Dude, you have did an unmoral and unjust thing. One that profounds me to this day. How could you keep the little kids waiting to play the Ps3 like that?
On other news, no... only Gamestop and Game Crazy here let's you"try" the Ps3. And most of the time it's old demos! Not like Sigma or anything.=(
Oh C'mon guys... Can't you see the significant of his honest, good-willed post? Bdhoff, maybe you need to look harder; it is a conspiracy in a sense. The genius of it infact is well hidden in the depts of the picturesand text.Version2pnt0has a sharp eye for context and can comprehend it faster then the normal person. Don't you see itguys?The html coding for theXbox360's main page lacks java scriptingof the Ps3's page; thus internet that don't allow java script does not load the page. (Notice the missing add in the 3rd pick; in the second pick, notice the Ps3 tab is not highlighted.) Genius!
Ok j/k... maybe he thought GT4 was for Ps3 only? I have no ideas.
Calm down before you callhim a fanboy. Everytime someone post an opinion against Sony they're dubbed "Fanboy". Jeesh. Now anyways, I think Sony wanted this game to be HYPED. They showed the trailer to awe audiences and excide their expectations. That's the reason they showed it right? And now they're confident in their productand itsready to be unveiled. Are they getting ahead of themselves? Maybe, we'll have to wait and see. If it doesn't meet the trailer standards then yeah, many of us will be disappointed, so don't expect it to. Goodluck Sony, don't screw this up.
Okay, a lot of you are saying that there are other potential AAA games. Yes I know, but hear me out. Killzone 2 is at the far front of the hype. Sony has been overseeing it, given confidence and management into Guerilla to produce this game. If Sony didn't want this game to be great and be a Gen-Defining FPS, then they would've never given the effort they are showing. Sony unveiling this game after Halo 3 is a bold and dangerous move -- is Sony too confident? Or maybe they know that they have a lot to offer. If Killzone 2 were to fail, thenit'll be a big blow to Sony and Guerilla. They'll be bashed and give us more reasons not to buy the Ps3.And what if it succeeds?How about more sales, confidence; doubts will diminsh, trust regained. Killzone 2 is a project that Sony just can't see fail, let's hope it doesn't and try to have somefaith in them.
pffffffff.... they can have it. That game is more suited for 10 year olds anyway. Im more upset about them losing exclusivity for Assassins Creed.vegetattack15
Pffff? What do you mean?! We're slowly losing the 10 year olds that prowl these forums, hyping these games! Lol, sorry but had to post.
lol, do you think there's a 10 year old prowlling gamespot's forum?
Me a 16.
Hey, you never know. When I was that age, I was just getting into NES, and I knew all the latest gossip in video games. So, with how much smarter kids are these days, you just don't know. Heck, my son is 2 1/2 and Im thinking of getting him a WII.
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