If we're talking PC, then the Orange Box. For consoles, COD4 (IMO).Zoso-8
But the Orange box was on consoles too... and cod4 was on the PC.
It's not computing for me, this.
If we're talking PC, then the Orange Box. For consoles, COD4 (IMO).Zoso-8
But the Orange box was on consoles too... and cod4 was on the PC.
It's not computing for me, this.
The point is, you stated it as FACT that it wasn't coming. I'm sorry, but I posted a link, proving that creator is considering putting it on PSN
While not a confirmation, it's certainly looking very good for the PSN getting it.jonnyt61
"Has no plans" = There currently isn't a release plan. Does not mean "it's not coming".
English wants to be your friend.
Like it or not, a poor review can be fair. For all we know, a 6.75 is fair. So could be a 4, and so could be a 9+.
Fairness only implies that the reviewer didn't let the whole hulabaloo affect his opinion of the game. I'm guessing this will be the majority or the reviewers.
Well this the issue, saying the games innovation overrides everything out there.... because of its online integration? While yes the integration is very good, its hardly more innovative than many other games out there in 07, especially next to a game like Portal which turns the puzzle genre on its head, into something spectacular.
Halo 3s online intergration being majorly 'innovative' by taking multiple features from games (adjusting them), then putting them together is baffling. Ranking systems and replay viewers like Battlefield 2 (which also had unlocks), and Forge being an ultra simplictic creator, which really cant be compared to Garry's mod as that spans from simple creator, to game builder.
Difference is on a PC you dont need this intergration, with everything restricted to the game enviroment, as everything spans outwards onto the web. Hell even on Steam there is a mod selection page, right down to user content.
Problem is that if we look at intergration as being major innovations, than games like Team Fortress 2 can fit into the category of being innovative, for its completely evolving game nature, and even games like Crysis for its on the fly editor, where you can modify and playthrough your creations or the singleplayer campaign in the editor on your desktop. Even Garry's mod being overlooked.As I suggested before, on Cohesive online even games like the Battlefield series should fall under this category, with online leaderboards, unlocks, huge amounts of stat tracking, game replays, unlocks, rankings (that affect the game design) and clan management, all uploadable onto the web for out of game viewing- in terms of online cohesiveness and implementation, only difference is that Halo 3 has forge intergrated into it.
Its hardly somthing battlefield was paraded for, however a game like Halo 3 which has a cohesive package on consoles is seen as innovation. It is progressive, and its certainly the best system out there for a console online game, but having it as the greatest 'innovation' of 07, or parading it as a breakthrough innovation is bizzare. Makes me wonder why games like Operation Flashpoint back in 2001 didnt recieve massive amounts of attention for its easy content creators and drop dead easy sharing, that was truly progressive.
Of course thinking 2007 innovative games, it is astounding... especially next to games like Portal and other less well known ones like Crush.
Problem is, you're not thinking what Edge is thinking when they say "interactive innovation".
Put it up as a misnamed title. For all that Portal did to puzzles, that part is irrelevant to the award.
Battlefield 2 would be a closer comparison, and once again, while it's not anything to scoff at, the integration in Halo is much, much better between it's different components and within it's community. That' what Edge is awarding - Gameplay innovation was never mentioned, and has nothing to do with the category.
PS3 version for remote play.carlisledavid79Y'know, if I had a PSP, that'd really seal the deal.
Mental note: Get a PSP.
so if COD4 won best shooter and best online multiplayer, how did Halo 3 win game of the year? This is what i dont get about some award shows :(Broman6015
Well, it's not uncommon to have the GOTY winner be uneligible for genre awards, because it would have to win both.
Either that, or there's a really bizarre "Halo is a better game but not a better shooter" thing going on. It's not as crazy as it sounds, but still unlikely.
Gears 2 will get higher ratings and better sales but i am more forward to resistance 2.rmerri52
I'm in the same boat.
Personally, I feel GeoW was a vastly superior game last time around. I don't think that Epic will screw up the sequel, so I suppose it's going to be a great game, with high ratings.
However, Resistance 2 will be more interesting. I've always felt that Resistance was a decent, good game that stumbled short of greatness, and thus the idea of a sequel is a lot more interesting.
Team Fortress.
Then again, I've always hated counterstrike, and source did nothing to help my opinion of it.
lol wut?
You cant be serious.
Halo 3s online system is nice for consoles, and yes the best for them, but it doesn't exceed quite a few PC games out there - and was playing catchup to PC titles such as Battlefield 2. Not to mention it has faults, far from perfect (e.g. match making in quite a few regards)
Exactly HOW does it fit the category of innovation anyway?
Innovation is not 'oh but its innovative for our system, or consoles only', it defies the very notion of effing innovation.
In the article it explicitly states that the award is for the cohesiveness and integration of everything in Halo. It's not for innovating gameplay, it's not for innovating gamemodes.
You won't find a single PC game with a better integration. Better options? Sure. More options? Sure. Better implemented into a cohesive whole? no way.
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