Gamefaqs forum is still lively, compared to this anyway. What's the official forum anyway. is it on capcom or dragonsdogma? Because the dragonsdogma site I went to didn't seem to have a forum...
Ghostshell88's forum posts
I have some extra top tier dragonforged weapons, but I'm on PS3 :[
P.S this forum is basically dead lol
Hey I got some good news, you might be able to kill the ur-dragon within TWO MINUTES :0
Might not want to get too excited though, because it may be patched, and I can't check atm. Here's a list of stuff you'll need:
holy affinity
focused bolt - R(ank)6 mage/sorcerer
equanimity - R(ank)2 mage
attunement - R9 mage
ferocity - R3 warrior
acuity R9 - sorcerer
bloodlust R4 - assasin
autonomy R9 - assasin
demon's periapt (20-30+) - buy from fournival
silverwheath paste (20-30+) also from fournival
Wakestones/minimal healing items
1. Release/kill ALL pawns following you, this activates autonomy augment.
2. Drain your health until the meter is red, activating exquanimity augment
3. Sleep until night, activating bloodlust.
4. Switch to offline ur-dragon.
5. When the dragon arrives, use a demon's periapt and silverwheat, and again every time they wear off (make sure your health is still in red area) and keep your stave holy enchanted.
6. During fight, hold the light attack button until focused bolt is charged, then simply keep spamming it, and should bring at least half, one or two health bars with EACH attack, which is pretty insane.
I'm definitely testing it tomorrow after I max mage/sorc on my main.
Anyone else take pics of your game? Or am I like the only one on this site anymore :lol:
EDIT: Had to rescale the pics to a smaller, less epic size. Still have to use your middle moues button to scroll sideways for the whole image.
I honestly forgot who Savan is lol, and I never really tried figuring the story out, was kinda distracted/grossed out that my char ended up making out with the Duke's assistant (whatever his name is) which was really weird, I guess it's some thing like whoever you do the most quests for ends up kissing you in the end. At first I thought it was whoever you talked to the most, so I ended up chat spamming the closest chick around (sales lady in grand soren inn, probably the hottest chick in the game) then every other ending ended with Mercedes for some reason.
I really don't get it, but hopefully they don't do the same thing next game.
EDIT: Definitely check message below ;)
Technically there's two endings. Did you collect the 20 wakestones in the everfall and kill the Seneschal yet?
I got bored after beating the game too, and now I'm just transferring my best gear to low level pawns on new accounts so new players can have a beast pawn to roll with. The ur-dragon fight was done wrong imo, you should be allowed to invite (or join) three other people to fight it, and his health should be lowered, because fighting the ur as-is, is basically a waiting game that you have to repeat.
Weapon dops are guaranteed if you finish it off, but not the other way around, though I'm pretty sure it's higher than 2% chance. The best way to deal damage is to use tenfold flurry (ranger) and have a mage or two with Holy affinity (his main magick weakness.) But yeah, if you really want to deal some damage you need 'makers finger' arrow, which kills any creature with one hit, and drops about half a health bar on ur-dragon (but costs around 300k.) It is tedious, and personally I usually just let someone else finish him off and hope for drops.
EDIT: It appears to be the only way. There's also the volant white that he drops, and dragon's risen (not a ur-dragon drop) if you're a sorcerer, which can be bought instead of waiting forever on the ur-dragon to finally die. It looks pretty cool too.
What level were you? I'm not certain, but I think the "hard mode" was added later where you take double damage.
Online ur dragon has 1.700.000 HP. You have to hit his glowing spots (or hearts, check google for heart locations.) You share the same dragon with others online that also deal damage to it, so each time you come back to the ur dragon it should have lower health. You don't have to kill it yourself, when somone else has killed it (after you contributed) the loot will be waiting the next time you come back.
The online ur dragon also gets stronger each generation (after he's been killed.)
EDIT: If you use the 'makers fingers' arrow it will deal huge damage and take down about half a bar.
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