Geek_Speak101's forum posts
[QUOTE="Geek_Speak101"]I don't think the moderators here care about the constant American bashing that goes on in these forums, just don't pick on the poor Japanese and Japanese wannabes and you wont get modded or banned.-RPGamer-
What are you talking about? I was specifically referencing the abbreviation for Japanese that mods have specified not to use. And to be honestI don't really see that much "American" bashing (something worth banning) going on here.
Puleeeeeeeeseeeese, you always see stuff like about Americans and violence or that Americans are over weight. If your born in America you are American it doesn't matter if your black, white, red, purple or what ever color.
1up Sucks! Spoiler heaven.
GS lost it's best reviewer Jeff. I for one depended on Jeff's reviews cause he don't let anything slide and he saved me tons of money on bad games.
[QUOTE="Geek_Speak101"][QUOTE="-RPGamer-"]Please watch how you abbreviate Japanese. :|-RPGamer-
I love how people love to crap on Americans in this forum but if you abbreviare "Japanese" wrong people here get all crazy like a bunch of babies.
I love how people generalize. :| If you don't likeit feel free to takeit up with the moderator who wrote that specific rule.
I don't think the moderators here care about the constant American bashing that goes on in these forums, just don't pick on the poor Japanese and Japanese wannabes and you wont get modded or banned.
Please watch how you abbreviate Japanese. :|-RPGamer-
I love how people love to crap on Americans in this forum but if you abbreviare "Japanese" wrong people here get all crazy like a bunch of babies.
[QUOTE="Gh0st_Of_0nyx"]JRPG metro sexual are one of the reason I dislike most JRPG's. The leade protagonist are a bunch of whiney cry babies that look like girls.onesimos
It may surprise you Westerners is that in Japan characters like Duke Nukem are homosexual stereotypes. Is that a strange surprise? Complaining about androgynous or effeminate-looking male characters in Japanese video games shows how ignorant Western gamers are about Japanese culture.
Nobody loves the womens more than Duke Nukem
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