I just found out that GameSpot lets us keep online journals so I'll just keep adding entries here as I do it with my livejournal at http://www.livejournal.com/users/gruel/
Here's my latest entry from there to kick things off from 9/2.......
A lot of my peers love to gimme crap about the craziest stuff. Lately they've been ragging on me cuz I never bring cooked meals, and that I never cook. Ya, I got a lot of cooking pans and utensils, and I've actually been planning on cooking a big pasta meal soon, but I probably won't for the same reason I didn't get direct deposit for the longest time, and that is out of spite for my fellow peers. And when I finally did get direct deposit, I said it was soley because someone else talked me into it, which flipped their lids and was exactly the reaction I was looking for.
Corey, Carlos, and my boss Grear always love to talk about what everyone brought to eat on break for the day. Well about a couple weeks ago, Target had Totino's pizza on sale for 89 cents each, so I got about a good dozen of them or so figuring they'd supply me for a decent break meal, well now everyone is razzing me for it because it has been all I'm bringing to work lately. Blah I say!
What else here has been happening, oh yeah I've recently got into a Yahoo Fantasy Football league with Corey. My first time every trying my hand at this. I guess the league owner did an auto draft where the computer randomly picked what it thought was the best picks for everyone. My 3 QB's ended up being Aaron Brooks, Brett Favre, and Jake Plummer (who I ended up trading for Kurt Warner who I still have faith in since the Giants recently announced they're gonna start him this year). I only got one outstanding receiver in the form of Marvin Harrison, and a good rookie prospect in Larry Fitzgerald. I did get a few good running backs with Stephen Davis, Michael Bennett, and Clinton Portis and I'm trying to trade up to get Eddie George. I was surprised I was able to trade a couple of my defensive players for some great standouts like Julian Peterson and Tai Law. Since this is my first year, I'm sure I'll prolly do pretty bad at it, but it should get me ready for a serious pay-to-play league next year.
The week hasn't been too exciting. On Tuesday I met up with Chris and Kyle and his wife Dawn at Buffalo Wild Wings for some dinner. Watched RAW, which was pretty good. My damn tape cut right off at the finish tho. I'm glad the RAW diva segments are shorter now cuz of the fewer entries left....thank God. Unforgiven actually shaping up to be a good card. First time in a while I'm actually looking forward to a Kane match, and I'm interested to see how Orton/HHH turns out. I also picked up ESPN NHL 2K5 for Xbox the other day, will be the first hockey game I played since NHL 2001 on PS2, the first Sega hockey game I played since the first Sega NHL 2K on Dreamcast, and the first hockey game I bought since NHL Stanley Cup on the SNES. But hell, for $20 I'm willing to give it a try.
There's been some big news too in the media world. Kobe Bryant's criminal rape charges was just dropped against him which caught me off guard this late in the trial process. Lot of good DVD's coming out soon like Walking Tall, and The Clerks 3-disc 10th Anniversary edition. Wasn't planning on getting it since I have the first DVD, but I love the movie so much and this version looks to have a boatload of extra goodies so I just might. Guess Kevin Smith announced he's going to make a sequel to the Clerks which should hit theaters just over a year from now, so I'm going to be looking forwards to that for quite a while since Clerks is one of my all-time favorite flicks.
Who's #1 this week on ESPN had Top 25 controversies, with Pete Rose banned from baseball being #1. Headline has OJ being occused of murder as #2 which had me real stumped at what the number one sports/sports figure-related headline in the past 25 years is. Me and Corey really thought it would be OJ, but the only other 2 actual events we think could be on the list would be the "Miracle" USA hockey team beatin Russia in 1980 olympics and the 1996 olympic park bombing, but we both thought that both of those couldn't have topped OJ at all. So now me and him are only thinking it could be something only real lame like "ESPN Network launching." Guess I'll find out in a little bit.
Finally, the site I work for VGpub , just got done with most of its rennovating, so make sure to give it a look, and maybe even check out my ESPN NFL 2K5 review that recently was posted there.
Ok, one more tidbit, I got this weirder than hell email the other day, and didn't know what to make of it, its even worse than my drunk tirades I occasionally perform on the GameFAQs RC boards. Here it is in its entirety....
frankly speaking PlayBoy Just tonight we need to get Hotmail some advice about in
1862 normally cost History Never mund. XFL in 1977 Are you? Kid Rock in 1949
Freebies Schwarzenegger Harry Potter PlayBoy Disney Excuse me Ok deal Songs in 1804
Pull yourself together!
Ok thats it for now! Latez
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