@BlownRanger @ClaudiusCaesar It is for sure. Just built a new rig and not looking back... Been console gaming for 25+ years and just made the transition for the first time. I just dont like what I see in console gaming and the direction these companies are taking them. You should check Gabe Newell's talk at this year's DICE.. Google it for sure
@surprizemothafu @GymFox Oh, forgot to mention if used games are really blocked on the next gen and the industry doesn't make a massive monetary adjustment to compensate (really, why would they??), then that figure sky rockets to about 80%... So (based on the used-game speculation) I save ~8/10 USD I spend on games after about 3 years. Check Gabe Newell on Gamasutra.com for some major revelations on these points
@surprizemothafu @GymFox Not too shabby for sure, but after doing the math I figured out with the way I (personally) purchase games, a initial investment in a customizable $1400 rig will save me ~40% in the long run on the purchase of goods and services.
@surprizemothafu well, perhaps younger or more eager gamers, but guys that have been around since the mid-1980's know better. IMO, custome rigs all the way.. Next gen can go suck a mandingo.
Well, I already built an i7+GTX 680 rig in response... So **** off next gen, after 25+ years of exclusively gaming on consoles I am done with the increasing levels of bull**** (i.e., DLC packages, season passes, online passes, CONSOLE DRM [really?], poor performance, major glitches, etc...). IMHO consoles are on a deep and slippery slope to major profiteering and anti-consumer practices on systems that outdate and underperform way too quickly. At least on Steam (and similar platforms) they go on sale for literally pennies on the dollar a few times a year (e.g., I bought Dishonored with bonuses for 15$)
I love political hypocrisy... NO NEW TAXES NO NEW REGULATIONS (unless it is our latest political scape goat or scheme, then go ahead and tax and regulate the **** out of it)
GymFox's comments