@AggrandizedUser "Predetermined" is the wrong word. The outcomes are indeed determined by a seed generated at the start of each mission, but you would only notice if you tried to cheat the system by reloading a save and repeating the same moves just to get another chance at a hit. The seed is randomly generated. Neither units nor aliens are fated to die. It's a system designed to show the player some serious tough love, and it's totally awesome.
Cool write-up, but reviewers should start explicitly stating what difficulty they play games on, and what game options they tick. Maybe the Seeker enemies are real bastards on the hardest setting.
It seems only natural to complain about the score in this case. An 8 is too... pleasant and mild. Everyone knows you either love these games, or you hate them. If it was only mildly entertaining, you should have played on a higher difficulty, in Ironman mode. It's fuggin XCOM, stop skipping around like a fool. Give it a 1 or give it a 10, and be done with it, haha.
GreenvaleXYZ's comments