Right, so death metal draws out the Satan in us?
Honestly, I get more violent ideas when I see a Beyonce clip (because her blatant lack of talent enrages me so I'd like to strangle her with pianowire or something) than I do listening to Death Metal.
And their lyrics do not necessarily promote violence (or they don't necessarily talk about violence either). I mean, just look at Amorphis...
They are proud of their northern (and probably Odinist heritage), but are their lyrics about violence? No they aren't.
As for the person whou said Death Metal is only about intensity, he couldn't be more wrong. Again, look at the example of Amorphis. Those men are just extremely talented musicians.
Oh, and btw. Supermetroidfan, i took a look at your last.fm top bands list :-) Man, you've got some darn good taste in music :-)
I'm not saying that all Death Metal is promoting violence, I'm justsaying a lot are. Are all rap promoting sex and drugs? No, but again, a lot are. I haven't heard Amorphis so I wouldn't know; but from what I do know,musicthat areindulging the idea of violence and the such is a no no.
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