@GodGundamNT1 Sadly BF3 has its own share of bullcrap just like CoD does - things that have happened in the game for 10 years like magically shooting someone out of a cockpit with a rifle while falling through the sky, etc.
@indicaX Everything popular is played out, and has been for 10 years. That's why you only see 1 out of every 25 games that comes out being anything original. What happened when DoTA became popular? LoL. What happened when people realized LoL was better than DoTA? 15 LoL clones came out immediately: MNC, Super MNC. Awesomenauts, the list goes on. The original CoD and CoD 2 did things that weren't new to the FPS genre at all, but it did them pretty much better and prettier than every WW2 game before. The next innovation was the perk and killstreak package, which was a pretty bad idea. When before everyone had the same opportunity to be good and your score and performance was based entirely on skill, because there WERE no killstreaks or character differences, the game then morphed into nonsense where you didn't know who would martyr a grenade or take 150 bullets to die when you shot them. CoD 2 was so much better than the last 5 games it's just ridiculous.
@indicaX There are three types of people who play CoD:
1) Little kids. They don't have the wisdom that comes with 20+ years of game playing to know or recognize when something is bollocks. It has explosions, and guns, and bros, and they shoot things and its fun.
2) Frat bros/mainstream sheople. They play it because they mistakenly attribute commcercial exposure and hype as correlating with quality, value, and entertainment. Their friends play it and after all, they bought that console to play games with their friends, because they too apparently did not live through the NES era where most good games were solo and the few multiplayer games were just as frustrating (because of having a partner) as they were fun.
3) People who have Stockholm Syndrome about multiplayer games. They forget what a turd the last game was and that they didn't want that last game in the first place, so they give the new one a chance, despite a voice in their head saying to them "What are you doing? Wtf? Have we not discussed this? What did we decide last October/November? We said we'd never buy this terrible game again." Then they spend a few days playing it and remember it's the worst, most derivative, thoughtlessl, uncreative, copy and pasted excuse for a turd they've ever seen since the last game.
@Blitzkrieg129 I think by won't you meant will. It is the same game it's been for the past 13 years. Nothing in CS has changed, at all, since 2004 at a minimum. Realistically the game hasn't changed since before it went retail and Valve ruined it - the only additions were the shield, and famas and galil. Oh right and frag grenades for source instead of HE.
@julg Yes it is. The next CoD could be set in ancient rome, with gladius's and balearic slingers and cretan archers. It would still be the same shitty game.
Obviously the game is the important part but what pisses me off is the one game that matters on 3DS - RE:R. Once again they make a new RE storyline game console exclusive. At least for now. This time they won't trick me into wasting money on a gamecube - hopefully it's ported to a real system.
No. Facebook gamers are people who do not play games - they play crappy zynga games online because their browsers can run flash. They are not potential gamers because they hardly grasp the concept of running a game.
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