Titan Quest Impressions Thus Far
by GodModeEnabled on Comments
So several days ago I decided to finally install and play Titans Quest on the PC. I bought the gold edition which includes Titans Quest, its expansion Titans Quest: The Immortal Throne, a soundtrack of the games music, special french versions of the game, an artbook, and some bonus unlockable content in the form of magic items you get in the game. Not a bad deal at all for the $40 or so that I paid, and so far im quite pleased with the overall package and experience. The story has you as some wandering hero thats trying to figure out why all of greece is suddenly overrun with hoards of monsters, and you end up helping different citys and townsfolk in the midst of all the chaos, slowly inching your way towards solving the mystery of what the hell is going on. Really thats about it, its pretty light on the story and pretty heavy on the gameplay, which may or may not suit your style of game. Yes this game is modeled after Blizzards famous hit Diablo, and it shows right down to the nuts and bolts of the gameplay. This is the definitive epitome of the action RPG and your enjoyment can really come down to answering one question "Did you like Diablo?" if you didn't this game won't be your cup of tea, but if you did you will notice a lot of similarities and improvments in several areas of the action rpg genre. For instance every time you level up you get points to put into the unlockable skill trees (Warfare, Hunting, Rouge, Nature, Storm, Earth, Spirit, Defense and Dream), and stats distribution (strength, dexterity, intelligence, health and energy) As shown here the graphics are sharp and crisp and very beautifull to behold at higher resolutions I found they hold up really well for a game with a couple years on it When you start a new game you are prompted to choose either a male or female character, and what color their clothing is. Thats it. You play the game with only a simple sword in hand and cloth garments on your back until you hit level 2 (which dosen't take long) and then you select one of the above listed skill trees. If you choose warfare for example, your character is a warrior and now has dozens of skills available to put points into as he levels up such as dual weilding weapons or learning how to use his weapons more effectivley for bonus damage and speed. If you were to choose say the rouge mastery then that makes you a Rouge, and you get acess to that skill tree such as poisioning your weapons or learning how to strike various parts of the anatomy causing bleeding damage. At level 8 you get to choose your second and final skill mastery, which determines what ultimate class you become. If you choose warfare and rouge (as listed above) like I did for instance then you are an assassin. The large variety of class builds, skills and powers available are astonishing and really add a lot of replay value to the game, One of the best things I like about Titans Quest is unlike diablo once you reach a certain city in the game you get access to a "mystic" NPC who for a price can remove skill points from the skills you have chosen so theres no feeling like you are living with a mistake. As long as you got the cash you can recustomize your character. Although it does get ridiculously expensive the more points you reverse, so some planning ahead is helpfull. Here is an example of lightning bolt from the strom mastery, more electrifying than dating a one bewbed stripper Now the gameplay itself takes center stage as you travel through ancient Greece in act one you come visit some well known locales like the city or Athens, and the labrinyth of King Minos. For those of you who are up on your greek mythology like myself there is a potential nerdgasm to be had here. But its not just Greece the game takes place in you also end up journeying to the lands of Egypt, China and Hades itself. If you love to compulsivley level up, frugally build you ultimate mage/fighter/paladin character skill point by skill point. and left click murder the hell out of things, than this game is for you. It has huge levels and amounts of unique monsters and bosses to slay. I am writing these impressions after only finishing act one of three in the main game (not close to the expansion yet) in finishing one third of the game, just one third I have a play time of 25 hours and over 5000 monsters slain! This game is going to be epically huge in length I can see that already. But like Diablo it has that obsessive addicting "just one more hour" kinda quality about it, and so far im really enjoying playing an action rpg again and having a lot of fun with the game. When I do my full review ill go in depth about the multiplayer online features, lan play, user created maps and quests and the rest of the overall game. However it will likley be some time until I finish this beast and get to writing the full review, now if you'll excuse me ive got an army to slay. Those damn dirty apes!
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