It doesn't help being a PC gamer where generally games only cost £30-£35. Console games generally cost much more. Therefore I usually stick with pre-owned. Now I cannot do that without paying a fee on top, I'll be giving my money to Sony.
@Shango4 This doesn't really bother me as much if the new Kinect works better in a smaller enviroment. Thankfully I have a relatively large living room so Kinect works quite well. But many people are younger and have to play in their bedrooms. Cater for them Microsoft!
@skiggy29 It was shown by Sony that the PS4 will be backwards compatible, but only through a streaming service similar to OnLive(cannot remember the name of the service they said), they also didn't say if it would be subscription based or if you have to buy all your old games again, but it would support PS1/2/3 games. I think E3 is really when we will find out all of the details of both the PS4 and the new Xbox
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