"no Infamous 2 and UC 3 will be good, but playing the kIllzone 3 beta, its hardly any better then KZ 2. And yes its a "beta", but with just 2 1/2 months, the graphics aren't going to change, high use of grain filter, no color pallet, game looks good in motion." -- Multiplayer graphics are always degraded compared to Campaign graphics.
All of the footage you see on youtube and here was recorded off an Iphone. On it's official release and running at 1080p on 40-50inch flatscreens, the only real graphical threat is CRY2 (but only on PC)
"I call fake, the angles on the guns don't quite match up." --- How exactly can you get that image of sev's face? It's gotta be real... It's been confirmed by GG anyways.
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