I played WoW way back in the day before the first expansion. My guild was pretty cool, we did the raiding but PVP was our main thing. We had the most Rank 13s and 14s on Silverhand. Doing the 40 mans were probably some of the best times I had with an online game.
Once the expansion came out we had issues with the guild and it splintered, several of us went to Underbog and I made a Belf paladin to healbot with. Did that for a while and once my healing services were no longer needed due to our guild being successful I made a Hunter so I could lootwhore and place myself in top of the raids because I was an officer.
This entire time I was playing an easy 8-12 hours a day and was doing guild bussiness constantly when I was not even ingame. Eventually it just finally snapped and I look at the screen thniking "wtf am I doing?". So much time was being put into something that I got next to nothing back for. Yes, it is an amazingly fun game but so are many other games that do not suck up so much of your life.
Long story short, I sold my account and never looked back. Some days I still do miss it but I can quickly kill the feeling by reminding myself the game is not what it once was before the expansion. Gone are the days when purple gear actually meant something and you had to farm your gold, not just doing those daily quest. And gone were the days of 40 mans and my 19 hour AVs (which I skipped school to finish at one point). The game became pretty casual friendly and while I think that is great for the majority, it did not fit my elitest attitude that I built myself and the guilds I was in around.
At least I still have the memories.
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