People must like shooters if they keep making them
Geek_Speak101's forum posts
Instead of paying £40 a year for something that should be free, I can buy another game.SolidSnake35
And yet lots people get stuff from their parents, are you one of them people?
[QUOTE="mazdero"]The point is not that it is expensive, it isn't. The point is that you are paying for nothing. You are being charged to be used as a server. I could understand if MS had their own dedicated servers for every game, and the fee was for up keep, but this is not the case.They don't give you anything for free but Demo's, and pictures most people don't want anyway. Then they charge you for everything else on there, and the prices are kind of high seeing as how you are already paying for the service. The main reason for XBOX Live is playing games. PC its free, PS3 its free, why is MS charging? Silver accounts can't do squat. IMO MS should charge if you want to download movies, and TV shows, and buy games etc..., but online play should be free. People talk about MS giving choices with their Console, well Live doesn't really give many options. Either you pay the price, or you don't get squat.
I don't want to hear ease of use or anything like that cause PS3 and PC online is plenty easy to use and its free.
PC online games:
1) The servers are hosted by people with money out of kindness
2) They are owned by companys such as gamespy, who have lots of ads on the servers to cover costs.
3) The servers are private and only a select ammount of people can use them
soon xbl will be free, but wile its not. I'm not paying xD
PC online and PSN is paid for by advertisments which is why they suck so much.
Since XBL is so expensive :roll: Heres some of the 5 bucks I've been spending in place of Halo 3 online:
A pack of ciggarettes
a six pack of beer
a meal at KFC
taxi cab fare
1 2-liter Pepsi and a bag of Dorritos
A tip to my Barber
A parking place
2 Slices of Pizza
1 shot of PatronHow DO YOU spend all that money you saved? List them.
I pay 49.99 for 13 months and most of that crap you listed will kill you, XBL don't hurt nobody.
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