@RSM-HQ @Geogyf i am not a hypocrite.Amazon is not hot for me.And you tell me about Street Fighter 4???/LOL? What about Rufus then?Why not complain about stereotypes there?If anything you are the hypocrite.
You know gamespot has a problem when:Tells about sexualized women & shows the Amazon.really... The amazon is like a woman bodybuilder. (thats not hot)I get the hype about the other women, but the Amazon too? I cant buy that.
@Unfallen_Satan check other sites too mate. at least 2-3 sites before you buy a game :)check also the video review & read the review.Cause reviews are subjective.
saints row 3 was extremely good, a fresh perpsective in kinda stale genre. All games have their place and time.
Geogyf's comments