecture as the 360.
What this means is that their writers and concept artists are either sub-par or quite greedy and demand millions of dollars just for designing a good game.
It's difficult but it's not THAT difficult, guys :/
Garagorn888's comments