GoddBless' forum posts
Not everyone wants a FPS, Warhawk is a FLYING game, yeah they added a few new vehicles and that will add to some of the fun but addign full on FPS levels? that sucks, if I wanted to "break up the flying" I'd turn it off and go play another damn game.I was about to say the same thing. People buy flying games to fly, not get out and hoof it on foot. I remember playing Starfox 64 and Crimson Skies. There was never a moment where I said "man I wish I could get out the plane an shoot that guy" instead of maneuvering around and blowing him up.
1. It will be fixed, just like it was in NA.
2. MOST games will still work
3. Since you already have a PS2, just keep it 3 months longer, that's more than it took for it to be fixed in NA.
4. All big games will surely be Sony's priority, so you only have chances of having problems if you like some darker games that no one played.
5. The PS3 is released with Resistance, Motorstorm, Oblivion, FEAR and more. You'll have enough on your hands to keep of the PS2 THE game you want to play if fixed.
1. Sony don't seem to care about Europe or they wouldn't have done it in the first place 2. MOST games won't work. Hence the "limited". 3. Some people have to sell their PS2 to be able to afford a PS3 -_- 4. Sometimes the games hardly anyone played are the best. Psychonaughts and Beyond Good And Evil anyone? 5. If you jut spend $850 on a console you've hardly got any spare money lying about to purchase $90 games. You bring up very valid points but I'm not sure your point of view will be seen in this thread. I bet most of the people that voted aren't even from Europe.
instead of pointing fingers at Ubisoft and EA, how about pointing fingers at Sony. Why are they not going out of their way to make sure demos are on PSN?LEGEND_C4ANow that would make sense. How about you send an email to Sony and maybe they can do something about it.
u cant download or play the demo till u pay for xblive.. so i dont see how this is slap in the facedavez82You can download demos with Xbox Live Silver, which is free. So there goes that theory.
My 4th 360 just broke thanks to crackdown and im not gonna lie....im fed up. So i see the ps3 has most of the same games minus the achievements (im a whore). So i think to myself maybe its time to toss the 360 and try out the ps3. Anyone have any positive or negatives on the ps3?genfuyungI went through 3 PS2s and I'm on my 2nd 360. I didn't have to buy anything after the 1st one because I had insurance though. I can't believe you actually bought 4 360s. Even if you didn't 4 is too much. I know if the 360 I have now fails I may be missing out on their upcoming games. I did it with my PS2. After the 3rd one failed I stuck to buying games for my Gamecube & Xbox. I'm waiting now to get a black Wii (pause) and a PS3 when it's worth it.
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