Hmm.....For some reson it feels like my tenure in the consuming half of the consumer electronics industry is ending,so I've decided to write my gaming memoir.Here we go!(I will have to admit that I don't know all of it,so I filled in a few details.:/)
I don't remember that christmas too well,but I do remember that it would be the most disruptive day in my life.
The cause for the diruption?Quite simply a SEGA Genesis console,three games with it.Sonic the hedgehog,Sonic Spinball and Alladin.(My parents weren't exactly the most well informed consumers back then.XD)
My Great Aunt and Uncle had a respectable collection of NES and SNES games,so whenever I went there,it was the first thing I would do.
After 2 years of vigorous gaming,something almost as important and even more inspiring would come...
5th generation era
The Nintendo 64,My first game for it was Diddy Kong Racing.I enjoyed it very much.Though a nasty habit would put my gameplay to a halt:I slammed the cartridge into the console.:? Eventually I broke the cartridge,and my father refused to buy a new one.But after a year my mother let us buy pokemon snap,and by that time I learned not to slam the cartridges so We were able to buy more games,now I go into a full list of my N64 games! and my thoughts on them.
Mario Kart 64-I thought it was okay,thought it got Kind of boring after a while though.:/
Super Mario 64-Fun,too bad Iwas too young to find my way to the end.
Diddy Kong Racing-One of my personal favorites
Mario Partys 1,2, and 3-2 and 3 were fun,I didn't like thr original though.:/
Pokemon Stadium 2-Meh
Paper Mario-One of my favorite games of all.^_______________^
Banjo-Tooie-Amazing,I still get into a rage because I could never play through it all.
Super Smash Bros.-I didn't actually own the game,but I did rent it plenty of times.I thought it was fun.
Yoshi's story-Bleck!
-----6th Generation era-----
This is when I really started to learn more about gaming at this point,I didn't actually get my Gamecube until 2002,but I learned quick.My first Game was Melee,now for the gameography.(Please note that since my game collection shifts constantly,I no longer own some of these titles.Another thing to notice is that My father sold my 64 and Genesis games sometime in 2005.(For a single freakin' game,the twerp!)
Melee:What REALLY got me into smash Bros. and among my favorite games.^_^
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle-One of my favorite games.
Super Mario Sunshine-Fun,but didn't have the charm of 64.
Mario Kart Double dash!!-Very fun,and the Mario Kart I remember most.
Mario Party 4-Bleck! Traded
Mario Party 5-Pretty fun,but the games started to lose their luster at this point. Traded
Metroid Prime 2-I liked it,but since I rented for a long time,so I played Agon A LOT!:?
Mario Party 6-Meh Traded
Mario Power Tennis-Fun,but I despised the harder parts.:/
Paper Mario:TTYD-Fun,but again,rented a lot,so I played the early parts a lot.
Pikmin 2-Wonderful yet terrifying at the same time.O.O
Mario Party 7-Meh,this is the last one I bothered with besides DS.
Sonic Gems-I thought it was okay.:/
Sonic Heroes-Fun,but a little redundant
Sonic Adventure DX-Meh
Sonic Mega Collection-I just like being able to play sonic 1 again.^_^
F zero GX-It's a little too hectic for me.
Pikmin-Fun but tough.
Metroid Prime-One of my absolute favorite games.
The Legend of Zelda:The wind waker-Fun,but I don't know what to do after killing the Helmaroc King!o_O
7th generation era.
I got my Wii in early 2007.(It was by sheer coincidence too!)
Mario Party 8-Bleck! Traded
Super Paper Mario-Meh,where's my REAL Paper Mario sequel Intelligent Systems?Huh?
Metroid Prime 3-Fun,but it doesn't really retain the feeling of the past games.
Super Mario Galaxy-Great,I don't think it was godly as everyone makes it out to be.
Brawl:Fun,I don't feel that I can judge it yet though.
Well,wait for Parts deux(Sony and Portables) and tres,(Awards and final thoughts.)
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