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Titan Quest Impressions Thus Far

 So several days ago I decided to finally install and play Titans Quest on the PC. I bought the gold edition which includes Titans Quest, its expansion Titans Quest: The Immortal Throne, a soundtrack of the games music, special french versions of the game, an artbook, and some bonus unlockable content in the form of magic items you get in the game. Not a bad deal at all for the $40 or so that I paid, and so far im quite pleased with the overall package and experience. The story has you as some wandering hero thats trying to figure out why all of greece is suddenly overrun with hoards of monsters, and you end up helping different citys and townsfolk in the midst of all the chaos, slowly inching your way towards solving the mystery of what the hell is going on. Really thats about it, its pretty light on the story and pretty heavy on the gameplay, which may or may not suit your style of game. Yes this game is modeled after Blizzards famous hit Diablo, and it shows right down to the nuts and bolts of the gameplay. This is the definitive epitome of the action RPG and your enjoyment can really come down to answering one question "Did you like Diablo?" if you didn't this game won't be your cup of tea, but if you did you will notice a lot of similarities and improvments in several areas of the action rpg genre. For instance every time you level up you get points to put into the unlockable skill trees (Warfare, Hunting, Rouge, Nature, Storm, Earth, Spirit, Defense and Dream), and stats distribution (strength, dexterity, intelligence, health and energy)  As shown here the graphics are sharp and crisp and very beautifull to behold at higher resolutions I found they hold up really well for a game with a couple years on it When you start a new game you are prompted to choose either a male or female character, and what color their clothing is. Thats it. You play the game with only a simple sword in hand and cloth garments on your back until you hit level 2 (which dosen't take long) and then you select one of the above listed skill trees. If you choose warfare for example, your character is a warrior and now has dozens of skills available to put points into as he levels up such as dual weilding weapons or learning how to use his weapons more effectivley for bonus damage and speed. If you were to choose say the rouge mastery then that makes you a Rouge, and you get acess to that skill tree such as poisioning your weapons or learning how to strike various parts of the anatomy causing bleeding damage. At level 8 you get to choose your second and final skill mastery, which determines what ultimate class you become. If you choose warfare and rouge (as listed above) like I did for instance then you are an assassin. The large variety of class builds, skills and powers available are astonishing and really add a lot of replay value to the game, One of the best things I like about Titans Quest is unlike diablo once you reach a certain city in the game you get access to a "mystic" NPC who for a price can remove skill points from the skills you have chosen so theres no feeling like you are living with a mistake. As long as you got the cash you can recustomize your character. Although it does get ridiculously expensive the more points you reverse, so some planning ahead is helpfull.  Here is an example of lightning bolt from the strom mastery, more electrifying than dating a one bewbed stripper Now the gameplay itself takes center stage as you travel through ancient Greece in act one you come visit some well known locales like the city or Athens, and the labrinyth of King Minos. For those of you who are up on your greek mythology like myself there is a potential nerdgasm to be had here. But its not just Greece the game takes place in you also end up journeying to the lands of Egypt, China and Hades itself. If you love to compulsivley level up, frugally build you ultimate mage/fighter/paladin character skill point by skill point. and left click murder the hell out of things, than this game is for you. It has huge levels and amounts of unique monsters and bosses to slay. I am writing these impressions after only finishing act one of three in the main game (not close to the expansion yet) in finishing one third of the game, just one third I have a play time of 25 hours and over 5000 monsters slain! This game is going to be epically huge in length I can see that already. But like Diablo it has that obsessive addicting "just one more hour" kinda quality about it, and so far im really enjoying playing an action rpg again and having a lot of fun with the game. When I do my full review ill go in depth about the multiplayer online features, lan play, user created maps and quests and the rest of the overall game. However it will likley be some time until I finish this beast and get to writing the full review, now if you'll excuse me ive got an army to slay.  Those damn dirty apes!

Godmode Reborn: Plus 10,000 Post Blog Celebration! Come Love Me!

 Over the past few months I have had a falling out with gaming. I haven't really been that intrerested in anything I played and it seemed like playing games was more of going through the motions than anything else. That is until I recently rediscovered PC gaming. It seems I have come full circle, I may have left long ago to sow my man seeds in the land of consoles but now I have come full circle back to the familiar and soothing touch of PC games! With renewed fervor I am playing Warcraft III and Titan Quest deep into the early hours of the morning. I only started playing Titan Quest today but I already have 10 hours clocked into the game. I may only have substandard specs to play around with but these two games are running good for me and have renewed my love for games all over again. Some older PC games will keep me satiated until I finally get that new gaming PC rig and when that day comes it will be monumental indeed. Its like I look at my consoles right now and its a big fat "meh" compared to what the PC can offer. Much more indepth and intresting experiences in my opinion. I don't think im abandoning console gaming or anything like that I just need to take an extended vacation from it. Oh yeah and as for the second part of this blog...  I may or may not have been drinking copious amounts of beer to celebrate mah 10000 posts on this site! Who cares? You ask? Noone really its a pointless celebration of silly shenanigans! Leave you message of love at the sound of the beep... ........ ...... .... .. .. ...

How To Fix The GGD: Godmode Style

Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, chiiiiillldren of all ages.. im here today to give you a history lesson, present to you a proposition, take you through a tour of godmodes brain and thinking process, and if we have time perhaps something randumb and silly at the end. But first and foremost this is a semi serious blog with some thoughts and ideas on how to improve things around here. Alas, what brought this blog upon us? Well it seems everyone nowadays is leaving! They are dropping this place like that trendster hippy girlfriend you had in highschool and never really liked, but pretended to like and stayed with anyways cause she was one of the few girls stoned enough to stand the sight of you naked. You know who you are. Thats right people are abandoning ship faster than Paris Hilton can spread STDS. They say gone are the glory days of the GGD and the discussion. Gone are the great debates of the past replaced with "wuts your favrite gaime", "OMG going to gamestop what game I buy?!?" and "I secratlai touch maiself while whutchin masta cheive in haL0, does tat make me gai roflcopter?" well you know what, they aren't wrong. Things aren't as good as they used to be, a lot of good people I have come to know personaly have migrated even before the whole Gerstmanngate debacle. But I have seen the other side my friends and let me tell you things can be a lot worse. I have been on gaming forums since the year 2000. Thats right. My account here only started in 2005, but the two years previous to that I was here under a different account and the three years before that I was on 1up. :shock: What? Godmode is originally a 1up guy? Yep. I was there about as long as I have been here now 3 years. If you think this place sucks well go try these other sites, 1up, GaF, GiantBomb, IGN.... your alternative to this place is site layouts that look like they were constructed by autistic monkeys, users even more intellectually challenged, glitches on mass, and little to no moderation. Ahhh but that last one is actually a positive in my book which brings me to my next point. Now I can understand the moderation policys, beliefs and overall tone of this place I agreed to the whole thing when I signed on (apparently-- I never read the fine print boooooring) and sometimes it works. Sometimes. Ive seen this place have a lot of good days which is why I have been here so long but now those same policys and moderations are holding it back. You see the best thing about 1up is the community polices itself, it does. If someone is acting like a giant testicle they get flamed right off the boards. IF you are an idiot noone will like you and everyone joins in to let you know you're not welcome here, this is OUR board and the glorious flamefest commence. Thats right I said glorious flamefest. See over there you can really be yourself, talk about everything and call people out for the overbloated bags of wind they are- when they do show up. Those people never last long though, they arent welcome and they know it. I was on the inside there, I was one of them and it works, it really does The only time actual moderators would step in is in cases of racism, pornography or something to that extreme... hell some of them would be right alongside you taking out the garbage. How do you make someone leave who you don't like? Trust me its easy, you band together. None of what im suggesting will ever change, im talking about the ability to swear and insult people with impunity that will never happen here... but let me tell you it really needs to. The policy should be **** the policy, the moderators should scream with pride to idiot users that they are about to get ****ed by the long wang of the law, the user should rise beside and above. Maybe in a perfect world. And now something for the ADD crowd!

All Right Im Bored.. Who Wants To Chat With Godmode?

Well it occured to me that its been a long time since I made a blog about anything, as pointed out recently by one of my fellow nutjob friends (HI VALEK) *waves and pinches his nipple in a suggestive manner* so I though to myself how can I further enjoy my time online and it hit me. Like a gigantic brick nipple to the face (I have some kind of thought process right now don't mind me) I should merge the two sites I spend the most time on. Now a lot of you I consider good friends anyways, and most of my personal information is already available in my profile so I dont honestly care about the privacy thing. If your a crazy sicko stalker out to stab my face off and urinate on me in a mocking manner than.... well hopefully your hot anyways. Nah all this stems from me kinda drifting away from the mainsite anyways, constant censorship and annoying people kinda drove me to use the boards with a now and then status and I mostly lurke in the blog sphere and private forums. Ohh thats right invite only. Its mostly my invisible friends and multiple personalities and me chillin out. Anyways it would be cool to talk to some of you without the shackles of censorship or whatever so heres my idea.... Thats right you seen this coming. Facebook! Add me. Or not. Not like I want to associate with you anyways. Loser. Joel Noble send me a message who you are on the board when you add me please ***For those of you Facebookless its free and takes seconds to join, so whats the problem?***

Its time to show you my secret identity....

 UNDEAD VAMPIRE LESBIAN WOOO!OO!!!!!!sadlkfhaskjhtew :shock: You see like Steel im dead either. Im undead. And a vampire. And I love girls. And jack daniels, crown royal and as many 24 packs of beer as I can cram into me. And my girlfriend (yes I actually found someone whos crazy enough to put up with me) Anyways if you drink as much as I do- or more (Valek) you would see yourself as a vampire lesbian as well :) So whats new? :P

5 Things You Didnt Know About Me (Cursed...Tony)

Well it seems that even the greatest of us (namely me) is not immune to this tagging, blog phenomenon thingy going on. So not to be a stick in the mud ill try and ramble off 5 things you woudnt know about me. My head hurts already, this all your fault Tony! *glares* 5.) I have two tatoos on my left, inside forearm. One is a chinese dragon which is supposed to symbolize power and the other is a chinese symbol for strength which kinda looks like an upside down, backward Pi symbol with a dot. I plan on getting some more in the near future.  4.) Ive been to college twice but lost intrest in what I was doing both times. I completed a course for my business planning diploma and learned all that wonderfull stuff about being an entreprenuer and starting your own business and the second time I went halfway through a computer technician course and lost intrest. I will probably be back a third time yet to find something that sticks.  3.) Back when the big Chernobyl event happened in Russia our family sponsored a refugee named Andre and he came to live with us for a summer. This was back when I was roughly 13 or so. Andre was a cool little guy and we had a fun summer overall. It was nice to help out like that and I hope that guys alright.  2.) I have been involved with a bit of everything growing up lets see. I was a boyscout, on the baseball team, on the football team, On the soccer team, I was in Karate, In a rock band and still I grew up to be a lazy ass! :P  1.) I am deadly allergic to cats. If you are a cat person and have a housecat 15 minutes inside your house is enough to drive me into a sneezing hacking fit. Its horrible. Cats are evil :evil:  And now the 5 people I choose, nay sir DEMAND make similiar lists in a blog like fashion!! Upinflames Valek Steel Attack Dvader654 Robio_Basic

I find your lack of faith ....disturbing.

 After nearly a week of partying on vacation, godmode is starting to look a little worse for wear... It seems some of my fans are getting anxious, rambunctious and downright agitated, angry and distastefull over my lack of blogging as of late. Ok, so thats how all you guys and gals are normally....but anyways I digress. Ive been more of a lurker making the occasional post this past month gone by- and probably in the future. I took on more shifts and longer hours at work for more money, its finally loking like there might be a girl in my life (though if she finds out about my prostitute hobby im totally screwed!) and ive made some more friends. All this boils down to me not being here as much. Days off yes, at least one of them anyways, but dont expect more than a fleeting post or pic of my ass during the week at best. Man...if I started charging money to all the people ive shown my ass to in my lifetime .... id be a rich man! When you got it, flaunt it so they say. Oh also ive been having really strange dreams lately. Yeah yeah I know this is a videogame forum and its likley you dont want to hear about my dreams. But tough **** I feel like sharing! See its like im having these real out of body dreams where you are in this alternate reality... I can smell... and touch and taste and feel its so ****ed up its almost indescribable. I have this other girl friend, and friends and .... im in a different place. Ive never seen this girl before in my life but I can describe her to a detail.... long brown hair, green eyes, tan skin... shes so real its crazy. Uh... maybe I gotta lay off some of the booze or something. Anyways I turned the big 26 this week and I feel no different f course, maybe slightly more insane because of the reoccuring girl in my dreams. But also my favorite person to pick on Ragnar had a birthday this week too. Heres what Condoleeza Rice (a love intrest of his) had to say on the matter:  It was only THIS big!! No ****...... like half this size! smallest.penis.ever. :lol: **** you Rag, happy birthday! :D I also timetraveled to the future to snap a pic of SteelAttack as an old man  o_0

The Great Canadian Console Gamer... NO MORE!!!

Well recently for the christmas season a family member got a new laptop for a gift and its got some half decent specs on it. So being the pioneeing fellow that I am, I figure I can appropriate use of this laptop in less than peak hours for some glorious PC gaming, which I so heartily crave. Let me remind you guys I am no n00b to the PC gaming scene, I was big into it since the time of Kings Quest ending at about Neverwinter Nights to give you an idea of my PC gaming years. Well im back! The great canadian console gamer NO MORE. Without further adieu, here are the PC games I just bought to kick off the new year, and my rebirth!  Game: Unreal Tournament III Designer: Epic Games Publisher: Midway  Game: Stalker Designer: ASUS Publisher: THQ  Game: Company Of Heros Designer: Relic Publisher: THQ  Game: Civilization IV Designer: Firaxis Publisher:2K  Game: Titan Quest: Gold edition (includes expansion) Designer: Ironlore Publisher: THQ  Game: Age Of Mythology: Gold Edition (includes expansion) Designer: Ensemble Studios Publisher: Ubisoft  Game: Same And Max: Season One Designer: The Adventure Company Publisher: Telltale Games  Game: Dragons Lair III Designer: Digital Leisure Publisher: Digitial Leisure  Game: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Designer: Rockstar Publisher: Rockstar  Game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Designer: Rockstar Publisher: Rockstar

Mass Effect Reviewed (spoilerfree)!

What the snarf?! :shock: GME is writing a review for the first time since Lost Planet!!! Yeah I figured it was time to throw my hat back into the ring. And taking notes form Ragnars excellent blogs ive even thrown in some pictures for the ADD elite. *glares at Valek* Keep in mind im no professional, and its been almost a year since I did this. but here are my two cents on Mass Effect.  "Let us start from the beginning... ... human.. Mass Effect is a sci/fi rpg set in the distant future where humanity has recently discovered faster than light speed travel. What they find is a galaxy governed by a council of alien races, and that they are short in the pecking order of things. The graphics are excellent, as is the overall presentation. The character models are exceptionally well done, and the voice acting is top notch. It topples Half Life 2 for realistic character models, talking and voice acting. It is the best I have ever seen. While not spoiling too much of the plot (definetly the games strongpoint) you must track a rouge council agent after he wipes out a human colony you were sent to investigate. What proceeds is 20-40 hrs of high political drama and nail biting decisions on your half. You can choose in most cases to either help, hinder or ignore people. The emphasis is definetly on picking either the "Paragon" (good) or Renegade (not so good) path. Its not hard to distinguish which choice in the dialog tree is which as the top choice is always Paragon, while the middle is just that... the middle and the bottom choice is Renegade. This allows for at least two different experiences/playthroughs of the game... as your different choices, in different scenarios change the way the game unfolds. You start off in a fantastic character editor where you can sculpt your characters face to your liking. It is really a detailed editor and allows you to create a very realistic looking character. Whats even more neat is the background traits you choose here. Some examples are "Ruthless" and "War Hero" different parts of your character history you can mould to your liking. Whats impressive about this is that these background traits are integrated into a large quantity of the game, dialog and sidequests. Some backgrounds even open up unique sidequest on their own, really again giving emphasis on some replayability.  Now is your chance to finally nail a smurf!!! The gameplay is tight but suffers in a few areas. Combat is in a third person shooter perspective and mostly resembles Gears Of War in its stop and pop style of shooting. The battles on the normal difficulty fall a bit on the easy side for any verteran gamer but ramp up nicely on the hardcore or insanity settings. Combat on any difficulty is well done, and a strongpoint for the game. On foot combat that is. Another part of the game has you for a good chunk of your time, and many battles in the mako some kind of futuristic tank. The tank controls ok while you are just driving around but in combat it becomes annoying and frustrating as your canno can move side to side and not up and down. So, a lot of times you are firing into a hill/mountain/enemy base while ground troops pelt you with rockets. Expect some annoying deaths until you learn to stay on level ground the hard way.  I had a smurf once. She turned my genitals blue and that is why I want to destroy all life!! raaarrr!!! Another emphasis of the game is its exploration. While it seems daunting at first it quickly becomes repetitious and boring. You can choose from many different clusters of planets to explore. But in each cluster there is only one planet to explore, the rest are useless facts about how much hydrogen it contains, and what the temperature is there. Ok.... it makes the game feel empty and unfinished. On the one planet per cluster you can explore it usually contains 2-3 fetch quest items to pick up and a base of some kind to explore (mercenaries, scientific etc) the problem here is that there are three different templates for these sideworld findings and they all repeat....over... and over. Not only is this annoying, it makes most of the sidequest monotonous and boring. In fact I honestly recomend skipping them altogether and sticking to the fantastic main game, which is well varied, paced well and has an awesome story. Overall the game is a strong reccomend for any rpg fan. But exploring the galaxy needs to be a lot more exciting if the sequel is to elevate the franchise to the upper echelons of gaming nirvana.