Hey I made a thread in PC games (thought software should go with software, my bad) so I will just copy and paste what I wrote
Hi all. I have some questions concerning the OEM (for system builders)version of Windows 7 versus the Full Version of Windows 7
1. Why is it cheaper?
2. What do I lose compared to the "full" (boxed) version?
3. Am I limited to the number of times I can install it on my computer?
4. If I change my hardware, will I need to buy another copy?
5. Does it include the 64 bit version?
6. Is there anything else I should know?
For reference, here is what I am talking about:
Windows 7 OEMhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116754
Windows 7 Full http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116716
*After doing a bit of research, I came up with two new questions:
OK I found a forum explaining something
so I guess I only have one question now:
WIndows 7 OEM can be installed on one system initially; however, I can install it on another system/upgraded system, I just need to phone it in?
Oh and one more:
Do you think the retail version is worth the extra money?
Thank you for your time!
1. No customer service, or replacement disks should you need them. (from what i hear)2. Customer service.....
3. Technically, yes, practically, no.
4. no
5. depends on which one you buy, if it says 64 then it's 64.
6. no
I think you still are only supposed to install it on one system, don't know if you can install on more than one.
No, retail is not worth the extra money. In my opinion. Between those two you linked take the OEM.
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